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  • I am so behind.

    Mass Effect was bitchin', Mass Effect 2 will begin tomorrow.
  • Nier is kind of weird, but I like it. It doesn't hurt that it's got Liam O'Brien as the voice of one of the main characters. It's also one of the few games I know of where the main character is a father trying to save his child. Not a lot of games explore that relationship so it's nice playing a game that features it.

    Muramasa is beautiful, but that's to be expected from Vanillaware. I'll have to play it a bit more to decide if I like it more than Odin Sphere or not; I'm still getting used to how fast-paced it is.
  • I am so behind.

    Mass Effect was bitchin', Mass Effect 2 will begin tomorrow.
    That reminds me, now that I'm back home for summer holidays I need to get my Mass Effect 2 save game from my desktop. The fact that I couldn't play because I left behind my Mass Effect 1/2 save game irked me incredibly for almost a whole year.
  • Chrono Trigger. It was released on the VC and as it's a PAL release of a game I liked in the dark days of emulation that saw no region boundry (See also: Mario RPG, FF6), I'm compelled to buy it.
  • Apparently if you preorder Battlefield 3 from certain retailers you get weapons that nobody else has. That's the worst thing I've ever heard.
  • You just get those weapons first. It sounds like it means they may start with those weapons unlocked, or have exclusive access to them for a period of time, but everyone will get them eventually.

    Considering the weapon balance in BC2 was spot on, with just about the only problem being a slightly overpowered M60 at one point, I doubt this will be an issue.
  • You just get those weapons first. It sounds like it means they may start with those weapons unlocked, or have exclusive access to them for a period of time, but everyone will get them eventually.
    Ok, so it's only very slightly worse than TF2.
  • You just get those weapons first. It sounds like it means they may start with those weapons unlocked, or have exclusive access to them for a period of time, but everyone will get them eventually.
    Ok, so it's only very slightly worse than TF2.
    Guns in the Battlefield series have always been pretty balanced, with some giving things like a better range but lower damage etc. I wouldn't worry about it.
  • I'm very critical of any unlocking system and BF3 is no exception. I really wish it just came with all the content I paid for available at the beginning. But unlike TF2, I actually find the Battlefield games fun despite the bullshit.
  • You just get those weapons first. It sounds like it means they may start with those weapons unlocked, or have exclusive access to them for a period of time, but everyone will get them eventually.
    Ok, so it's only very slightly worse than TF2.
    This is exactly what they're doing with it. Also a little late with this one. :P

    Picked up Champions for the free weekend, it is amazingly mediocre.
    Finished Fallout: New Vegas a couple days ago. Overall pretty good but makes no real improvements over the last Fallout, and the end game faction system turned into railroading with undesirable options all around.
  • Kirby's Epic Yarn is the most relaxing game I've ever played.
  • In other news, started up Morrowind again. Pretty sure it's the greatest RPG ever made.
  • FEAR2 gunplay is definitely lively and feels like PC games from the early 2000s. Enemies start off super soft but very nimble and you don't have a lot of health either. The slo-mo is a nice touch, it makes you more willing to try riskier moves or try to fight when you feel outnumbered.

    Anyone remember grenade cooking? It includes a timer to show you how long you have left which takes a lot of the guess work out.
  • FEAR2 gunplay is definitely lively and feels like PC games from the early 2000s. Enemies start off super soft but very nimble and you don't have a lot of health either. The slo-mo is a nice touch, it makes you more willing to try riskier moves or try to fight when you feel outnumbered.
    Yeah I bought these games when they first came out and didn't understand why no one else was into them. Whenever I played in this engine, everything feels very comfortable. The grenade timer is pretty cool but the slow mo makes you SpaghettiMonster - like, you actually feel like you can pull off the fancy melee maneuvers and transition right into shooting and sniping through the stage.

    I was disappointed that there was no multiplayer community.

    I have to say the bit that frightened me the first time I played FEAR 1 when it came out was when I first encountered the invisible enemies.

    I'm probably in the minority but I'll be picking up F.E.A.R 3 as well.

    In regards to BF3 I'll be picking it up because I have a good number of friends which play this game type. I find playing games with friends makes it more enjoyable. However I do hate the leveling up bullshit to unlock different weapons. The shooters of late have all been aimed at Console Kids which make for shit PC games but I"m hoping BF3 brings it back to the PC.
    The new shooters tend to have crappy netcode and give a huge benefit to those with better ping but I find them all superior to the bullshit that is Team Fortress 2 which has stupid punishment against skill.
  • edited July 2011
    A Link to the Past. Fuck that game. The dungeons are pretty ok, but there is so much Nintendo logic bullshit that, after you get to the dark world, you can't possibly play without looking at a guide.

