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  • I bought all the XCOMs during a steam sale a while ago and I'm just now getting an itch for playing them. Probably because i played the demo of the new one and I'm in possession of sads since I cannot afford the new one.
  • edited October 2012
    Which of the XCOMs should one play firstly?
    X-COM: UFO Defense might be the one you should play ONLY. I suggest reading a manual first.
    Terror from the Deep is also pretty good - It's just the first one, with a touch more polish, and a lot more water. The rest are garbage, except for the new one, which I haven't played and therefore I'm not going to form a solid opinion on. Which is a strange method to be sure, but I find it serves me well.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Hrmmm. Steam doesn't give those. To the internets, I go!
    I think I'm the only person on earth other than Valve employees who realizes that Steam does give you the game manuals. ufo defense manual.pdf?t=1302140381

    Go to the page for any game. Then go to the bottom right under the ESRB rating.
  • Hrmmm. Steam doesn't give those. To the internets, I go!
    I think I'm the only person on earth other than Valve employees who realizes that Steam does give you the game manuals. ufo defense manual.pdf?t=1302140381

    Go to the page for any game. Then go to the bottom right under the ESRB rating.
    You're the rogue Valve employee that ran away. The collective cannot make HL3 until you return home. Go back to your nest, Sectoid!
  • My daughter was supposed to be in surgery yesterday, and long story short, it got pushed a week on short notice. I was planning on being in a hospital for several days, so I'd gotten my shit done well in advance for every aspect of life. I often complain about having too many responsibilities/jobs and while I enjoy them, leaving me with little time to game. No excuses now!

    Played 10 hours of video games over the weekend. Very nearly to the end of Bastion, and took my time doing all the side stuff. Also got about 25% of the way into Resident Evil Revelations for the 3DS.

    Even did some reading. I'm trying to fill in the holes with classics I somehow missed up until now, so picked up Ender's Game and got a good chunk in.
  • My daughter was supposed to be in surgery yesterday, and long story short, it got pushed a week on short notice. I was planning on being in a hospital for several days, so I'd gotten my shit done well in advance for every aspect of life. I often complain about having too many responsibilities/jobs and while I enjoy them, leaving me with little time to game. No excuses now!

    Played 10 hours of video games over the weekend. Very nearly to the end of Bastion, and took my time doing all the side stuff. Also got about 25% of the way into Resident Evil Revelations for the 3DS.

    Even did some reading. I'm trying to fill in the holes with classics I somehow missed up until now, so picked up Ender's Game and got a good chunk in.
    Watch out! They are going to remove the good behavior gland. Then you're fucked.
  • The good behavior gland generally atrophies naturally around age 13. My daughter went from sweetness and light to Satan in Skechers overnight.
  • I will guard that gland with my life, surgeon be damned. All bets are off after 13, although a man can hope.
  • I'd never have believed it if I hadn't lived it. 13. BAM. Sweet little girl all gone.
  • Playing SpaceChem.

    Dem Machines.
  • edited October 2012
    Beat FTL using the Kestrel. Plowed through the flagship with triple reloaders and four burst laser twos. It didn't deal a single point of hull damage to us at any point.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • That's a pretty much optimal "kill every bastard ship ever" build. :P
  • I'm currently doing a gimmick run of Dark Souls. Every enemy has to be killed with a bow. I also have a knife I use against people with shields, but I try to keep it bow only. I'm SL23 and just cleared Anor Londo (Haven't fought the boss yet however). I didn't do this because of the challenge, but because I had never done a bow-focused play-through. Or really used bows at all. So I figured I'd try something new. I've gotten the Dark Moon bow up to +5 now and it was doing well, I was managing most fights fairly well.

    Some dude on the internet asked for help, he was SL60-something, so I switched characters. I used my Lifehunt-build. Fucking hell bows suck. I felt like I wasn't sucking anymore as an archer, but holy fuck this game is easy with melee weapons =P

    Why are bows this underpowered? The damage scales based on distance, at least make an arrow from 1mm away be as powerful as a melee weapon! Also, why does the Darkmoon bow have D scaling in dex while every other bow has S? >=(
  • I tried to play F-Zero GX. I used to be quite good. I still have my save game. The only GP I hadn't beaten were Emerald and Diamond with Gold stars.

