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  • edited July 2011
    Just played an hour of Darksiders. It was so cheap on the Steam sale yesterday, and I've been thinking about it for a while. So-far very similar to the soul-reaver series. Which is nice. The combat I think is a little hack and slash compared to Onimusha, not quite as punishing as Devil May Cry, and the puzzles have less depth but are less likely to slam my head into the table than soul-reaver games. So I'm not disappointed, at only an hour in.
    The puzzles get more difficult but not too bad, although there is one part that is more annoying that difficult, but it does not last that long. I love Darksiders. I personally feel it does Zelda-like gameplay better than some of the recent Zelda games, although that could be biased on my side since I have not liked a Zelda game since Ocarina of Time.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • I have been playing Super Meat Boy off and on all day trying to get this damn Steam challenge done. My fingers are killing me, but I feel like it would be an assault upon my honor if I don't manage it so thus do I persevere.
    I just got that achievement, that was pretty tough.
  • I just got a megaminx as a graduation gift and I've been enjoying it immensely.
  • I just beat Puzzle Agent 2, it is MUCH better then the first one however you may want to see the first one being played in order to get some jokes in the game that they indirectly tell you. Also if you buy it now on steam (puzzle agent 2) you get the first one free!
  • So I got Magicka the other day, haven't played it yet and have a couple of questions about the co-op. Is it similar to Borderlands in that I should find someone else just starting out or level on my own to a friend's level, or would it be perfectly fine to co-op with someone more experienced?
  • So I got Magicka the other day, haven't played it yet and have a couple of questions about the co-op. Is it similar to Borderlands in that I should find someone else just starting out or level on my own to a friend's level, or would it be perfectly fine to co-op with someone more experienced?
    That's the thing about Magicka: There ARE no levels. You have all the elements you're going to need right from the get-go, save for the tutorial. You may not know how to use all of them effectively at first, but it's a quick learn.
  • But we would have to play whatever section whoever sets up the game has gotten too correct?
  • So far the best attack I've come up with is Electric Steam. F-Q F-Q F-Q F-Q A
  • I just started Bioshock (YAY for $5 each on Steam!) because I'd been drooling over it for awhile based solely on the premise and personality of the game. To show how much of an absolute girl I am at times, it's the first FPS I've actually sat myself down to play willingly and I have to say, I'm liking it.
  • Just beat VVVVVV. Fun little game. It's like Super Meat Boy meets Portal. 2.50 on Steam right now.
  • edited July 2011
    Oh man, I just started VVVVVV and am having a great time. That game makes me curse more than any game ever has though.
    Post edited by jmerm on
  • Been playing Team Fortress 2 and Might and Magic 5...

    Also playing Witcher 2, Neverwinter Night 2 and some other games randomly.
  • edited July 2011
    Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition is unbelievably frustrating, but I can't help but keep playing.. Goddamnit arcade stick, get here NOW.
    Oh man, I just started VVVVVV and am having a great time. That game makes me curse more than any game ever has though.
    Have you gotten to Veni Vidi Vici yet? If not, you're in for a treat.
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • I just got there last night but I got so tired that I had to temporarily give up. I both love and hate whoever designed that part of the game.
  • So I just beat it, took a screenshot to brag about, then had my computer crash (see the computer help thread for details about that problem). Then I turned my computer back on and within a minute had beaten it again. Is that the best this game has? If so, I'm kind of disappointed. That was my favorite part of the game so far and now I'm wanting more. Please tell me there is more.
  • So I just beat it, took a screenshot to brag about, then had my computer crash (see the computer help thread for details about that problem). Then I turned my computer back on and within a minute had beaten it again. Is that the best this game has? If so, I'm kind of disappointed. That was my favorite part of the game so far and now I'm wanting more. Please tell me there is more.
    Speed challenges mirror mode, and the bonus area with the "bonus game."
  • Super Gravitron. Fear it. Respect it.
  • My childhood desire to get a pilot's license has been reawakened recently, so I've been playing some serious flight simulators again -- specifically FlightGear. Not the most exciting game unless you're a hard core pilot wannabe, but I like it.
  • Spent 2+ hours with Frozen Synapse last night. Holy hell this game is good, but the learning curve is all over the damn place. Mission 1 was hard as balls, taking me well over an hour, only to have me utterly steamroll missions 2-4. The best thing this game has got going for it is that it's completely unique. I'm willing to overlook a lot of flaws to play something unlike anything I've ever played before. Who else owns this game? Interested in some vs?
  • I, too, have Frozen Synapse. I'm not very good or practiced with it but would be willing to get into a few pbem games.
  • edited July 2011
    Kerbal Space Program is fantastic. If you know what you are doing, you can do stuff like this

    But usually you'll end up with something like...

    Or this

    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Jebediah has the biggest balls. Bill and Bob were scared shitless for the proper flight.
  • Space rocket simulator game, for free, on a day off, and just after watching the last shuttle launch? There goes an hour of my life.
  • I, too, have Frozen Synapse. I'm not very good or practiced with it but would be willing to get into a few pbem games.
    I'll let you know once I've played a bit more. We'll get some multiplayer going.
  • Team Fortress 2 is like playing Natural Selection with the speed turned down and with someone constantly swatting at my mouse hand.
  • The Water Industries Mk.III, the pinnacle of Kerbalian ingenuity.
  • Naught to space in 5 seconds?
  • Just got Portal 2. Beat the hell out of it, the voice acting and writing were epic and hilarious.
  • I also picked up Portal 2 and am currently downloading it along with TF2. Anyone want to play some Portal 2 co-op tomorrow?
  • Anyone want to play some Portal 2 co-op tomorrow?
    What time you looking to play?
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