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  • I'm excited for Zelda3C, I hope it gets finished.

    I haven't played much of anything ever since I started making jewelry. No time. It's a bummer.
  • Holeeeyyy shit. Max Payne 3's campaign is as awesome as I thought it would be. You can't argue any game where you shoot some Jersey Shore lookalike because he's being a dickhead isn't a compelling experience.
  • Started Modern Warfare 3 last night because I wanted to play the campaign (yay shooting people) and holy hell, I'm already disappointed. The guns have absolutely no recoil, it's like playing airsoft for the computer.

    Complete with dickheads not calling their hits and respawning way too quickly.
  • I bought MW3 and it sits on my shelf, not being played. I wish I'd have sold it before the price dropped.
  • Started Modern Warfare 3 last night because I wanted to play the campaign (yay shooting people) and holy hell, I'm already disappointed. The guns have absolutely no recoil, it's like playing airsoft for the computer.
    I will pirate it to play the single-player at some point, just for laughs.

  • I would recommend that. I'm also gonna kick off Stellar CartographyImpact tonight, see how much I can get sucked into that.
  • Holeeeyyy shit. Max Payne 3's campaign is as awesome as I thought it would be. You can't argue any game where you shoot some Jersey Shore lookalike because he's being a dickhead isn't a compelling experience.
    It gets pretty hard later on too. Im onto the multiplayer now and its so damn good.. its just not popular for some reason? Finding games is still easy enough, but its weird for a Rockstar game to have a tiny community.

  • Yeah playing on hard is getting kinda difficult in certain areas. You die really fast sometimes. There was one part that I kept barely not finishing and the game eventually gave me some pills and that try was the one where I made it through without dying but it was interesting that it sort of adapts to what you're having trouble with.

    I've played some multiplayer too but I see what you mean about the small community. I've been having some trouble getting into games. I really like their implementation of multiplayer bullet time too.
  • I definitely played through way too Cover SHooter like though. The enemies are like super accurate at putting a bullet in that sliver of your exposed head when youre chilling behind a wall, but shoot dodging around everywhere and draining your bullet time constantly makes them miss like crazy.
  • edited June 2012
    I definitely played through way too Cover SHooter like though. The enemies are like super accurate at putting a bullet in that sliver of your exposed head when youre chilling behind a wall, but shoot dodging around everywhere and draining your bullet time constantly makes them miss like crazy.
    That still is fairly dangerous if there is a lot of people around. I've found the best tactic is to toggle bullet time constantly and try to get as many head shots as you can. I usually just turn it on instead of dodging because it's kinda hard to aim when he's floating through the air.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited June 2012
    That still is fairly dangerous if there is a lot of people around. I've found the best tactic is to toggle bullet time constantly and try to get as many head shots as you can. I usually just turn it on instead of dodging because it's kinda hard to aim when he's floating through the air.
    I don't know if it's just some weird thing with you, or if I got used to it in the previous Max Payne games, but I have zero problem with shooting people square in the face consistently while shootdodging.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited June 2012
    That still is fairly dangerous if there is a lot of people around. I've found the best tactic is to toggle bullet time constantly and try to get as many head shots as you can. I usually just turn it on instead of dodging because it's kinda hard to aim when he's floating through the air.
    I don't know if it's just some weird thing with you, or if I got used to it in the previous Max Payne games, but I have zero problem with shooting people square in the face consistently while shootdodging.
    Well, yeah. Of course it's a lot easier if you use an aimbot.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • That still is fairly dangerous if there is a lot of people around. I've found the best tactic is to toggle bullet time constantly and try to get as many head shots as you can. I usually just turn it on instead of dodging because it's kinda hard to aim when he's floating through the air.
    I don't know if it's just some weird thing with you, or if I got used to it in the previous Max Payne games, but I have zero problem with shooting people square in the face consistently while shootdodging.
    Well, yeah. Of course it's a lot easier if you use an aimbot.
    Oh noes, the secret of my success reveled!

  • Are you playing on a console?
  • Are you playing on a console?
    Nope, PC. Feels really weird playing Max Payne on a console.
  • That's probably why. I'm not super good at aiming on the console but I buy a lot of multiplayer games on the console because really none of my friends I play with online have any sort of gaming PC.
  • That's probably why. I'm not super good at aiming on the console but I buy a lot of multiplayer games on the console because really none of my friends I play with online have any sort of gaming PC.
    BF 3 with FRC people and friends.

