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  • ZeldaC actually tells you where Dungeons are (if you find Zelda in the appropriate spot mind you) and you can use Zelda 1 logic to uncover most of the secrets of the game itself. Now the second quest has a lot more random bullshit in the beginning and then peters out into skill base towards the end. Which is why I always tell people once you get the sword in the second quest, stop right there and save yourself many headaches with beating those dungeons.
    Well, I've finished the first quest now, but I may not bother much with the second if that's the case.
  • edited July 2012
    Well, I got the sword in the second quest; the way you get it definitely deserves some credit. I'll see if I end up taking your advice w.r.t. not bothering to go further.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Now I know why everyone hated the original ending of Mass Effect 3. Redownloading the Extended Edition DLC now because it didn't take on the first try for some reason.
  • Well, I got the sword in the second quest; the way you get it definitely deserves some credit. I'll see if I end up taking your advice w.r.t. not bothering to go further.
    I am not saying that it is impossible, it just is very very very hard to get to the next set of areas without dieing a lot.
  • GeoGeo
    edited July 2012
    I am playing Fire Emblem: Sealed Sword/Sword of Seals (AKA the only GBA Fire Emblem we never got here and the one with Roy in it).

    It is easy to see why Japan never brought it over to the states, because it is hard as hell! This mostly has to do with the fact that the game system is totally unbalanced (I can't blame them since it is the first time that they implemented the GBA system) and it is harder than it needs to be, whereas in Fire Emblem and Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones; there was a steady increase in difficulty as you went through them. I'll say more once I actually finish the game because I'm not giving up on this.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Now I know why everyone hated the original ending of Mass Effect 3. Redownloading the Extended Edition DLC now because it didn't take on the first try for some reason.
    Meh. I didn't think it was that horrible. While I understand people getting upset about it, and they have a right to dislike it, I think the fan campaigns and massive amount of demands were really extreme.
  • I kicked so much ass at CS:S last night, my lifetime KDR went up .06.
  • Now I know why everyone hated the original ending of Mass Effect 3. Redownloading the Extended Edition DLC now because it didn't take on the first try for some reason.
    Meh. I didn't think it was that horrible. While I understand people getting upset about it, and they have a right to dislike it, I think the fan campaigns and massive amount of demands were really extreme.
    My problem is that you don't get to see the ramifications of your choice. It just happens and that's it.
  • edited July 2012
    Now I know why everyone hated the original ending of Mass Effect 3. Redownloading the Extended Edition DLC now because it didn't take on the first try for some reason.
    Meh. I didn't think it was that horrible. While I understand people getting upset about it, and they have a right to dislike it, I think the fan campaigns and massive amount of demands were really extreme.
    My problem is that you don't get to see the ramifications of your choice. It just happens and that's it.
    Yeah. That's why it's good they made the DLC free and owned up to their mistakes.
    It should fix what you want it to. The new scenes start from where
    you run down the hill to the conduit.

    Post edited by Axel on
  • edited July 2012
    According to the DLC, you have to start with a save from before you hit the Cerberus base to get the DLC endings though.

    I've been playing Cave Story+. Apparently I'm an idiot for trading my Polar Star for the machine gun, but I didn't know there would be other chances to trade it.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • According to the DLC, you have to start with a save from before you hit the Cerberus base to get the DLC endings though.

    I've been playing Cave Story+. Apparently I'm an idiot for trading my Polar Star for the machine gun, but I didn't know there would be other chances to trade it.
    (Almost) everyone does that on their first run. And full powered machine gun is still pretty good weapon in that game, even on later parts.

  • According to the DLC, you have to start with a save from before you hit the Cerberus base to get the DLC endings though.
    I've heard that people have started later and still gotten the scenes. Point is, you can probably start in London.

