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  • Started playing the new Borderlands over the weekend. It is definitely more of the same, which is fine for me in short bursts. I play very little these days, so doing a couple hours a weekend on this will suffice.
  • Skyrim is kinda broken once you get good at enchanting. My bows right now do 150+ damage, because of the amount of stuff I've enchanted with fortify archery. My horse, Arcadia, makes it so that I can always make safe get aways that put me at a distance I can shoot the enemy at without them being able to do anything. And if that doesn't work, my follower agros them so they don't attack me, and I can keep shooting them.

    There's also a serious lack of things worth buying in that game. I have 4,000 gold, so it's not even a question of whether things are worth their price. There just isn't anything that will change gameplay. I've started towards settling down, but I can't find any NPC's characterized well enough for me to want to marry them (tho I suppose that's what the "Marry a Dragon" mod is for).
  • Playing State of Decay which is a pretty fun Zombie "stay alive" game that's single player. it's pretty fun and doesn't go into zaniness that things like Dead rising does. However death is permanent for your character so watching them get instant killed by a fat zombie kinda sucks when you like the character...
  • edited December 2014
    Been playing some warframe, and some more secret world when I grab the time. While walking my sister through and around stuff in-game is fun enough(And I do get a nice little XP bump by doing the quests again), but it doesn't quite compare to grabbing my giant hammer that looks like Finn Macool's own meat tenderizer and just going all mayhem in a sharp suit on some lovecraftian motherfuckers. Christmas event is on too, so bonus cool stuff.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Cremlian said:

    Playing State of Decay which is a pretty fun Zombie "stay alive" game that's single player. it's pretty fun and doesn't go into zaniness that things like Dead rising does. However death is permanent for your character so watching them get instant killed by a fat zombie kinda sucks when you like the character...

    Not sure if they have been fixing the issues but this game has a lot of bugs in it. I ran into one when I had started playing it where I am supposed to have a quest in this town you drive to and there is nothing there.
  • State of Decay has some game breaking bugs. I had one where you help an enclave defend their house and at the end the fat zombie vanished. Quest could not be completed and I could not abandon it. Had to exit the game which restored prior save point.

    There is also an issue where permadeath in one save file can make all of your save files unloadable. That one hit me and took a good bit of googling to fix.

    Breakdown is a fun challenge but it can get mad hard at higher levels when mobs contain multiple special zombies.
  • Just finished XCOM, Enemy Within. Grand total losses were 2, one from the mission with the Cryssalids, and then my support guy bit it in the last fight in the temple assault mission.
  • HMTKSteve said:

    State of Decay has some game breaking bugs. I had one where you help an enclave defend their house and at the end the fat zombie vanished. Quest could not be completed and I could not abandon it. Had to exit the game which restored prior save point.

    There is also an issue where permadeath in one save file can make all of your save files unloadable. That one hit me and took a good bit of googling to fix.

    Breakdown is a fun challenge but it can get mad hard at higher levels when mobs contain multiple special zombies.

    I just stopped playing after that one bug hit me. I think I basically need to start over. There may be a way to recover from it but I just don't think the game is fun enough to keep playing.
  • The Talos Principle is my Game of the Year.
  • edited December 2014

    The Talos Principle is my Game of the Year.

    LOL I was just about to ask if it was worth getting.
    Nelson has spoken.
    Apparently the Faster than Light writer did the story, so it sounds like it will have some story.
    Post edited by sK0pe on
  • After beating WarioLand 2 and Metroid II, I moved on to WarioLand 3 and Metroid Prime Pinball, beating both of them. These have all been really enjoyable games. Now I'm on to Aliens: Infestation on DS.
  • I beat the initial game of State of Decay, I didn't run into any game breaking bugs that you guys talked about. As with all open world games with a quest line I'm always torn between exploring and growing and ending the game. Overall I had a fun time with the game and I'm slowly working on the DLC.

    I started Walking Dead Season 2, which well definitely starts with a lot of heavy stuff..
  • Won't say too much about it but its certainly not as good as the first season. Has some good points in the game but is a little incohesive.
  • MATATAT said:

    Won't say too much about it but its certainly not as good as the first season. Has some good points in the game but is a little incohesive.

