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  • What's Endless Space?
  • edited June 2012
    I need to go find that.

    I spent a couple of years trying to write my own multiplayer 4X game in PHP. Never got very far but I DID write a kick-butt universe generator (since lost in a hard drive crash). 4X is the best genre there is.
    It's on steam, available for pre-order - and pre-ordering gives you immediate beta access.
    Yea, considering most turn based strat games of multiplayer end WAY before the actual end would come. I've only seen real small games of CIV IV multi-player actually finished on the fastest settings.
    Endless space, you tend to get games ending, but there are still plenty of games that end up finishing before an in-game victory.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Is it gonna run on my i3? ;-)
  • Is it gonna run on my i3? ;-)
    Probably? Check the requirements.

  • yea, it's not that crazy of a game.
  • edited June 2012
    I have also begun playing Pokemon Conquest. Only about an hour into so I am still learning how to do things. My next step is to attack the town with the water Pokemon but my grass Pokemon trainers currently suck.

    As to Pokemon being for 7 yr olds... while the single player portion is accessible to all competitive multi player requires skills.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Just played the ME3: Extended Cut ending.
    The plotholes are gone, but some in...Silly ways. There's a shitty new ending where you reject the Catalyst's choices, but you just always lose. Always. And then Liara tells the next cycle not to fuck up.
    Kinda lame.
  • I'm about ten hours into Conquest, and I'm finding it surprisingly boring. Normally I love strategy RPGs, but all the actions take too long, the combat winds up being simplistic and boring, and they've spread advancement ability too thinly - trainers take far too long to level up, and game features take too long to unlock. The drip-feed of advancement isn't strong enough to keep me playing the game.
  • I'm about ten hours into Conquest, and I'm finding it surprisingly boring. Normally I love strategy RPGs, but all the actions take too long, the combat winds up being simplistic and boring, and they've spread advancement ability too thinly - trainers take far too long to level up, and game features take too long to unlock. The drip-feed of advancement isn't strong enough to keep me playing the game.
    So if I'm easily bored with (most) other srpgs I probably shouldn't get into Conquest?

  • Yeah, it's probably not your kind of game. I'll probably go back to it enough to get through the main game, but I'm not enjoying it nearly as much as I was expecting.
  • Darn. I was hoping for more from Conquest. The game feels slow while I feel rushed. Have to get warrior/Pokemon links up but they increase so slowly. With the calendar advancing I keep expecting to be attacked but nothing happens.
  • I'm about ten hours into Conquest, and I'm finding it surprisingly boring.
    Wow, if I'm bored with a game, I don't even get 30 minutes into it.
  • If you want a real game like this, play all the Advance Wars games. Nothing else even comes close. FFT is fun, but just as tactically simplistic in the end. ;^)
  • The original FFT was fairly tactical. However no strategy rpg will be as tactical as a strategy game because it eventually just comes down to leveling and grinding, which is kinda boring.
  • edited June 2012
    How does this python script work? Does it inspect the game in memory?
    Nope. You take screenshots and it processes them from the screenshot folder. It automatically builds a map out of the screenshots by using the minimap to work out where that part of the map goes.

    So, it's not fully automated, but it's 100% legit. If you're interested I'll put it up on Github when I get home.
    That is very very clever, my friend.
    I didn't have much to do, so I put it up:
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • As much as python can be handy some of the shit you can do in it really bothers me.
  • As much as python can be handy some of the shit you can do in it really bothers me.
  • Don't assign a string to a variable? All of a sudden becomes a comment. Plus dynamic typing always kinda bothers me.
  • edited June 2012
    Don't assign a string to a variable? All of a sudden becomes a comment.
    That's not really true - it's still a string and the interpreter still reads it as one. It just doesn't do anything, unless it's the first line of something like a class or function, in which case it becomes the docstring (which is the __doc__ special attribute).
    Plus dynamic typing always kinda bothers me.
    I'll grant that you have to be careful with dynamic typing and there are times when it's nice to have a static type system, but dynamic typing is often convenient.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I love me some dynamic typing and I will contend until death that those who feel strongly against it are sloppy programmers and crybabies.
  • Well yeah it's not a true comment but the fact that you can just have stuff floating around not have it assigned to anything reduces readability IMO, also so does dynamic typing.
  • I love me some dynamic typing and I will contend until death that those who feel strongly against it are sloppy programmers and crybabies.
    I have the exact opposite view. The fact that you don't care what type of variables you are using is the sign of a lazy programmer.
  • I love me some dynamic typing and I will contend until death that those who feel strongly against it are sloppy programmers and crybabies.
    I have the exact opposite view. The fact that you don't care what type of variables you are using is the sign of a lazy programmer.
    It's the sign of a careful programmer who pays attention and doesn't need a compiler error to straighten him out.
  • edited June 2012
    That's a lot of wasted effort. You can have your "careful programming" while I'm doing more productive stuff. It's not really about compiler errors, it's more about I know what my types and classes are going to do and not just predict behavior.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Well yeah it's not a true comment but the fact that you can just have stuff floating around not have it assigned to anything reduces readability IMO, also so does dynamic typing.
    But why would anyone leave stuff floating around? As for static vs dynamic typing, they're two different tools and they both have legitimate purposes.
  • I disagree. There's no extra effort once you have the discipline.
  • I like the intersection C# has made.
  • edited June 2012
    BF 3 with FRC people and friends.

    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Well, I've got five fairies and the master sword in ZeldaC; I'm currently trying to find the Gerudo Garrison (that's what the manual calls the 6th dungeon).
  • Well, I've got five fairies and the master sword in ZeldaC; I'm currently trying to find the Gerudo Garrison (that's what the manual calls the 6th dungeon).
    OH! That one! That was a pain to find, but once I found it I tipped my cap to the game.
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