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  • Playing the Halo beta, and it is allot less buggy than the halo 4 beta.
  • edited December 2014
    Started playing Marvelous Miss Take, it is so great.
    I love how the different characters have differing objectives that align more with that characters limitation.
    I think this game would have been more widespread if it was cheaper on release.

    For people who like stealth games, stylistic art and quick to play game.
    Post edited by sK0pe on
  • Halo 5 looks like the shit! Too bad I don't have an Xbone.

    I've been getting on NS2 though, still can't quite Alien. I'm pretty good at Marine support though.
  • Dazzle369 said:

    Halo 5 looks like the shit! Too bad I don't have an Xbone.

    I've been getting on NS2 though, still can't quite Alien. I'm pretty good at Marine support though.

    Aim the middle of your screen where you want to move and bite, aim down when falling and up when jumping.

    Halo 1 is the shit.
  • Halo 1 was amazing when you could cram 32 people on a map, and it was all pistols/ snipers/ rockets. Complete mayhem. otherwise it's considerably slow paced.

    Halo 4 and Reach even because of sprint, jetpack, and assassinations you could maintain the combat intensity from close quarters to long range.

    Halo 5 seems to improve of this more with the new abilities. Slam, sliding etc..

    On Reach, Countdown! If you had the sword and shotgun you were a god!

    Wonder if I can still render my saved games.
  • Dazzle369 said:

    Halo 1 was amazing when you could cram 32 people on a map, and it was all pistols/ snipers/ rockets. Complete mayhem. otherwise it's considerably slow paced.

    Were you playing on PC or on console because there was complete havoc when a server had 6 - 8 people on the servers that I played on.
  • 32 is a small number of players for a game of Tribes
  • Shadow of Mordor, mindless fun, but a bit too easy. A lot of my friends talked about how they'd have these great captains who would murder them over and over again, taunting them. It gave me a picture that the game was like Demon's/Dark Souls difficult. It's not even close.

    It can get a bit monotonous wading through the endless sea of uruk and orcs.
  • I put 50 more hours into xcom since the expansions were on sale. Still fun. Impossible is... even more difficult early now and less difficult late. I guess I never did impossible Iron Man. I thought I did. I know I tried for days. I did finish it with saves, but the amount of reloads involved was crazy. I really liked the new second wave options for random skill trees, although it made my supports suck relatively speaking. The new mission types are fun. I want to try again on iron man, but I know I will fail. I cleared it on Iron Man classic a long time ago, and that was moderately difficult, but impossible is way more brutal than I had realized.
  • The Stanley Parable was on sale. Explored it for an hour or two, then viewed the rest of the content using a flowchart and youtube.

    One of the paths asks you to speak a password, which I enunciated clearly into my microphone. It doesn't actually work, but I hope the developer got a few hundred people to do the same.
  • There's something about Skyrim that bugs me -- there's no good side to the war. As someone who supports both self-governance and racial harmony, neither the Empire nor the Stormcloaks seem particularly good rulers of Skyrim. I don't think it's really a problem, because the game doesn't (yet) require you to join one side or the other, but I'd like to be able to root for somebody.
  • I put 50 more hours into xcom since the expansions were on sale. Still fun. Impossible is... even more difficult early now and less difficult late. I guess I never did impossible Iron Man. I thought I did. I know I tried for days. I did finish it with saves, but the amount of reloads involved was crazy. I really liked the new second wave options for random skill trees, although it made my supports suck relatively speaking. The new mission types are fun. I want to try again on iron man, but I know I will fail. I cleared it on Iron Man classic a long time ago, and that was moderately difficult, but impossible is way more brutal than I had realized.

    The expansions make the game great. Random skill trees can be pretty annoying though, I like going on Iron Man runs, the hardest stage for me is always the Chryssalid infested ship. The last time I played it I lost 3 of my team on the last turn and only my sniper got out.

    Also a great thing to try is to finish the game at a faster pace, this makes it more challenging and stops you becoming unkillable on a really long playthrough.

    For harder difficulties you can pretty much churn out assaults and heavies as meat shields and the few that survive are usually a combination of luck and stats, I then invest mutations or cyborg upgrades (depending on what path I go) on the stronger assaults. Investing in mid game technology is also much more advantageous.
  • sK0pe said:

    Dazzle369 said:

    Halo 1 was amazing when you could cram 32 people on a map, and it was all pistols/ snipers/ rockets. Complete mayhem. otherwise it's considerably slow paced.

    Were you playing on PC or on console because there was complete havoc when a server had 6 - 8 people on the servers that I played on.
    PC. My brother had it on the Xbox, but I never really got to play it.

    Halo on the PC with my 56k modem, ahhh man. Getting disconnected when someone wanted to use the telephone, those were the days.

    32 players in Halo, is mayhem because even the large maps aren't that big. Though few servers supported it.

    UT2004 was the real lag whore if you played on a server with 64+

    Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 was the best for pistol matches, but the online scene disappeared when COD became a thing.
  • Played Halo for the first time in my life last night. Went through the first two missions of the first Halo (on co-op), as part of the new Master Chief collection on Xbone. The one nice thing I have to say is that I thought the ability to toggle graphics back and forth between the up-resed original and the brand new fancy graphics was pretty cool. The toggling was instantaneous, which impressed me.
  • The Halo remake was done the right way. Not just a lazy retexturing.

