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  • @Crazy Clock maker Re: 999

    It's worth playing the true ending (as opposed to youtubing it) because there are another 1 or 2 puzzles to solve. And one in particular is REALLY cool, involving 2 characters at once :)
    I definitely agree with you - not long after I made that post I got the true ending, and it was pretty mind blowing, and the puzzles were definitely enjoyable. I thought it was really cool at the real end, when you realized the twist that the bottom screen was young Akane the whole time - pretty crazy, and I can safely say I did NOT see it coming at all. I will also say I was much happier with the ending until the last couple of seconds, with the two wrenches thrown in, Alice, which was entirely random, and not reuniting with Akane, but a lot of my questions were answered when I found the game's website. The writer answered nearly one hundred fan questions about the story, creation, etc, and it was hugely informative link.

    And was the ending you're referencing the one where Clover dies, then you follow Ace to the incinerator room and Snake becomes a hellbent warrior of demonic death? Because I agree, that was really awesome. I was almost satisfied with that as a full ending, but the way it linked into the real one was really cool; just seeing the art pieces of him attacking Ace were rather jaw dropping.
  • Started playing L.A. Noire and Kirby's Epic Yarn
  • edited June 2011
    @ Crazy Clock Maker

    Oh man... I think I might have missed some of the finer details of the ending! I'm going to go read that link!

    Reminds me of Donnie Darko. First time I watched that movie, I thought I kinda understood it. I liked it. Good movie...

    But no... not even CLOSE. NOT EVEN CLOSE :)
    Post edited by InvaderREN on
  • Playing some VVVVVV. I need a game pad, my xbox 360 game pad broke a while ago. I wanted a classic game pad adapted. Like an original Gravis game pad (with usb off course) or an Snes game pad. I'm king of hoping to find one around here as shipping it here takes like 40 days.
  • edited June 2011
    Just tried out The Witcher - Combat was either needlessly complicated or completely boring, characters weren't interesting, and some of the animation and voice acting was laughable. If there was anything good about this game, it wasn't in the first hour. Deleted and not looking back. Also now have zero interest in the sequel.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • edited June 2011
    Just tried out The Witcher - Combat was either needlessly complicated or completely boring, characters weren't interesting, and some of the animation and voice acting was laughable. If there was anything good about this game, it wasn't in the first hour. Deleted and not looking back. Also now have zero interest in the sequel.
    Christ Adam, give it some time.. It's a great game...The first time I played it I only played for a few hours and put it down.. leaving it for months, then for some reason I went back and played the crap out of it and it was really good.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Recettear is a surprisingly fun time sink but it has some serious UI and clarity problems. Not so bad as to stop me from play though...
  • Anyone else a sucker for punishment and playing Etrian Odyssey 3? Something about drawing your own map just brings me back to the good old days.

    Yeah, you die lots, its brutal as all hell but I just find it really satisfying sneaking around a labyrinth, smacking out a few monsters and running home with my tail between my legs.

    It also helps that I'm a sucker for skill trees and with a ton of characters who each have 20+ skills to tinker with, you can really get a party going that feels unique to yourself.

    And I can play it in bed. :)
    Tthank you for indirectly recommending this game. I put it on my DS (couldn't find it at any store near me for some reason) and started playing it the other night on the road. I am having so much fun, though I game over'd at least 3 times before finding a good rhythm for my party and my touch screen messes up (un-calibrates? De-calibrates?) ridiculously fast. This will eat all my time along with Dragon Quest IX.
  • @JukeBoxJosh


    When you say "put it on your DS" do you mean an R4? I did that initially but after about an hour into the game you open up the sailing. And if you try to sail, the game dies a horrible corrupted death. I *think* the 64 meg rom is fine but I could only ever find the 32 meg rom. So I just brought a copy of Ebay for cheap (lol, US $ so low right now! Perfect for importing :)

    Also, if its any help, I've sunken in about 20-30 hours now and still LOVE the game, which is a good sign. I'm on floor 10.
  • When you say "put it on your DS" do you mean an R4? I did that initially but after about an hour into the game you open up the sailing. And if you try to sail, the game dies a horrible corrupted death.
    Most big DS games have some sort of anti-piracy on them. Given a few weeks they'll get hacked so they play properly.
  • edited June 2011
    When you say "put it on your DS" do you mean an R4? I did that initially but after about an hour into the game you open up the sailing. And if you try to sail, the game dies a horrible corrupted death.
    Most big DS games have some sort of anti-piracy on them. Given a few weeks they'll get hacked so they play properly.
    Yeah, but EO3 was released quite a while ago, and is not a big game. I spent about an hour going over message boards and such (GBA temp etc) and there were a lot of problems with this game. I could have probably spent more time locating a working rom or even a patch for the 32 meg rom, but I though I would just buy it. I quite like what Atlus is doing, bringing over slightly more obscure games, so can't hurt to buy the occasional game :)