  • edited July 2012
    All the secrets in Cave Story need an FAQ before you start to play to get them. Especially as there is a pretty big plot point you can screw up.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited July 2012
    I've been playing Cave Story+. Apparently I'm an idiot for trading my Polar Star for the machine gun, but I didn't know there would be other chances to trade it.
    I did the same thing. Motherfucking Cave Story+, man.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I have a save before the Cerberus Base (just in case something went wrong, which it obviously did) so I'm playing through the end again. I think the DLC didn't finish downloading correctly, so I redownloaded it.
  • That works. Hopefully you like the new stuff better.
  • I'm just pissed that I have to do both of those last missions again because they're just so freaking long!

    Also, I hate Banshees so freaking much.
  • Banshees are the worst.
    And yeah, the missions are too long considering their semi-low quality in comparison to the rest of the game.
  • I actually enjoyed the final mission. It was hard, surprising, and really intense, it just didn't end up building to anything worthwhile.
  • Spelunky HD came out on Live Arcade today, so I've been playing it. Dying again and again, but also making progress.
  • I actually enjoyed the final mission. It was hard, surprising, and really intense, it just didn't end up building to anything worthwhile.
    I thought it was epic enough, but it just was so generic. A bunch of reapers attack...All over the place. Then you shoot some missiles. Time to run down a hill. Wee.

  • Endless Space is out of Beta, and was released, go get it! (or wait till it drops in price later :-p)
  • I actually enjoyed the final mission. It was hard, surprising, and really intense, it just didn't end up building to anything worthwhile.
    I thought it was epic enough, but it just was so generic. A bunch of reapers attack...All over the place. Then you shoot some missiles. Time to run down a hill. Wee.

    Yeah, it definitely suffered from a wave mentality, but I got some stories out of parts of it.

    In the last rush to the missiles, I was pinned in a building by 3 Banshees and a few Marauders along with some Cannibals running around in the rubble. I was stuck behind a counter launching Incinerates at the Banshees to try to get rid of their armour (which was not working as well as I would have hoped, as I couldn't really pop up and also use my guns because of the Marauders). When the notification came up that the targeting systems were ready, I immediately jumped over the cover and bolted towards the tank and just barely made it.

    It was one of the most intense sequences I have experienced lately in a video game, and most of it was unscripted.
  • Yeah, that is great how the enemies just keep coming until you beat enough of them, and then stuff is ready. But they don't stop coming, ever. And they will overwhelm you eventually.
    However, the fight was just too difficult for me some of the times, and things like 5 Brutes at once is just dumb.
  • Brutes don't gave me a problem as it takes about 4 Incinerates to take them down and I can fire one off every 2 seconds. They're also really easy to dodge.
  • Meh. I suppose. I've also played on some of the very high difficulties where it gets obnoxious.
  • edited July 2012
    I might need to get me some ARMA II when the steam sale comes along
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited July 2012
    I was considering purchasing Spelunky on XBLA to play through because I like to support devs when possible, I like the graphics more, it is multiplayer, etc. But there is this horrible behavior when jumping with forward momentum and you are holding up (say, to get on a ladder) it doesn't disable the pan up that is familiar in similar games. The result is the character stops dead in his tracks and falls to the ground. What baffles me even more is playing in the PC version this behavior is not present. I'm utterly confused why it would be present in the "superior" version. I ended up leaving a post on the dev website, but who knows if it will get rectified. <//EndDrunkenRant>
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I was considering purchasing Spelunky on XBLA to play through because I like to support devs when possible, I like the graphics more, it is multiplayer, etc. But there is this horrible behavior when jumping with forward momentum and you are holding up (say, to get on a ladder) it doesn't disable the pan up that is familiar in similar games. The result is the character stops dead in his tracks and falls to the ground. What baffles me even more is playing in the PC version this behavior is not present. I'm utterly confused why it would be present in the "superior" version. I ended up leaving a post on the dev website, but who knows if it will get rectified. <//EndDrunkenRant>
    I just tried this and it didn't happen. Are you sure you just didn't accidentally press just up and not up+forward? I tried multiple times and was unable to pan up while jumping forward.

  • I could double check, I was also just trying the demo so it may not be in the actual game. I'll try repro-ing it later.
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