    Now I can't even bet Ruby without crashing...

    I almost cried.
  • That happened to me when I was gonna show my boyfriend how awesome F-Zero GX was. He actually got the hang of it faster than I relearned it
  • Seems I spoke too soon. I did not expect O&S to give me such a rough time. My bow actually does decent damage to Smough, but I never have time to aim it. I also get staggered on every hit even though I have 64 poise and plenty of stamina left
  • Playing FFVI for the first time. Dat music.
  • New Pokémon. It's like old Pokémon, but new.

    I'm still loving it.
  • Playing FFVI for the first time. Dat music.
    Hey same! Playing on my Micro. The random encounter rate is pretty brutal, but I can forgive that. Awesome game!

  • New Pokémon. It's like old Pokémon, but new.
    I'm still loving it.
    The same here. I like the character designs a lot better too (except for the guy, he looks like a tree).
  • edited October 2012
    Playin NS2 and realising how little recognition the Gorge gets despite being so crucial to assaulting the enemy's base. Played a match on mineshaft, three guys decided to go Onos (1 Onos and 2 fades is a better plan.) and time and time again, I save people's asses and prevent them wasting 225 res all getting mobbed by the enemy team.

    Twice an Onos gets set on fire while low on health and I put him out where he would have otherwise died for sure trying to run back to base.

    No recognition on the scoreboard whatsoever and no in game rewards for healing.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • New Pokémon. It's like old Pokémon, but new.

    I'm still loving it.
  • That quest in Borderlands 2 where you help the city in Highlands make a shield. Oh mans, I laughed so hard from that quest.
  • That quest in Borderlands 2 where you help the city in Highlands make a shield. Oh mans, I laughed so hard from that quest.
    God DAMMIT Dave, shut the HELL UP!

  • I never really intended to get into Borderlands since I've never really liked "loot" games, and when it came out I didn't have anyone to do co-op with (I only had a PS3 and all of my friends played 360/PC). But once Katie started playing it, I gave it a shot as well. I'm only about five or so hours into it and I can already feel the repetition nagging on me, but I'm still having a lot of fun playing it. I'm definitely only to just have to keep playing it in short spurts every few days to keep going with it, otherwise I'll burn out too quickly.
  • Borderlands is definitely somewhat of a guilty pleasure for me. Co-op is fun for its own meta reasons, but when I'm playing the game solo, I find that I have to turn my brain off to really enjoy it. The writing is delightful, the weapon discovery/management is a fun game in itself, and even the (objectively flawed) gameplay is rewarding in its visceral feel. That said, it's all to easy to get frustrated by terrible vehicle controls, unforgiving "timed quests," sloppy/lazy environment design (seriously, invisible walls? Dying the instant my toe touches water? Lame), etc.

    That said, there's something about setting off a Goliath and having it slaughter an entire bandit camp for you, only for you to then kill it with a rocket launcher and pick up some blue/purple loot that doesn't get tired. At all.
  • Still playing BL2. Also got back into Civ 5 to nuke the hell out of Gandhi. Dude's gonna glow like Burning Man. X-COM tomorrow.
  • Still playing BL2. Also got back into Civ 5 to nuke the hell out of Gandhi. Dude's gonna glow like Burning Man. X-COM tomorrow.
    Ha, how about that, I myself nuked Ghandi just the other day.

  • Son of a poop. I just got through with Civ 5 last night and am all psyched to play X-Com today, and now I hear that BL2's first DLC is unlocking today? Also I still have to wash my camo and sew patches on for a MASSIVE airsoft game this weekend (seriously, it's gonna have tanks and over 1000 people running around in the woods hurling plastic bb's at each other). How does the Internet expect me to get anything done?
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