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  • Having played Bink in single-player mode I have some more reaction: While SP is enjoyable and still obviously intended for practice for online play, something is up with the AI. I can't quite put my finger on it, but for some reason all allied AI's have gotten dumber and dumber as I've played more and more, while enemy AI's not only seem to be getting smarter, aiming with shocking accuracy to the point where they're sometimes shooting at me out the side of their guns, but also take hits like they're monsters. I have a sneaking suspicion that the AI might be one of those that learns and adjusts it's difficulty according to the player, which I have always hated in any game because inevitably it ends up over-adjusting and making the game impossible.
    While the game is intended for multi-player purposes, and one would assume the point is moot, you need to pass certain levels to unlock certain guns and abilities.
  • Man, I got addicted so hard to Bejeweled Blitz. @_@ I prefer over Twist, because it feels like it's much more comfortable to work with via Xbox 360 Controller.
  • I'm still playing F.E.A.R. How long is this fucking thing?
  • edited June 2011
    I'm still playing F.E.A.R. How long is this fucking thing?
    ~9 hours.

    I'm now going into FEAR 2 (skipping over the expansions of the first game as, apparently, they don't actually factor into the RICH NARRATIVE of the FEARniverse)

    That being said, I actually kind of liked the way the story of FEAR was told, even if some of the principal characters existed entirely on voice mail.

    Edit: After playing FEAR 2 for a while and and seeing footage of FEAR3, I'm pretty sure the trilogy could be subtitled "A Visual History of the consolizing of PC FPS".
    Fear 2 has no leaning, no Quicksaves and the enemies seem a lot more fragile.
    Fear 3 has regenerating health and a cover system.

    That being said, 2 still seems pretty fun.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Star Ruler, it's an indy version of Master of Orion/Gal Civ/choose your space 4x game. It's neat so far. Still trying to get my head around everything in it.

    The one thing I do like about it is it's scale. They advertise up to 10k star systems and stupidly huge fleets.

    It's steam's daily sale for the next 2 or 3 hours for 5 bucks for a bonus!
  • I've gone back to playing some Mud & Blood 2. It's an extremely challenging defense-style game that's one message is "War is not fair, and neither is this game. Stop bitching."
    Mud & Blood 2
  • Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup is fun even if I'm very bad at it.
    Try to see how far you get by just hitting 'o' and [Tab].
  • Currently playing my way through my pile of unfinished single player games or the pile of shame as it is known. Finished Deadly Premention a few weeks back, which is a work of genius yet at the same time a broken mess of a game gameplay wise and just finished Bioshock. Great game, although the combat is poor and I see no reason to harvest any of the little sisters but the setting and story are brilliant.
    Still on the pile are Far Cry 2, The Darkness, Red Faction: Guerrilla and Army of Two, although I think I have already got all I can out of Red Faction and not too sure about Army of Two.
  • I've been playing through Battlefield 2: Bad Company. It's OK so far, but this game is glitchy as all fuck. FMVs will repeat themselves, missions will suddenly end prematurely or get stuck waiting for some scripted event that never happens, and periodically the game crashes entirely. Guns and debris float out over the battlefield and get stuck on eachother, driving missions end in sudden unpreventable death as the vehicle (which I'm not even driving) gets stuck on something and wigs out, and I've more than once run up a vertical wall suddenly and gotten stuck in a ceiling...
  • I've been playing through Battlefield 2: Bad Company. It's OK so far, but this game is glitchy as all fuck. FMVs will repeat themselves, missions will suddenly end prematurely or get stuck waiting for some scripted event that never happens, and periodically the game crashes entirely. Guns and debris float out over the battlefield and get stuck on eachother, driving missions end in sudden unpreventable death as the vehicle (which I'm not even driving) gets stuck on something and wigs out, and I've more than once run up a vertical wall suddenly and gotten stuck in a ceiling...
    Are you playing the PC version? I have not had any glitches... (other then some graphical flashes if I don't restart my computer first)..
  • Lkewise I've never seen anything like what you are describing.
  • The single player of Bad Company is about as average as you get for a FPS. They even managed to suck all the fun out of the 4 characters, most likely because they were too busy trying to fit in "witty" side swipes at Modern Warfare.
  • Lkewise I've never seen anything like what you are describing.
  • Lkewise I've never seen anything like what you are describing.
    However, the game is really not a singleplayer game, so don`t judge it entirely on the campaign. The multi is where it`s at.
  • I've never seen any of those bugs, but I also only played two or three levels into the single player game.
  • Fuck the singleplayer. As far as I'm concerned the only way to play a battlefield game is through the multiplayer.
  • edited June 2011
    I thought hacking and bad play was something you only got on consoles.