    Also, that was hilarious - I was tracking two dudes, but I missed too many shots when ambushing them, while GTMR and George were on their way to back me up. The dudes I was tracking killed me, just as I hear Adam cry out over skype "JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP" then this bloody jeep just suddenly comes flying into the frame and smashes through both of them at full speed, with George wildly firing the Ma deuce on top.

  • Finished up Enslaved. That's a fun game, really liked the characters and their interactions. Could've used a bit more polish, but the gameplay was good and the environments were varied and colorful. Definitely worth the $10 I spent on it.

    As for what I'm still playing, need to finish up Outland. Not sure where I'll go after that.
  • OK, stellar impact is stellar
  • edited June 2012
    Well, I've got five fairies and the master sword in ZeldaC; I'm currently trying to find the Gerudo Garrison (that's what the manual calls the 6th dungeon).
    OH! That one! That was a pain to find, but once I found it I tipped my cap to the game.
    Well, I've finished dungeons 7 and 8 now, and found Ganon's Vault, but I'm still looking for #6.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Well, I've got five fairies and the master sword in ZeldaC; I'm currently trying to find the Gerudo Garrison (that's what the manual calls the 6th dungeon).
    OH! That one! That was a pain to find, but once I found it I tipped my cap to the game.
    Well, I've finished dungeons 7 and 8 now, and found Ganon's Vault, but I'm still looking for #6.
    Found it. Honestly, I'm unimpressed by the specific location - I'd been to that screen already and figured it was in that one or the next one over; I just hadn't gone to a "burn every bush" level of effort.
  • So in looking into what ZeldaC is, I have come to determine that the game seems like it's just hard for the sake of being hard. It doesn't seem like a game like Super Meat Boy where it will test and grow your skill, it really just seems like they're throwing random bullshit at you in order to confuse an irritate you. Is that a safe assumption?
  • So in looking into what ZeldaC is, I have come to determine that the game seems like it's just hard for the sake of being hard. It doesn't seem like a game like Super Meat Boy where it will test and grow your skill, it really just seems like they're throwing random bullshit at you in order to confuse an irritate you. Is that a safe assumption?
    That is 100% correct.

  • edited July 2012
    So in looking into what ZeldaC is, I have come to determine that the game seems like it's just hard for the sake of being hard. It doesn't seem like a game like Super Meat Boy where it will test and grow your skill, it really just seems like they're throwing random bullshit at you in order to confuse an irritate you. Is that a safe assumption?
    That is 100% correct.
    I don't think that's true. It doesn't seem to me that ZeldaC is much different than the original Zelda in that regard, from what I've played so far of ZeldaC. Granted, these points may apply to the second quest.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • ZeldaC actually tells you where Dungeons are (if you find Zelda in the appropriate spot mind you) and you can use Zelda 1 logic to uncover most of the secrets of the game itself. Now the second quest has a lot more random bullshit in the beginning and then peters out into skill base towards the end. Which is why I always tell people once you get the sword in the second quest, stop right there and save yourself many headaches with beating those dungeons.
  • Playing Torchlight. I believe it was a gift from my secret santa. It's pretty fun. I've never played a game like this before where you control your direction left mouse button. I like how you can send your pet to sell your shit.

    I'm a Vanquisher with a pet cat named Digit. :3
  • edited July 2012
    Playing Torchlight. I believe it was a gift from my secret santa. It's pretty fun. I've never played a game like this before where you control your direction left mouse button. I like how you can send your pet to sell your shit.

    I'm a Vanquisher with a pet cat named Digit. :3
    Diablo is the same exact game, just so you know.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Yeah, I know. I saw it's from the makers of Diablo or in the description that it's similar to Diablo. Jeremy recently was gifted a copy from Jason and he stated a lot of similarities between the two.

    Mine was free, so I'm in no way thinking about getting D3 ever.
  • This weekend I played some L4D, L4D2, and Borderlands with my daughter and girlfriend... At the same time! It was my daughters idea!!!!!

    Life is good.
  • Why in the seven hells are you people still playing anything other than Stellar Impact? It has giant spaceships slugging it out. With fighters, torpedoes and all sorts of awesome things.
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