    It seems like almost every Zelda game has just one thing that really sucks about it and prevents it from being a perfect game.
    Post edited by Sail on

    Yeah, that's my favorite game...You might secretly be right though.
  • I don't always like Zelda games, but when I do, I like Link to the Past. It's hard as balls, but that just encourages the exploration that I love so much about the Zelda games. I won't pretend I didn't have to look a guide to figure out what I needed to do, but less so than any other Zelda (well, other than Minish Cap and DS.)
  • A Link to the Past. Fuck that game. The dungeons are pretty ok, but there is no much Nintendo logic bullshit that, after you get to the dark world, you can't possibly play without looking at a guide.

    It seems like almost every has just one thing that really sucks about it and prevents it from being a perfect game.
    Ah, to be young... Never had a problem with that game.
  • I've played ALTTP twice, I remember having a LOT of trouble in the ICE dungeon. I don't think I ever got lost in the over-world though. But again, I was young too, I was happy just to spend an hour or two wandering around exploring. Lol, no more aye? Time is precious! Can't find next objective in about 15 mins, FAQ that shit :)
  • A Link to the Past. Fuck that game. The dungeons are pretty ok, but there is no much Nintendo logic bullshit that, after you get to the dark world, you can't possibly play without looking at a guide.

    It seems like almost every has just one thing that really sucks about it and prevents it from being a perfect game.
    You had trouble with Link to the Past? I can do a 100% perfect run in that game, sure there are tricky parts in it but like many games once you go and overcome them then it is a breeze.
  • I beat ALttP in about 3 days a few months ago. I used the internet a little bit, but I got through all of the light world and probably half of the dark world without any help.
  • Playing Brink on the PC. Actually pretty entertaining, and will easily fill the void created by TF2. Fast-paced, loads of character customization, a single-player campaign that, while light on plot, gets you good practice for online play. It also relies heavily on teamwork, as I found playing the campaign. A smart couple of players with the right combination of skills can be really devastating. I may end up buying the game, but my only concern is the longevity of online play. There are a number of games I've enjoyed that have fallen out of popularity and lost their online communities.

    I'll also be trying out a guilty pleasure, the new Red Faction: Armageddon game. I'm a sucker for geo-modding and breakable stuff in games.
  • Just played through Prototype. For the most part it is pretty good brainless fun: the traversal stuff is pretty fun, murdering dudes is pretty fun, stealing helicopters is kinda pretty fun. Its a total 8/10. But man... holy cow does the difficulty spike at about 90% of the way through. Some of the most frustrating, cheap bosses I've seen in years.
  • I finished Resident Evil 5 last night. It is not the jaw dropping, awe inspiring game that Resident Evil 4 is but it is still a very solid game and I bet it would be even better with a friend as your partner. I like that they keep a generally slow pace to the game and opponents(especially those with 1 hit kills) telegraph their attacks because it gives you time to move while keeping that very close in, claustrophobic camera angle that really adds to the tension of the game. I have two big complaints: the story is pretty absurd(though from what I know of RE that is par for the course, so not a big deal) and it is not always obvious how best to kill bosses and some of the tougher regular enemies, though we live in an age of gamefaqs, so if one is really stuck, it's not too hard to work out of it.
    On an unrelated note, has anyone here played GRID? I've enjoyed Dirt, Dirt 2 and F1 2010, should I expect a similar type of slightly less hardcore than Forza type gameplay?
  • It is not the jaw dropping, awe inspiring game that Resident Evil 4
    Chris Redfield VS the boulder makes up for all of RE5's shortcomings.
  • It is not the jaw dropping, awe inspiring game that Resident Evil 4
    Chris Redfield VS the boulder makes up for all of RE5's shortcomings.
    That boulder never stood a chance. I was really bummed that wasn't one of his Super moves in MvC3.
  • In related news, I watched Resident Evil: Afterlife on Netflix last week. Guess how that turned out.
  • I just finished Duke Nukem Forever, and despite having rented it for four dollars I still feel ripped off.
  • Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup is fun even if I'm very bad at it.
  • I bred a gold chocobo the other day. I now have qudra magic, mime and kotr.
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