    That said, I think British and European servers are generally better behaved than American ones.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Twice, I've gotten to the little boat in the third SP mission after having RPG'd the other boat, only to get stuck in the boat in FMV-look mode with no way out. The NPCs all banter for a while, then it just stops and the game is basically stuck. I haven't gotten past this part as a result.
  • I beat F.E.A.R. I'll give my thoughts on a podcast, as they are many.
  • I've decided to go play through the great classics of gaming which I'm slightly too young to have played in their hayday. Thusfar this summer I've beaten Mario 3 and Aria of Sorrow. I started Mario 2 (the lost levels, not the American thing) but found the controls to be so loose that it wasn't fun. I'm just starting Super Mario World now, after which I'll probably play either Super Metriod or A Link to the Past.
  • edited June 2011
    I've decided to go play through the great classics of gaming which I'm slightly too young to have played in their hayday. Thusfar this summer I've beaten Mario 3 and Aria of Sorrow. I started Mario 2 (the lost levels, not the American thing) but found the controls to be so loose that it wasn't fun. I'm just starting Super Mario World now, after which I'll probably play either Super Metriod or A Link to the Past.
    Zelda 1 and Mega Man 2
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I've decided to go play through the great classics of gaming which I'm slightly too young to have played in their hayday. Thusfar this summer I've beaten Mario 3 and Aria of Sorrow. I started Mario 2 (the lost levels, not the American thing) but found the controls to be so loose that it wasn't fun. I'm just starting Super Mario World now, after which I'll probably play either Super Metriod or A Link to the Past.
    Zelda 1 and Mega Man 2
    Zelda 2 and Mega Man 1
  • A few friends and I are currently going through a very interesting way of making a singleplayer game into a multiplayer one. The four of us are on Skype while one of us streams Front Mission 3. Each of us has picked a character to play as, and every turn we relay our orders through the one streaming. It doesn't sound like much, but it adds a neat little social aspect to an otherwise solitary game.

    Speaking of streaming video games, though, another thing I've witnessed streamed is something called "Mario Retardy". To set it up, you load up any Mario Party game (N64 ROMs for streaming, but I could see this being a party thing) and start a 20-turn, 1P vs. 3 CPU game with all Easy CPUs. Once you reach the player's first turn, however, you go into options and set the player to be controlled by another Easy CPU. You and all your friends then get to watch the hilarity as the game does its best to overcome its own worst. Definitely something everyone should experience at least once.
  • Zelda 1
    This is one of the first games I ever beat, in both the first version and the weird second one after you beat Ganon. I played the shit out of this game. I drew maps on graphpaper of the dungeons so I could keep track of the warp points.
    Mega Man 2
    All I remember about Mega Man II is that I sucked at it, but that was about a decade ago. I'll totally give that another shot.
    Zelda 2
    Rym, is that you?
  • Luftraser is pretty good; Simple and quick with nice action.
  • YOU BEAT MARIO 3? I couldn't get past World 2, found a warp whistle, couldn't get past world 4, found another warp whistle, and haven't been able to get past world 7 since.
  • YOU BEAT MARIO 3? I couldn't get past World 2, found a warp whistle, couldn't get past world 4, found another warp whistle, and haven't been able to get past world 7 since.
    I beat it legit on the NES several times, but always with at least one warp whistle used. I've never beaten the entire game without warping in one go, but I've beaten every individual level at some point along the way.

    Granted, I've never gotten to Bowser without using at least two P-Wings.
  • I beat it legit on the NES several times, but always with at least one warp whistle used. I've never beaten the entire game without warping in one go, but I've beaten every individual level at some point along the way.
    I've beaten it without whistles or cheating or save states, but never without P-Wings.
  • I never beat Mario 3 while I was kid, partly because I never owned the game and got to play it only few times as a kid, but I think it was last year when I played through all of Mario 3 with emulator, using the emulator powers only to save where I was so I didn't have to do it on one go, no other cheating. I didn't use any whistles and I don't think that I used any or just one P-wings.
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