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  • edited June 2012
    Oh cool! I should submit an application. I've been playing on the 15th MEU servers recently, since they seem like the only reliable servers running ACE and ACRE.

    EDIT: Also, I've actually used some of the stuff in Dslyecxi's Arma2 guide when playing airsoft. :3

    EDIT2: Applied!
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Max Payne 3 is pretty good. Dark though. I mean, he's full of booze and pills, not just in the way a clubbing idiot might be, but genuinely an alcoholic and painkiller addict, sobbing in his apartment, throwing things around, hating himself, hating life, being so smashed on booze and pills he can't walk, wishing he was dead, just trying to numb the pain of his everyday existence while being disgusted with himself and his life as it is.

  • New Binding of Isaac DLC. Oh man oh man.
  • edited June 2012
    New Binding of Isaac DLC. Oh man oh man.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Trying out Realm of the Mad God. Not disappointed, for a free game.
  • Binding of Isaac, Cave Story +.
  • Binding of Isaac, Cave Story +.
    Oh yeah, Cave Story +. I was playing that, why did I stop?
  • Binding of Isaac, Cave Story +.
    Oh yeah, Cave Story +. I was playing that, why did I stop?
    Dunno. It's a really solid Metroidvania, and the weapon leveling system is pretty innovative.
  • edited June 2012
    Max Payne 3 is pretty good. Dark though.
    My friends and I got way into Max Payne, then Punisher written by Garth Ennis and John Woo movies and that pretty much defined the base line for things we liked for years, with the movie Man on Fire being (we thought) one of the better expressions of gritty cold blooded rotten revenge violence that we'd consumed. Since then we've grown as people (not by a LOT) but we all agreed that we needed to play Max Payne 3.

    Max Payne 3 basically being a Tony Scott movie that takes place is "corrupt urban place south of America" feels like someone took those few years and distilled them into one thing.

    I don't even know if the game is actually any good, its just a total nostalga bomb. It's like someone made a video game specifically for the me of 10ish years ago.

    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Binding of Isaac, Cave Story +.
    Oh yeah, Cave Story +. I was playing that, why did I stop?
    I stopped, because the hardest difficulty level might be little too much for me.

  • My friends and I got way into Max Payne, then Punisher written by Garth Ennis and John Woo movies and that pretty much defined the base line for things we liked for years, with the movie Man on Fire being (we thought) one of the better expressions of gritty cold blooded rotten revenge violence that we'd consumed. Since then we've grown as people (not by a LOT) but we all agreed that we needed to play Max Payne 3.

    Max Payne 3 basically being a Tony Scott movie that takes place is "corrupt urban place south of America" feels like someone took those few years and distilled them into one thing.

    I don't even know if the game is actually any good, its just a total nostalga bomb. It's like someone made a video game specifically for the me of 10ish years ago.
    It's basically that, plus the most polished and optimized Max Payne game you can think of, and without the story weirdness of the second(Though it is briefly acknowledged as canon, including a slight nod to Mona Sax.)

    It's sort of like someone took Tony Scott and Hard Boiled, then smashed them together.
  • I got my wife into Portal 2 but having never played the first game she did not get some of the references so she decided to play that one and then go back to the second game. She is surprisingly good at finding alternate ways to solve chambers.
  • I recall watching my dad playing portal 1 on my PC. He was supposed to break a pipe with a rocket turret to get a cube to get into a vent. Instead he proceeded to fucking make a pile of old computers laying around and reached it that way. I was having conniptions in the background during that.
  • I recall watching my dad playing portal 1 on my PC. He was supposed to break a pipe with a rocket turret to get a cube to get into a vent. Instead he proceeded to fucking make a pile of old computers laying around and reached it that way. I was having conniptions in the background during that.
    I would not say conniption on my part but more just staring at that screen slack jawed and not understanding how she even considered some of those options before the ones I believed to be more apparent. I will say that she is making me just want to go on YouTube and search for all the alternate ways to solve chambers.
  • I was re-playing Kingdom Hearts, but my memory card decided that it would be much more fun to corrupt my save than to play the game.
  • I recall watching my dad playing portal 1 on my PC. He was supposed to break a pipe with a rocket turret to get a cube to get into a vent. Instead he proceeded to fucking make a pile of old computers laying around and reached it that way. I was having conniptions in the background during that.
    I know the part you're talking about and I did the exact same thing.

  • I recall watching my dad playing portal 1 on my PC. He was supposed to break a pipe with a rocket turret to get a cube to get into a vent. Instead he proceeded to fucking make a pile of old computers laying around and reached it that way. I was having conniptions in the background during that.
    I know the part you're talking about and I did the exact same thing.

    I'm willing to bet that Valve saw that in playtesting and that's why they put enough old computers in that area.
  • I decided to grab Saints Row: The Third from the Steam weekend deal and I have to say, it is really ridiculous but it is quite a bit of fun.
  • edited June 2012
    Look, more shenanigans. I am best cop.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Endless spaaaaaaace.
  • Just finished LIMBO. Amazing experience.
  • edited June 2012
    Was that other guy Kilroy? I recognize his voice. By the by, I'm proceeding well along the application process. Hopefully I'll be in by Sunday.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • I jump into a random pub game of L4D2 and guess what pops up. The goddamn Sob Story achievement.

    L4D2 works pretty well with virtual surround.
  • Shogun 2 is fucking brutal.
  • Just picked up Journey and the new Arkham City DLC. I hate being old, because I just pass out when I get before I chance to play my games.
  • Anyone want to play some Arma?
  • Anyone want to play some Arma?
    You should totally set up a FRC ARMA server, I'd be there with bells on.
  • edited June 2012
    Oooh, I'm not sure exactly how to do that, but I'll do some research.

    EDIT: How many slots should I have? 10 is the minimum (and most affordable).

    EDIT2: Ok, so I got a server with 10 slots, called "Front Row Crew - NYC". It should be online shortly. What mods should I have on it to start? I'm thinking either DayZ or ACE+ACRE.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • I guess I'll join in if it happens.
  • Crap, I might have to pick up ARMA if there is going to be a DayZ server.
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