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  • Sneaking? In Mass Effect? Ether you are doing it wrong or you think that cover based shooting is sneaking, and that is not right.
  • edited May 2011
    Bangai-O is like Super Meat Boy had sex with Japan and then the baby did a bunch of meth and watched Macross.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Bangai-O is like Super Meat Boy had sex with Japan and then the baby did a bunch of meth and watched Macross.
    I tried that shit on the DS. Fuck it up the ass with a chainsaw.
  • Bangai-O is like Super Meat Boy had sex with Japan and then the baby did a bunch of meth and watched Macross.
    "Objective: Fend off these 25000000 alien invaders who all have homing lasers with nothing but your trusty baseball bat."
  • this is the third stage in the trial

    when you finish it says, "warning, the rest of the game isn't this easy. Only the skilled should upgrade!"
  • How much does Bangai-O cost? I might never get past the first stages, but the skills will help me for when Galaga Legions DX comes out.
  • 800 MS space dollars (or $10)
  • My friend gifted me a copy of Frozen Synapse. It's super fun.
  • SpaceChem was on sale this week on Steam so I picked it up. This game makes me feel very stupid, but I won't be stupid for long.
  • SpaceChem was on sale this week on Steam so I picked it up. This game makes me feel very stupid, but I won't be stupid for long.
    Oh shit. I'll buy it when I get home if the sale is still going.
  • With Portal 2 being released, and with school done for the semester, I finally have some time to sit down and play Half Life 2 and assorted episodes and the original Portal. Yeah, I'm a bit behind...
  • Alien Swarm sucks.

    I just really suck at it.
  • Alien Swarm sucks.

    I just really suck at it.
    YOU suck. There were constant screams from Ro. They sounded something like, "No, oh no no no no no OOOOOhhhhhhh,"
  • Im playing Catan right now. Anyone have suggestions for xbox live games to download?
  • /rymshot
    There we go.
  • Other than SpaceChem, I playing Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons, the only 2D Zelda I never beat. Afterwards I'm going to replay Oracle of Ages, then do the combo game that so few people have ever done.
  • Europa Universalis 3. I must subjugate England no matter the cost!
  • edited May 2011
    Europa Universalis 3. I must subjugate England no matter the cost! Mexico

    Has anyone played Terraria? I've been watching TotalBiscuit's stream and it looks pretty good.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Played through the first disc of LA Noire last night, it's pretty great so far.
  • If that game has 3 discs, does that mean it's going to be a 3x~8=24GB download on PC?
  • If that game has 3 discs, does that mean it's going to be a 3x~8=24GB download on PC?
    Probably? It's a lot of audio. Apparently it was originally going to be 6 discs, and possibly more than 1 blu-ray, but through some magical compression they managed to cut it down to 3.
  • Europa Universalis 3. I must subjugate England no matter the cost! Mexico.
    That'd be an impressive feat! I'm playing through as France.
    Something I always do, They get such a bad reputation for being cowards and yet they held one of the bloodiest revolutions ever, supported us through our revolution, ruled most of the known world twice (Charlemange and Napoleon) and even ruled England (Okay, okay, they were Normans and became quite integrated English society and weren't ruling all of both France and England at the time) for a time.
    So, for some weird reason, I like subjugating the world with the French. I always start with England though, one must not let wayward children wander too far without supervision. They may do something crazy like found an empire.
  • I finally got sometime to play Starcraft II. Been playing it at night, a few rounds a day. I'm not quite fast enough yet, but I'm learning. I'm almost at the point of not building up and wasting my resources.
  • edited May 2011
    Europa Universalis 3. I must subjugate England no matter the cost! Mexico

    Has anyone played Terraria? I've been watching TotalBiscuit's stream and it looks pretty good.
    I think we are all going to get along very well. However, BYZANTIUM ALL THE WAY!
    Post edited by GreyHuge on
  • Just finished "SpaAAAaaaAAAce!" a couple of nights ago. It's as good as everyone says it is. Great dialogue, intuitive gameplay, lots of charm. If you haven't played it, just go do it. Now.
    I wanted to play it on PC, but with Playstation Network being broken, I couldn't register my game and redeem my free copy on Steam. It turns out that PSN came back up a few hours after I finished the PS3 version. Oh well. I'll go back and play with the commentary on this weekend maybe.
  • All the dungeons in Oracle of Seasons are based on dungeons from Zelda 1.
  • All the dungeons in Oracle of Seasons are based on dungeons from Zelda 1.
    Yes. They are however the Ages collection had unique designs, people tended to like Ages more just for that reason alone.
  • Taiko Drum Master Portable 2 for the PSP is fun but has a lot of Japanese in it, which is sad if I want to give it to other people.
  • Played through the first disc of LA Noire last night, it's pretty great so far.
    Agreed. Being a fan of the genre, I have been sorely tempted to grab a pack of Chesterfields and some cheap booze to have while playing.
  • Dead Space 2 is great but doesn't seem as scary because you're not isolated in a decrepit spaceship.
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