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  • I don't understand the P-Wing. It makes you fly without limitations? That's just a one level bypass, and the levels I get stuck on always require maze-y things so it becomes useless.
  • That's just a one level bypass
    The warships/tanks at the end of Bowser's level are the only dealbreakers for me. I can't beat all of them.
  • My goal playing it was to enjoy the cool level design, not the difficulty of it. Instead of using warp whistles of p-wings, I just took a savestate at the beginning of every level, then tried over and over until I beat it. I also took savestates during those card matching games, so I always had a surplus of items.
  • I also took savestates during those card matching games, so I always had a surplus of items.
    As a kid I memorized all the different card matching boards. They aren't random, there are only a few. I always cleared every board without cheats. Nowadays I've forgotten.
  • As a kid I memorized all the different card matching boards.
    It seems safe to say that you got more out of Mario 3 than I did. I wish I could experience the way you did, but I don't have the time to devote.

    On another note, I'm liking Super Mario World a lot, but less than Mario 3. I like Yoshi, I like the 5 giant coins, I like boo houses. However I miss having a tail, I miss the ability to turn to stone, and I miss throwing hammers.
  • I like boo houses
  • I'm with you 100% on this one, boo houses are awesome. Even in Mario 64, the boo level was one of my favorites.
  • The warships/tanks at the end of Bowser's level are the only dealbreakers for me. I can't beat all of them.
    I would never use P-wings on those, those are great levels of platforming. The precise jump, the last minute dodge, it's gaming orgasms all around.
    I also took savestates during those card matching games, so I always had a surplus of items.
    As a kid I memorized all the different card matching boards. They aren't random, there are only a few. I always cleared every board without cheats. Nowadays I've forgotten.
    When I was little we had papers where the different boards were written up, collected from playing the game.
  • edited June 2011
    One of the only strategy guides I ever owned.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I really like how the boo houses have a secret finish. I always liked the one where you had to use the directional coin box to make the stairs to get onto the secret platform then use the "P" switch make it solid so you can sprint and duck to fit through the tiny opening.

    I can't tell you how many times I had to redo that shit.
  • Only strategy guide I ever "owned" (can't say that I owned it when it was bought by my dad and used by everyone who played nes on our house).

    That made Zelda 2 and Castlevania 2 so much better, when I didn't have to figure out the bullshit puzzles and I could just focus on the playing the game.
  • Just finished SloMo top-popping my way through FEAR 2.

    Pacing wise, its probably a bit snappier than the first FEAR and the blowed-up city environ makes for some pretty good set pieces (there were parts of the elementary school that legitimatly got my pulse up instead of the typical "pop up go boo" stuff).

    The end probably isn't as clever as the developers thought it was though. Throughout the final encounter I kept thinking "lol, her animations really make it look like she's having sex with me" and then it finished it and was like O________O
  • I just got to the weird end part of Super Mario World and am loving it. That part is by far the best part of the game. Also I love the hammer bros who sit on moving platforms. Those are another great addition to the game.
  • League of Legends is possibly a more salty game than MvC3. I love it.
  • All I remember about Mega Man II is that I sucked at it, but that was about a decade ago. I'll totally give that another shot.
    From how it seems among a lot of my friends people are generally worse at Mega Man II, or any Mega Man game really, now than they were back in the day. I just wanted to throw that out there. On the other side though almost all of the people I know that played it then and now were in their teens then so age may play into that info. I know I was far better at it back then but I have never really had a problem with Mega Man games.

    If I can make a recommendation I would like to throw Contra out there. It was a pretty fun game.
  • Oh man, Contra is another game I'll never forget. Me and my older brother used to play two player. That game was crazy hard and we were both horrible at it but we had such a blast. That is totally on the list, though I think I'll put it after the games I've never played.
  • That is a good idea. No use wanting to kill some game developers for making a game nigh unbeatable before finishing the other games you have lined up.
  • I'm sure I'm the only fool to buy F.E.A.R 3 but just to reiterate - DO NOT BUY THIS GAME!

    The lack of Monolith and a production house has harmed this franchise immensely.
    • Story is further convoluted.
    • Game Engine - physics and textures look worse than FEAR 2.
    • Game is as short as possible.
    • Literally a console game converted to PC. There is even auto aim assist available.
    • Less creepy with less shock value than all the other FEAR games, it tries too hard and doesn't work at all.
    • As a FPS it fails. The basic motion of walking causes immense head bobbing and screen shaking which makes it annoying to play period.
    • Game is much too easy.
    • Had the interesting co-op feature but no ones is going to play this garbage.
  • As someone once said, the Fear series shows the stages between a PC game and a console port.
  • Is Spiral Knights even worth downloading?
  • Is Spiral Knights even worth downloading?
    From what I've played, no.

  • Is Spiral Knights even worth downloading?
    Do you like to walk around and hit things?
  • Is Spiral Knights even worth downloading?
    Do you like to walk around and hit things?
    And yet are somehow not satisfied with the million similar games that let you do the same?
  • Is Spiral Knights even worth downloading?
    Do you like to walk around and hit things?
    And yet are somehow not satisfied with the million similar games that let you do the same?
    If he said yes, I was going to say to get Darkspore. I played the Darkspore beta for free. That is the most hittingest and walking aroundest game I ever did see.
  • I have been playing Super Meat Boy off and on all day trying to get this damn Steam challenge done. My fingers are killing me, but I feel like it would be an assault upon my honor if I don't manage it so thus do I persevere.
  • Went back to FEAR 2. It's worn pretty thin now.
  • Playing Pokemon SoulSilver, Mass Effect, and Tales of Phantasia.
  • edited July 2011
    Replaying Half Life 2 from the start, sprinkled with Starcraft 2 and Left 4 Dead 2
    Didn't realise how many game mechanics have been taken from this game and used as "revolutionary new advances in gaming" by other developers.
    Post edited by sK0pe on
  • I've been playing through Sam & Max Season 1. It's a lot of fun, I just wish Sam walked a little faster and they let you zoom out so you could walk further on one click. Most of the puzzles aren't too mind bending, which is also a plus.
  • Just played an hour of Darksiders. It was so cheap on the Steam sale yesterday, and I've been thinking about it for a while. So-far very similar to the soul-reaver series. Which is nice. The combat I think is a little hack and slash compared to Onimusha, not quite as punishing as Devil May Cry, and the puzzles have less depth but are less likely to slam my head into the table than soul-reaver games. So I'm not disappointed, at only an hour in.

    Also bought Horde at the same time thinking it would be a great short time waster, but I'm already bored of it. It doesn't have much depth, at least at my current level of understanding.
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