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  • OK, I am failing majorly here... it's my first turn in Endless Space and I can't figure out how to move my fleet. I was able to colonize a planet in my home system, but I can't figure out what to click to move them. I missed some step in the UI.
    Leave the tutorial on for your first game, and read what it says. Trust me, it helps you get everything together. If you have anything else to ask, feel free.

  • I got some karate dude. Named him Miyagi. Probably have to use him to beat this gym leader that is rumored to use normal and be weak to fighting.
    Red one or blue one?

  • I got some karate dude. Named him Miyagi. Probably have to use him to beat this gym leader that is rumored to use normal and be weak to fighting.
    Red one or blue one?

  • OK, I am failing majorly here... it's my first turn in Endless Space and I can't figure out how to move my fleet. I was able to colonize a planet in my home system, but I can't figure out what to click to move them. I missed some step in the UI.
    Leave the tutorial on for your first game, and read what it says. Trust me, it helps you get everything together. If you have anything else to ask, feel free.

    It was on. Literally the game was broken, and right-clicking with fleets selected did nothing.

    Finished my first game (well quit when it got too terrible) on the lowest setting.
  • edited May 2012
    OK, I am failing majorly here... it's my first turn in Endless Space and I can't figure out how to move my fleet. I was able to colonize a planet in my home system, but I can't figure out what to click to move them. I missed some step in the UI.
    Leave the tutorial on for your first game, and read what it says. Trust me, it helps you get everything together. If you have anything else to ask, feel free.

    It was on. Literally the game was broken, and right-clicking with fleets selected did nothing.

    Finished my first game (well quit when it got too terrible) on the lowest setting.
    Ah, that's just since the latest update, the clicking area for systems has become REALLY finnicky, rather than it being genuinely broken - they made a UI adjustment to fix some problems with selecting fleets, basically the system select and fleet select areas overlapped, and they tried a real quick and dirty fix on it, but it's made it harder to select systems, essentially just swapping one problem for another. It is an alpha, these things happen.

    Don't worry, my first game was SUPER frustrating - I was playing Terrans, and built a massive empire, but took a death of a thousand cuts because everybody but the Sophons declared war on me(and nobody really helps you in war yet, if they are going to), and I ended up fighting a hard war on three fronts, winning battles but always at a cost, slowly being pushed back and trying to hold on, before the other Terran empire managed an economic victory.

    EDIT: Also, startin' a thread.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Played and beat Sonic 4 Episode 2. If you liked the first one, you'll like this one, if not, it won't do much to change your opinion.
    I thought it was OK, I preferred Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations to this though. Those felt like love was actually put into it.

    Also, I have started inFamous finally after receiving it for free after the whole PSN incident last year. Force blasting and electrifying dudes can be really fun.
  • inFamous 1 and 2 are great. I highly recommend both.
  • inFamous 1 and 2 are great. I highly recommend both.
    I felt inFamous 1 was a good/ok game with a really good ending. While 2 was also good/ok, but with a bad ending (in terms of narrative and game design.)
  • I disagree and really like the ending of inFamous 2. I'd rank them both somewhere around an 8 or a 9.
  • I am the best hostage during cs_cindercity

  • inFamous 1 and 2 are great. I highly recommend both.
    I felt inFamous 1 was a good/ok game with a really good ending. While 2 was also good/ok, but with a bad ending (in terms of narrative and game design.)
    I'm enjoying the game so far, but my main two complaints are the NPCs getting in the way of everything. EVERYTHING. I'm trying to be a good dude, but they constantly get caught in my huge radial attacks and electro-bombs. Then I feel guilty and feel the need to heal them all.

    Then there are enemies on the rooftops, sniping you from what seems like miles away. By the time I figure where they're firing from, I'm dead or near dead; AND they've taken out like 5 citizens in the mean time, so back to healing.

    Also the morality choices are hilariously black and white; along the lines of "Should I help these people find something to eat? Or punch this puppy... in its face?"
  • It had a decent story
    inFamous 1 and 2 are great. I highly recommend both.
    I felt inFamous 1 was a good/ok game with a really good ending. While 2 was also good/ok, but with a bad ending (in terms of narrative and game design.)
    Also the morality choices are hilariously black and white; along the lines of "Should I help these people find something to eat? Or punch this puppy... in its face?"
    if you fed the puppy to the hungry people would it end up as a push?
  • I've been playing a lot of Arma2 lately, to the extent that I get frustrated when I pick up BF3 and everyone seems to have a million hitpoints. I'm splitting my time between the ACE2 and DayZ mods, and have been doing pretty well on the latter (killed a few bandits, made my way into and out of Cherno alive, hiked up the east coast and back).
  • You should think about sending in a ShackTac application ;)
  • DayZ looks so killer. Defs buying Arma2 once I finish finals.
  • You should think about sending in a ShackTac application ;)
  • You should think about sending in a ShackTac application ;)
    Mite b kewl...

  • edited May 2012
    I'm 2 hours into Mass Effect 3 and I am very disappointed with it so far compared to the first one. Does it get any better? or should I cut my loses?
    Post edited by highdefinition on
  • I'm 2 hours into Mass Effect 3 and I am very disappointed with it so far compared to the first one. Does it get any better? or should I cut my loses?
    I think the game itself is solid but the ending is shit.
  • I'm 2 hours into Mass Effect 3 and I am very disappointed with it so far compared to the first one. Does it get any better? or should I cut my loses?
    I think the game itself is solid but the ending is shit.
    I'm not overly concerned with the ending good or bad, but I'm finding the overall game lacking what made the first one fun. So much happened between 2 and 3, as well as during that is completely out of your control.

  • They removed the wishy-washy middle options from the decisions because they only got picked like 2% of the time. It feels kinda wierd and restrictive, but there really isn't actually a practical difference.

    The opening itself is a little meh, but it picks up. Holy shit, does it ever pick up. Wait till you get to the krogan homeworld. Your mind will explode.
  • edited May 2012
    Yep, I'll second that. Though, I will put forward that the ending isn't THAT bad, it just has a few narrative quibbles that if they were changed, it would be fine - mostly inconsistencies with previously established conventions in the universe.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Exactly. The ending shenanigans were way overblown.
  • Fuuuuck I caved and bought Diablo. God damn.
  • Mass Effect ending shenanigans are silly. I like the game as a whole, though I have a few gripes (most of them are too spoilery to mention at the moment, plus I'm too tired right now).
  • Along with AC: Wild World on the DS, I'm playing Kingdom Rush on iOS. Omar recommended it to me a while ago and I bought it sight unseen.

    I'm really enjoying this tower defense game. You can select different talent trees of attack to beef up as well as get heroes. I haven't done the hero part yet because I'd rather beef up my current armies. I like how the levels have a normal, heroic, and iron challenge. Makes the game a bit more challenging to see if you can complete the level without certain elements.

    I just wish you can adjust the volume levels for the music and sound effects.
  • Star Fox 64 3D sure is Star Fox 64.

    Sonic Generations (3DS) is definitely an interesting game. I'm still getting used to the control schemes for each Sonic, but I feel like I will enjoy the game more once I get them down.
  • What happens when you have 30 helicopter gun ships dogfight with 30 other helicopter gun ships? Pure awesome.

  • Andrew: nice. You're not part of ShackTac, are you?
  • Been in since '09
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