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  • So using a food allegory, in your argument I should never waste my time eating omelet, because I could be eating steak. (Supposing that steak > omelet as a meal)
    I think a better allegory would be you have to have scrambled eggs before you can have an opinion on an omelet.
    I was referencing more to the eat only the greatest foods, consume only the best media argument.

    If my body ran on media the way it runs on food, I would get a well balanced diet. Even so, I would still minimize junk food!
  • The Single Player of Portal 2 is EXTREMELY good. Also the advanced maps do not really add much except difficulty to Portal 1. Play Portal 2 single player.

    Also maybe I will prioritize what will make Scott the most likely to have an aneurysm. 7 straight hours of Beat Hazard, hear I come!
  • The Single Player of Portal 2 is EXTREMELY good. Also the advanced maps do not really add much except difficulty to Portal 1. Play Portal 2 single player.

    Also maybe I will prioritize what will make Scott the most likely to have an aneurysm. 7 straight hours of Beat Hazard, hear I come!
    You will die regretting not having ever known the taste of Tribes 2.
  • edited June 2012
    Also the advanced maps do not really add much except difficulty to Portal 1.
    That's exactly why you should play them.
    You will die regretting not having ever known the taste of Tribes 2.
    The thing is, if you don't know what it is you've missed you can't really regret it.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Play what you want, when you want.

  • The Single Player of Portal 2 is EXTREMELY good. Also the advanced maps do not really add much except difficulty to Portal 1. Play Portal 2 single player.

    Also maybe I will prioritize what will make Scott the most likely to have an aneurysm. 7 straight hours of Beat Hazard, hear I come!
    You will die regretting not having ever known the taste of Tribes 2.
    I put a bajillion hours into Tribes 2 when it was out. I will not die without knowing that taste. I will, however, die without knowing the taste of Ass Creed 2 and Arkham Asylum, which both sit installed on my hard drive as we speak. However I will not play them today.
  • Beat Hazard using a Top 40 station.
  • Nutrition has other elements that factor in so it is not an equivalent situation. Choosing to play game A over game B won't shorten or lengthen your life (unless you kill yourself playing an MMORPG for too long). It just affects quality of life. Food affects quality and length of life.

    If you didn't need to eat to live, and only ate for pleasure, I would prioritize eating the most gourmet of gourmet foods.
    It was a allegory, a methaphor. Those thing rarely are perfect.

    But I'm surprised , maybe even doubtful of your answer. You sure you would never get cravings outside of the full meals of gourmet foods? No hunger for a casual slice of bred, a light burger meal or even a tasty ice cream? Personally even if I could have all the beast steaks I could wish for I still would want some candy occasionally too. And same goes for my media. I consume what I want and what I like no matter if it is the objectively greatest thing ever or not.

  • I actually disagree to an extent. Why reinvent the wheel while ignoring modern context?

    I do both modern homebrewing and historical/experimental brewing. Historical brewing, on the surface, seems "easier." There were no hydrometers, thermometers, sanitizers, caustic cleaning agents, rigorous mash schedules, and so on. They did not have 400 hop varieties, 300 different kinds of malt, dozens of yeast strains, and meticiulously constructed water profiles. They could not measure to the gram.

    So it seems like replicating a period process should be easy, and you go from there to modern brewing with bells and whistles and shit

    In truth, the lack of information in historical brewing makes it nigh impossible for a rank novice to start there.

    Instead, I start by explaining what we know today, and then un-teach some things in the proper historical context. The result is a stronger understanding of the material than you get with the chronological approach.

    I think it makes more sense to start with the foundation of modern skills, and then say, "OK, now we're going to take these tools away and test your fundamentals." Then re-equip, and repeat.
    That's well and good, but crafting is not the same as consuming. Of course if you are learning crafting, you probably should just learn the modern technique and only spend a little time on old outdated techniques just for the sake of knowledge. That would be like starting out learning to play hockey without any helmets or masks! Insanity.

    In the realm of consumption, where time is a factor, you should prioritize. Imagine if you went to a beerfest. You only get to drink 10 beers. You are going to try to pick the 10 you think are most worth drinking. To pick plain old Budweiser as one of your 10 would be foolish. Your life is like a beer fest where you only get to read so many books, play so many games, etc. You can't waste time on Budweiser.

    To make matters worse, you don't know exactly how many you are going to get. It could end at any moment. So imagine if there is a beer fest where you drink one beer at a time. After each one you drink there is a random chance you will be kicked out. Of course you are going to prioritize the best beers first. That is life. You could die at any time. You would be foolish not to aim to consume the best things first.
    Ah, but you specifically said "if you want to learn anything about games..."

    If you're doing this as a teaching exercise, my direction makes a lot more sense.

    If you're talking about enjoyment...I'm still right. :P Actually, I slightly prefer OOT to LttP, but not enough to matter.

  • I prefer LttP, but that's a different (and pointless) argument.