    To be honest I think it would be hard to beat the first season, one of the few games which really compelled me to role play and get invested with the characters. I'm not calling it perfect but it does a better job than many other games.
  • Playing is perhaps not the best word, I'm mildly addicted to the latest Dragon Age. Inquisition is buggy, BioWare crack.
  • Been playing a lot of Payday 2 lately. Anyone else play it? I and a friend of mine run missions decently but we want a four man crew.
  • I think I am going to put down Aliens: Infestation for a bit and play something else. I didn't realize it was going to be very much a "Metroidvania" style game. I didn't realize that about the Wario Land franchise either, but loved it. Then went and played an actual Metroid game, but this is genre overload now.
  • I finished playing Valiant Hearts: The Great War.

    The art style and 2d platforming is excellent in this game.
    It would probably be easy for anyone who is acquainted to original (punishing) 2d platformers. However the story is rather compelling and it has an edutainment slant, informing the player of the first world war.

    Most media I have consumed seems to be centered around the 2nd World War and from the US and occasionally the UK perspective. This game covers the French perspective in the first World War. I can't emphasise how much I love the 2d art. The game and story plays like you are in French comic book.

    It is a super short play through, you can finish it in one sitting, the puzzles are mild to non challenging however the media has been made for the experience rather than anything else.

    I recommend this for everyone who has any interest in the first World War or French comic art. It would also be appropriate to teach kids about the subject.

    Gripes -
    Developer didn't feel like programming mouse support (kind of stupid but can be played with keyboard only or gamepad).
    The facts and the photos seem to be forced, pulling you out of the narrative at times but at other times reminds you that these events actually happened.

    Buy the game when it is cheap enough for you. I didn't want to wait because I love french comic art.
  • Bought this game Ziggurat that was on a flash sale. I saw a quicklook of it on GB and thought it looked cool. I really like it. It's got some of that Hexen goodness mixed with procedurally generated room and shit. Generally I don't really find random map layouts too interesting but they do a good job of adding variety to the rooms. The art style I think is personally what helps it stand out too. It sorta reminds me of the cartoony vibe that the Torchlight games had which I really enjoyed. Bright colors and great lighting.
  • Started playing Democracy 3 and my attempt to build a happy egalitarian nation was cut short when religious extremists attacked the capital and killed the President and several others...
  • I was disappointed in that game. It had great potential either comically or dramatically, and tapped in to neither.
  • edited December 2014
    Nuclear Throne. It's basically Hotline Miami meets Mad Max as a Roguelike. And it is amazing. Still on early access though.

    I'm also playing Alice: Madness Returns which is wonderfully crafted, though I have hit on a couple of bugs when playing on mouse and keyboard so I've switched to gamepad.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • I am absolute, definitely going to play Nuclear Throne. When it is actually done.
  • Had to delay my Boston trip a day so I managed to beat a game in less than 24 continuous hours, felt like a 6th grader again. Also remembered why I don't do that now, damn that took a lot.

    The stick of truth was won and its an incredible experience for any fan of south park.
  • yea I've been playing Stick of Truth a lot and did a 5 hour run of it till 3 am and then realized why I don't stay up to 3 am :-p
  • Playing Typing of the Dead between other games and it is so much fun. Mavis Beacon, IRC and typing out letters from a sheet was good and all, this is learning to type on another level.

    It is the first really B grade game, that embraces how B grade it actually is. Parodying films and games alike. The janky graphics were definitely intended to match the story and gameplay.
  • Make sure you get the bad language pack.
  • Churba said:

    Make sure you get the bad language pack.

    I got all the packs when they went up on Steam recently, sometimes random sentences come up that make me giggle and I slow to a crawl trying to type the phrase out.

  • Thanks for reminding me to get that.
  • Savant -- Ascend is a kind of amazing bang for your buck. It's only two dollars normally, and it's %50 off on Steam right now. It's mechanically very similar to Luftrausers in that it's essentially an arcade game where you can get upgrades that carry over into future plays. It's got super simple controls, and is overall just a lot of mindless fun. Even if I only get a few hours out of it, it'll be well worth my dollar.
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