    But yeah, most game get fixed after a while. Bowsers Inside Story took a while but got there in the end.
    Post edited by InvaderREN on
  • @InvaderREN:

    Yeah, I found the 64 MB one after a bit of searching, since the rule of thumb with nds roms is the bigger file size the better, at least in my experience. I've been sailin' around, wandering the first floor, and generally getting the feel for some of the classes. Again, a great time, though map-drawing isn't the best experience on a car ride.
  • Just tried out The Witcher - Combat was either needlessly complicated or completely boring, characters weren't interesting, and some of the animation and voice acting was laughable. If there was anything good about this game, it wasn't in the first hour. Deleted and not looking back. Also now have zero interest in the sequel.
    Christ Adam, give it some time.. It's a great game...The first time I played it I only played for a few hours and put it down.. leaving it for months, then for some reason I went back and played the crap out of it and it was really good.
    Sorry, but if I play a game for an hour and I'm actually getting annoyed at the combat, why would I go back to it?
  • edited June 2011
    Sorry, but if I play a game for an hour and I'm actually getting annoyed at the combat, why would I go back to it?
    Because it's a great game :-p (and the sequel is pretty awesome and they change the combat a bit :-p) It does take a while to get going but it's definitely worth it. Witcher 2 starts up with much more of a bang.

    Dave likes it as well :-p
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Trying Crysis again. Learning that double backwards = armour mode, double crouch = stealth mode makes that game so much better to play on the keyboard.
    Having to manually pick up ammo, not so great.

    Crytek AI problems are reduced by heavy foliage. Taking things slowly and not looking forwards to OHSHITALIENS!11.
  • Just fired up "1000 Heroz" for iPhone.

    The gimmick behind it is quite cool. Each day, you have to run and jump through a tiny little course, get to the end as fast as possible.(takes about 20 seconds) You are ranked against everyone else for that day. Get a little reward (relic) if you get under a certain time.

    That’s it!

    Compete against your friends, go for bragging rights for each day. A tiny little daily competition.

    Seems like a really clever use of a permanently connected portable device.
  • Trying Crysis again.
    What do you think of it in comparison to the sequel. Personally I was was hugely disappointed, I played through that entire single player on the hardest mode with no problems whatsoever and the AI was completely stupid in that I could uncloak in front of enemies shoot them then re-cloak and I wouldn't be killed. The bosses were useless and way too easy the final stage was laughable. I missed how epic the original one was with bosses the size of buildings.

    Currently have returned to playing -
    Left 4 Dead 2
    Starcraft 2
    waiting for Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition on PC to come out.
  • Postal 2




    Megaman legends ALL DAY EVERY DAY!!!
  • Summer is here and I am playing major video game catch-up. Last night I finally started playing Muramasa, which my friend lent me forever ago, and man that game is damn fun. I'm replaying Luigi's Mansion to see if it's actually as good as I remember it, as well as finishing up Pokemon Black which I had to put down because of school. Also still truckin' on Mass Effect 2 and also starting Super Metroid, because I always forget how much I love 2D Metroid and it's been such a long time since I played one.
  • I wonder what it must be like to have a summer time with tons of free time to play the vidja games.

    I envy you youngsters at times like these. Enjoy it while you can.
  • I envy you teachers at times like these. Enjoy it while you can.
  • I envy you teachers at times like these. Enjoy it while you can.
    Like your wife plays video games.
  • I envy you teachers at times like these. Enjoy it while you can.
    Like your wife plays video games.
    I caught her playing WiiSports the other day. It was an awkward situation, because mah boner was showing.
  • I caught her playing WiiSports the other day. It was an awkward situation, because mah boner was showing.
    TMI! TMI!

    I'm going to get you back soon enough.
  • It was an awkward situation, because mah boner was showing.
    This happened to me when my girlfriend told me that Mega Man 2 is her favorite game of all time.
  • It was an awkward situation, because mah boner was showing.
    This happened to me when my girlfriend told me that Mega Man 2 is her favorite game of all time.
    Ahma steal your girlfriend.
  • Duke Nukem Forever is exactly what you think it would be except with annoying long load times.
  • Duke Nukem Forever is exactly what you think it would be except with annoying long load times.
    I guess I have a fast computer, because everyone complained about the load times in Portal 2 as well and they both zipped right by for me.
  • I think the loading time problem is a console only feature. Laptop hard drives aren't known for their speed.

    That said, there were the crazies who put an SSD in a PS3 and it didn't speed it up by much, so it could be processing.
  • Anyone try out the new free to play games that are being offered on Steam? Free to Play Spiral Knights looks like a pretty cool Gauntlet clone. I'm going to give that one a try first.
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