    My original point was this:
    Not everyone has access to everything. Being a geek doesn't mean you get guaranteed to be able to have all the stuff you want. Generalizations are bad.
  • edited June 2012
    So using a food allegory, in your argument I should never waste my time eating omelet, because I could be eating steak. (Supposing that steak > omelet as a meal)
    I think a better allegory would be you have to have scrambled eggs before you can have an opinion on an omelet.
    I was referencing more to the eat only the greatest foods, consume only the best media argument.
    It was a allegory, a methaphor. Those thing rarely are perfect.
    I do not think that word means what you think it means.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited June 2012
    Yea, maybe I should have chosen my word better.
    Post edited by Apsup on
  • The point is you are not likely to die now, even though you could. If you stop wasting your time with whatever other nonsense, you can play all the Zeldas and still have time to get all the Gold Skultullas.

    If you are on the Internet, you have access to more than you can consume in your life. It may as well be everything.
  • You should do a "100 Games to Play Before You Die". Rank them in no particular order. Do a list of boardgames, a list of video games.
  • How did we get on another Scott attempting to validate his life style by getting people to agree with him thread?
  • The point is you are not likely to die now, even though you could. If you stop wasting your time with whatever other nonsense, you can play all the Zeldas and still have time to get all the Gold Skultullas.

    If you are on the Internet, you have access to more than you can consume in your life. It may as well be everything.
    In videogames and in other media too, at different times I'm in mood for different things. Sometimes I'm in mood for Zelda, sometimes I'm in mood for other nonsense. And I rather follow my mood and consume what I feel like consuming rather than force myself to consume something specific. That's why I'm generally playing multiple games at same time and partially the reason why I have hard time finishing some games.

  • You should do a "100 Games to Play Before You Die". Rank them in no particular order. Do a list of boardgames, a list of video games.
    It has to be all media combined. Not just all media, all possible activities. Should you go to the Louvre or sit your ass on the couch and play Super Metroid?

    Not even I can just get up and go to the Louvre, though I want to. Only you know what you have available to you right now. Just spend a moment and actually make conscious decisions about how you spend your time.

    Don't spend too long though. Otherwise you spend all your time planning, and no time doing.
  • How did we get on another Scott attempting to validate his life style by getting people to agree with him thread?
    Top of the page, sir.

    Too lazy: Me.
  • How did we get on another Scott attempting to validate his life style by getting people to agree with him thread?
    Scott is again bored at work and the most valuable way to spend his time is foruming until the clock strikes 5. Other at-work activities would not be appropriate. In three minutes, this will end because biking home is most important.
  • You should do a "100 Games to Play Before You Die". Rank them in no particular order. Do a list of boardgames, a list of video games.
    I have a book for 1000 movies everyone should see before they die. I wold gladly take similar thing for video games, but as with the movies of that book I probably wouldn't actually go out of my way to go trough the whole list.

  • Shouldn't you Scott, wait till a sports season is over and then go back and only watch the moments that mattered under your philosophy? Also are you not a Met's fan, shouldn't you be a fan of a team that is actually good?
  • You should do a "100 Games to Play Before You Die". Rank them in no particular order. Do a list of boardgames, a list of video games.
    It has to be all media combined. Not just all media, all possible activities. Should you go to the Louvre or sit your ass on the couch and play Super Metroid?

    Not even I can just get up and go to the Louvre, though I want to. Only you know what you have available to you right now. Just spend a moment and actually make conscious decisions about how you spend your time.

    Don't spend too long though. Otherwise you spend all your time planning, and no time doing.
    Coming up with said list is more important. Also, I've been to the Louvre. It was OK. I also took a picture of a poster advertising an audio guide you could download to your 3DS.
  • Problem is, it's not so easy with video games. Citizen Kane, Shawshank Redemption, etc.. easy enough. Tie Fighter, Ikaruga, Tetris Battle Gaiden? Needs time and equipment you probably don't have.
  • Don't worry about those. Just include the best games from whatever platform. Those are technical problems to be overcome. For instance, I thought it was gonna be impossible to get a Steel Batallion setup. It was not.
  • Don't worry about those. Just include the best games from whatever platform. Those are technical problems to be overcome. For instance, I thought it was gonna be impossible to get a Steel Batallion setup. It was not.
    I'm not sure Steel Batallion would be on that list :-p

  • Don't worry about those. Just include the best games from whatever platform. Those are technical problems to be overcome. For instance, I thought it was gonna be impossible to get a Steel Batallion setup. It was not.
    I'm not sure Steel Batallion would be on that list :-p

    You shut your commie mouth.
  • I'm pretty sure everyone has those few famous games that they've never played. Even Scott.
    Try me.
  • I'm pretty sure everyone has those few famous games that they've never played. Even Scott.
    Try me.
    Shadow of the Colossus

  • I'm pretty sure everyone has those few famous games that they've never played. Even Scott.
    Try me.
    Shadow of the Colossus
    Heavy Rain -- It's shit, but people swear by it. Also Ys and Shin Megami Tensei

  • edited June 2012
    Scott, I don't know why you constantly make the assertion that you only consume good media. I remember you watching and liking a bunch of lame anime, and you watch stupid violent Japanese horror movies, and stuff like SARS Wars.
    Also, I like Fist of the North Star but it is not highbrow. Just because something is old and popular does not make it the height of cinematic achievement.
    Be careful or you will become pretensious.
    Post edited by gomidog on
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