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  • The ninjas were horrible, from what I remember my tactic for fighting them on the railroad section was to equip the grenade launcher and fire it off in roughly the right direction, seemed to work.
    My tactic was to save the game before a ninja section and keep reloading until I did it without losing too much health.
    This is the same method I was trying with it before I gave up last night.
    You know what did it the best? Metroid Prime *drops mic*
    How did I forget that game? I did not have a problem Metroid Prime, maybe I will go back and play that sometime.
  • Is that really a problem? I have not gotten that far due to other games I need to play but that seems like an awesome problem to have.
  • I don't find it a problem. I just find it amusing.
  • I finally beat FTL on easy!
  • I finally beat FTL on easy!
    This is worth trumpeting from the rooftops. I still have yet to beat it.
  • I finally beat FTL on easy!
    This is worth trumpeting from the rooftops. I still have yet to beat it.
  • edited September 2012
    The second instance against the rebel flagship is just completely banaynays! I went in with a ship with full shields, full evasion, three pulsing lasers and two attack drones and I still couldn't neutralize their drone controller before it completely wrecked my hull. There are like ten drones on the field! I didn't even die from systems failure; it straight murdered my hull from green to nothing in like thirty seconds!
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • edited September 2012
    I finally beat FTL on easy!
    This is worth trumpeting from the rooftops. I still have yet to beat it.
    I beat it but I did it with the ship you get from beating the game, because my buddy unlocked it when he was over. (When he beat it, he did it with the engi ship. Just stack up attack drones and lasers, full upgrades, and pray. :P)

    He then went home, bought the game, and proceeded to unlock every ship A and B. Jesus.
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • Yeah. I'm totally modifying the hell out of the XML files and playing around creating new guns and stuff. I still doubt I'll beat the flagship.
  • The second instance against the rebel flagship is just completely banaynays! I went in with a ship with full shields, full evasion, three pulsing lasers and two attack drones and I still couldn't neutralize their drone controller before it completely wrecked my hull. There are like ten drones on the field! I didn't even die from systems failure; it straight murdered my hull from green to nothing in like thirty seconds!
    Note that breaking the drone control does little to nothing. It might stop the anti-personnel drones but that's about it. Which is one of my biggest problems with FTL. The boss is neat but he only follows some of the rules ships follow elsewhere.
    In general for beating it I've found a few useful things:
    1. Max stealth helps, use it on its over charges in rounds 2&3, missiles in round 1
    2. Max shields and evasion are a must.
    3. Focus on the missile launcher first.
    4. Killing the crew is nice, but only the gunners matter.
  • I made sure to take out the missiles launcher first for sure. Fuck missiles, they are almost as bad as boarding drones.
  • Wait, you can target a weapon system (i.e., a missile launcher or ion cannon) directly!?

    This is a game changer, gents.
  • Wait, you can target a weapon system (i.e., a missile launcher or ion cannon) directly!?

    This is a game changer, gents.
    Yeah, how do you do this? All I can do is target the weapons room in general.
  • On the boss you can target individual weapons because they're all in separate rooms.
  • Wait, you can target a weapon system (i.e., a missile launcher or ion cannon) directly!?

    This is a game changer, gents.
    Yeah, how do you do this? All I can do is target the weapons room in general.
    It's specific to the boss. If you pay attention each of it's 4 main cannons shoots something different. If you take out the associated weapon room, and gunner (to prevent repair) that cannon stops firing. Fire bombs or a concentrated burst of fire on one will usually take it out.

  • edited September 2012
    Wait, you can target a weapon system (i.e., a missile launcher or ion cannon) directly!?

    This is a game changer, gents.
    Yeah, how do you do this? All I can do is target the weapons room in general.
    It's specific to the boss. If you pay attention each of it's 4 main cannons shoots something different. If you take out the associated weapon room, and gunner (to prevent repair) that cannon stops firing. Fire bombs or a concentrated burst of fire on one will usually take it out.

    In addition to this, if you have a teleporter, you can send guys to each weapon room in the first phase and kill the guy there. In that ship, people can't get to the little weapon rooms. When you get to the second phase, those guys don't come back afaik, making for a much easier fight. On easy, you can just tele in on that second phase and kill the whole crew with mantis, as I believe there were only five left last time I tried.

