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  • Just finished Single player of Homefront took me 6hrs at max prob focus more on multiplayer but seeming its a rental and you need a code it feels of very little use
  • Just finished Single player of Homefront took me 6hrs at max prob focus more on multiplayer but seeming its a rental and you need a code it feels of very little use
    Yea, I was real excited about the plot of Homefront until I saw it was 6 hours.
  • Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble is the crazy shit. You play a punk kid yakuza wannabe on a trip to kyoto. Gameplay that involves doing the Japanese squat to recharge your fighting power.
  • I just started playing Mass Effect 2 again (playing around with the classes and new weapons). My plan is to have some more fun with it and then make a "perfect" run through both Mass Effect 1+2 to import into Mass Effect 3.

    I know which decisions I want to make, but I don't have a single playthrough that makes them all.
  • This map pack is based on the one from the portal flash game and is extremely entertaining.
  • Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes on Xbox Live. Damn addictive. Hitting all of my genre notes too, Puzzle/RPG/Battle. The multiplayer's pretty fun too, and I also have read that they changed a decent amount of stuff, so it wasn't a straight DS port.
  • I have an itch to play a lot of Borderlands co-op. Like, the whole thing. WHO WILL STAND WITH ME?
  • edited April 2011
    I would if my computer wasn't broken, maybe it will be fixed soon and I can play, Scott and I never finished our co-op game :-p
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • I'm probably in.
  • I'm serious. I want to shotgun this game like crazy.
  • I could do it. I have Borderlands but never got very far into it.
  • I would not mind finishing the Borderlands co-op. However, I have to finish Portal 2 co-op first.
  • I don't think I ever played Borderlands in Co-op, maybe that explains why I didn't play that much of it. That and also the fact that at some point for no reason it started to ignore my headphones and used only laptops speakers.
  • Who wants to play at 9:30 Eastern?
  • Played through the advanced test chambers on Portal 1. I liked the extra trickiness. I think I "cheated" on the last chamber, but couldn't work out the "real" way to do it without getting shot. I guess I'll do the time trials next.
  • Played through the advanced test chambers on Portal 1. I liked the extra trickiness. I think I "cheated" on the last chamber, but couldn't work out the "real" way to do it without getting shot. I guess I'll do the time trials next.
    You could always play the fan prelude to the game.
  • Played through the advanced test chambers on Portal 1. I liked the extra trickiness. I think I "cheated" on the last chamber, but couldn't work out the "real" way to do it without getting shot. I guess I'll do the time trials next.
    I loved these extra challenges in Portal 1. Did you go through and play the versions where you need to complete them with the lowest # of portals possible?
  • Yeah, I got all gold medals in Portal 1; it's a good addition to the game.
  • Playing Cave Story on the PSP and was really liking it until I went back to the hermit gunsmith and he asked if I still had the Polar Star (First gun you get, but can trade for the machine gun later.) which lead me to a Wiki and it turns out there is a bunch of stuff in that game you can get if you do or don't do certain things but the talk with the gunsmith (Near the end of the game.) was the first time I had been given any idea that you could get such things.

    I'm glad games inserting alternate routes and secrets with absolutely no sign posting is something developers can't do any more without the internet finding out.

    Guns and items aren't so bad but there's a quite significant plot point you can change if you look up how (You can save Curly if you know which block to get a tow rope from.).
  • Cave Story is good and short enough to play twice once with normal ending and second time with the secret ending. And if you don't like Cave Story enough to play it twice I don't think you would enjoy hell ether.
  • edited April 2011
    I probably won't complete everything but I at least like to know things like that are there.

    How to play a game to 100% should be something you can just about work out and don't need to look through a guide to have any chance of doing.

    It's still the plot change more than the items that irk me most. Having something that major be a secret you really couldn't work out without brute forcing seems like it's there just to reward people for wasting their time.

    Spoilers: After defeating the core, you have about 20 seconds of air left to find the tow rope (Which you cannot pick up after you get the air shield.) which is hidden behind a rock in the boss room.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Played through the advanced test chambers on Portal 1. I liked the extra trickiness. I think I "cheated" on the last chamber, but couldn't work out the "real" way to do it without getting shot. I guess I'll do the time trials next.
    I loved these extra challenges in Portal 1. Did you go through and play the versions where you need to complete them with the lowest # of portals possible?
    Nope. I didn't pay much attention to the achievements. I'll get to them later.
  • edited April 2011
    Nope. I didn't pay much attention to the achievements. I'll get to them later.
    Not achievements - that's the section of challenge maps where they don't change the maps from the original chambers, but you have to do it in either least steps, least portals, or least time.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Just wondering, should I rather play the new Pokemon than an older version for GB/C or GBA? After a few minutes with the newer one I found the controls and visuals somewhat annoying. And the older ones get bonus points for being one of my earlier video game experiences.
  • Play mature pokemon, AKA persona 4.
  • edited April 2011
    Play mature pokemon
    Are you saying that Pokemon is a game for kids, and no one else, or that if you play it you're immature?
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • mature pokemon

    also its a dating sim.
  • Jesus christ it's a cockchariot.
  • Play mature pokemon
    You mean what Michael Vick got in trouble for doing a couple years back?
  • Just wondering, should I rather play the new Pokemon than an older version for GB/C or GBA? After a few minutes with the newer one I found the controls and visuals somewhat annoying. And the older ones get bonus points for being one of my earlier video game experiences.
    LeafGreen/FireRed for the GBA are great places to start since they're updated remakes of the original games. But if you're willing to get past the general flashiness of the 4th and 5th Gen games I'm sure you'll find yourself enjoying them.

    Re:Persona 4: I'm playing a day-by-day replay of this game, since it starts out in April 2011. Calling it mature Pokemon isn't true, though, since they're very different games; the only thing they really have in common is the huge amount of monsters to collect.
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