    Great for newbies, those old ass graphics are embarrassing.
  • edited December 2014
    Did you notice how they made Amanda Keys butt ugly in the the Halo 2 remastering, and then had a bit of character whiplash when you made the transition to the un altered Halo 3?
    Post edited by spikespiguel1 on
  • Buying the exact same game twice is stupid, rewarding a game developer for having zero new content is stupid.

    What is the draw card of buying a game twice?
    Dazzle369 said:

    The Halo remake was done the right way. Not just a lazy retexturing.

    Great for newbies, those old ass graphics are embarrassing.

    Wonder when they're going to do Donkey Kong remake, those old ass graphics are embarrassing.
  • I've bought multiple games twice.

    Mostly because having a game on PC rather than Xbox is much more convenient to me as I don't have to bother to start up xbox and I get online without paying extra.
  • Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is pretty legit. Nice 3D puzzle platformer in the same vein of ilo milo or Fez.
  • sK0pe said:

    Buying the exact same game twice is stupid, rewarding a game developer for having zero new content is stupid.

    What is the draw card of buying a game twice?

    Dazzle369 said:

    The Halo remake was done the right way. Not just a lazy retexturing.

    Great for newbies, those old ass graphics are embarrassing.

    Wonder when they're going to do Donkey Kong remake, those old ass graphics are embarrassing.
    Games like that don't actually have as much of a problem that 3D games do. The art quality remains high at its lowest resolution because thats how they had to be designed.

    With 3D games, doesn't matter what the resolution of the video is, those polygons will remain primitive.

    Did you notice how they made Amanda Keys butt ugly in the the Halo 2 remastering, and then had a bit of character whiplash when you made the transition to the un altered Halo 3?

    It's kind of a shame that Halo 3 didn't get a remake at the same time, understandable.

    Halo 3, is vanilla halo in my eyes. It just played so well. Halo 1 and 2 just doesn't have that pacing, fun as they were.

    With the abilities in Reach and Halo 4, I felt a real experimentation with balance of the action.

    Which gives me hope for Halo 5, which looks like they've learnt from all the imbalances in prior Halos. More refined action.

    I really wish there was matchmaking in ODST firefight. That was the shit.
  • No ODST is one of my biggest complaints about the collection. That and the shit state of affairs for the multiplayer, halo 5 beta included. I know it's just a Beta, but the finished product has allot of the same problems the beta does, so how can I really tell the difference?

    Really they just didn't need to go back to the drawing board with that character, especially since they everyone else verry similar to the original.
  • I don't have the masterchief collection so I can't really say anything about what I've heard about the online issues.

    I was referring to the stand alone ODST game. it was released without matchmaking for the firefight mode. So the online scene died too soon. Specially with Reach's release.

    The campaign was almost a clone of Halo 3, but the I liked the ODST perspective. Was refreshing.

    The co-op and the firefight, playing with friends was just so much fun. Especially if you were going for the Vidmaster achievements.
  • Endless Space: "What do you mean, Tutorial?"
  • If you have a Wii U and you are not playing Bayonetta 2 then you should get it.
    If you don't believe me check this review out:
  • What he doesn't mention in the review is that it's actually a Yugioh game under the veil of a Bayonetta game.
  • Just wrapped up Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker and enjoyed it very much, but there is a certain way in which the game should be played.

    Bring up a list of all the level's secret objectives before you start. These are only revealed to you once you complete a level the first time, encouraging you to play a second time, and extend the length of the game in a bullshit manner. Most of the objectives can be completed in your first pass, and you will get credit. The challenge of getting all 3 gems plus the objective in one shot gives the game a slight difficulty boost and puts it at a sweetspot for a good casual 3D puzzle platformer.

    Also, know that the poorly-worded objective "slip past all the shy guys" does not mean you have to avoid them all. You can kill a shy guy, and as long as he never saw you, you "slipped past" him as far as the game is concerned. Toad be gettin' all Solid Snake up in here.

    I very nearly 100% completed the game, but the final two levels of the main story had some pretty steep "collect a jillion coins" challenge that I didn't feel like dealing with. The process of fully completing each stage was tons of fun, but the reward for 100% completion isn't all that tempting, so I didn't bother getting that last 1%.
  • Verde Station is neat, but not in any way worth $10.
  • Just finished the first chapter in the telltale Game of Thrones game... Er interactive story... Screw it. I felt like none of my choices made a damn bit of difference.
  • edited January 2015
    Rochelle said:

    Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is pretty legit. Nice 3D puzzle platformer in the same vein of ilo milo or Fez.

    Just ordered my copy! I hear it's more of a maze game, then a puzzler. But after 3D world, I just wanted more of that.

    Otherwise, I just picked up Shovel Knight on sale, for 3DS. GOD, that 2D art in 3D looks AMAZING. Holy crap...
    Post edited by InvaderREN on
  • Bought Endless Legends during the recent Steam sale and gave it a try this weekend and I love it so far. Gorgeous graphics, good interface, and enough changes from the Civ games to really make it interesting. The various factions are all incredibly different and unique which really impacts how they play. Just off the top of my head, one faction is limited to only one city, one faction can't declare war, one faction is always at war, one faction doesn't increase in population unless it "converts" enemy units. I haven't played Civ: Beyond Earth yet, but so far, Endless Legends is everything I want out of a 4x game. I like that the fantasy setting has just enough scifi elements to make it seem not completely generic.

    Oh, and just as a note, Endless Legends won Rock, Paper, Shotgun's best strategy game of 2014 and best overall PC game of 2014.
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