    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • Oh shit teleporter sounds like exactly the way to manage that fight.
  • edited September 2012
    Pirated Tony hawk Pro Skater HD to see if I'd want to buy it from Steam. It was a nice little nostalgia trip, but I feel like it really wasn't made with PC controls in mind. Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2, which was released for PC, had a much more intuitive control scheme but, unlike the levels and music, it wasn't brought over. Also, the lack of the "Create your own skater" feature was kinda a bummer.

    All in all, while the levels are all there with a brilliant new shine and the music sends you back to the beginning of the millennium, I would wait until steam has it for $5. That opinion might change if I get an Xbox 360 controller, which might serve it better.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited September 2012
    Lilith showing her affection for Roland in the Pandoran social networks.

    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I beat the FTL boss for the second time on Easy just the other night, using the Zoltan ship, and with just 3 shields, six in engines and a defense drone to boot.
    The "secret": got really, really damn lucky and got a burst laser II around sector four. That, plus the VERY powerful starting beam on the Zoltan ship tended to mince things. Also, teleporting bombs are damn useful, as is full cloaking.

    Actually, the luckiest thing is that I think my defense drone shot down all the boarding drones on the second boss form, so I didn't have to deal with that shit. Also, Zoltans kick ass because they give you extra power, which lets you put juice into more things and is immune to ion damage.

    Anyways, I've just started SpaceChem. How the fuck did lackofcheese get 46 cycles on that first puzzle?
  • Rochelle: Ima siren too :) The nurse mods KICK ASS.

    Played Soldier in BL1, figured I'd try something different. Zero would be my 2nd choice and I'll probably give him a go once I find some decent gear for an assassin to aspire to.
  • edited September 2012
    Been playing some Syndicate(the new, FPS one) and while it's fun and pretty cool, the fucking bloom is ludicrously out of control. It's fucking painful to look at, sometimes, even with my gamma turned WAY down. I had to stop playing, because it actually made my eyes start to ache. The only way to describe the graphics accurately would be "retina-searing." I looked at a neon sign, and accidentally gave myself LASIK.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Finally beat Black Mesa just now. It was a very good adaptation of Half-Life, and at the very least lightyears ahead of Half-Life Source. It is kind of unfortunate that it isn't the entire game and what's missing are the Xen levels, which are somewhat annoying to play.

    The game did crash a couple of times though, but the only times I remember it crashing are when I died while a helicopter was around (namely on the dam, during the cave fight with the rocket launcher, and during the air drop scene in "Surface Tension").

    The final scene when the jump portal is warming up also gave me trouble, but for a different reason. While my graphics card, an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460, handled everything else in the game perfectly fine on high settings, it almost crapped out for the portal beam. The game stuttered without end and I had a hard time to aim and survive until I could make the jump.
  • I BEAT FTL. I feel like I need to just throw my gaming PC out now. I'm done. I beat it.

    Actually, it's now time to go back to Borderlands 2 and get closer to beating it. Gotta admit I really love that game, even just playing it on single player.
  • I haven't tried the siren in the new BL because I heard she got nerfed hard. I played Siren on all 3 of my playthroughs of BL1, I just couldn't get into the other classes at all.
  • Siren is less awesome solo, but much more awesome in groups, in my experience.
  • Anyways, I've just started SpaceChem. How the fuck did lackofcheese get 46 cycles on that first puzzle?
    I haven't tried the siren in the new BL because I heard she got nerfed hard. I played Siren on all 3 of my playthroughs of BL1, I just couldn't get into the other classes at all.
    To be fair, Siren was kinda totally overpowered in BL1.
  • The phase lock doesn't sound as awesome as it is (especially res), and most of her random abilities are somewhat boring, but my Siren is an unkillable god fighting opponents 3-4 levels higher than her with a relatively poor shield so I'm having fun with it.

    My friends seem to all go Gunzerker after they try the others though. Perhaps because he's an immortal killing machine.

    Most of them dislike the Commando after a bit, and like the assassin slightly more.
  • I'm playing the Assassin single player, and Gunzerker with Sarah (while she plays Siren). We haven't gotten far enough yet to make judgments. I'm still playing Tekkit a LOT.
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