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  • Rochelle said:

    Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is pretty legit. Nice 3D puzzle platformer in the same vein of ilo milo or Fez.

    Just ordered my copy! I hear it's more of a maze game, then a puzzler. But after 3D world, I just wanted more of that.
    Pretty much. Also, as long as you have your save file for Super Mario 3D World, you will unlock special levels in CT:TT.

    I hope to see a cosplay of Toad at PAX: South.
  • Rochelle said:

    Rochelle said:

    Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is pretty legit. Nice 3D puzzle platformer in the same vein of ilo milo or Fez.

    Just ordered my copy! I hear it's more of a maze game, then a puzzler. But after 3D world, I just wanted more of that.
    Pretty much. Also, as long as you have your save file for Super Mario 3D World, you will unlock special levels in CT:TT.

    I hope to see a cosplay of Toad at PAX: South.
    I am semi-seriously considering dressing my daughter up as Captain Toad or Toadette and bringing her to East.

  • DO EET! Get her a mini pick axe too.
  • edited January 2015
    Haha we'll see. If I did it, there would absolutely be pick axe! Reasons it won't happen are 1) Not even sure if her and my wife are joining this year, and 2) I wouldn't put the time into a costume unless it was something she really wanted, and at that age, kids are totally unpredictable, change their minds constantly, etc.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • edited January 2015
    Got a really bad seed in ES. All those red dots are planets I can't colonies. There are about three tundra (Requires 1 research node.) the rest are desert (Requiring two research nodes.) and barren (Requiring four nodes.). Oh, and everyone bitches about living on less hospitable planets, lowering approval and production.

    While I'm behind, I'm doing ok catching up and managing my populations whining.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited January 2015
    I just finished Advanced Warfare, and I found myself saying (sarcastically) "thank god all the white people survived"
    Post edited by spikespiguel on
  • Once again, Warframe somehow enters my vision and yet I still don't know much about it. Jeff on Giant Bomb somehow started playing some over the holiday break and was comparing it to Destiny a little bit. I tried it very briefly on the PS4 because I didn't have any games when I first got it. Considering maybe downloading it on my PC and checking it out a bit more. Good or bad idea?
  • MATATAT said:

    Once again, Warframe somehow enters my vision and yet I still don't know much about it. Jeff on Giant Bomb somehow started playing some over the holiday break and was comparing it to Destiny a little bit. I tried it very briefly on the PS4 because I didn't have any games when I first got it. Considering maybe downloading it on my PC and checking it out a bit more. Good or bad idea?

    Ask @Churba, he is a practicing space wizard ninja.

  • edited January 2015
    It is true, I do from time to time let slip the frames of war.

    Yeah, I'd recommend it. It's fun, new features are constantly being added(We just got player hubs and the new 3d space shooter module Jeff mentioned, along with some new enemies and a new frame), and it's a game you can pick up for 20 minutes and put down again, completely satisfied with what you've achieved.

    There can be some mild annoyance when you get dicked by RNGesus, but that's not often. And if you're a metagame sort of person, there's a very dedicated community for creating some absurdly powerful builds. Almost everything in the game can be easily earned through play (As opposed to the whole "oh, you can play for it, or you can buy it, but it takes 15,000 hours of play to get it for free" kind of thing that some games have coughplanetside 2cough.) Community is generally friendly to boot.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Ah okay. I was mostly concerned with the time aspect. I assumed it was going to be one of those games where all the interesting stuff basically has to be paid for. I'll download and give it a go.
  • edited January 2015
    Nah - Building stuff is pretty much the same for everything, it will take X time to build X type of part, weapon, or frame. You can speed it up, but I just wait.

    I can help you out with stuff, if you need, and Omnutia also plays from time to time, he's pretty clever with it.

    Here's something - They do have Paid frames, such as the Nova Prime in the Giant Bomb quicklook. But they are available by going to the right places the instant that they're available on the market, and the vast majority of players will farm for them instead of buying them.

    EDIT - let's see if I can beat the one minute timer, if you're in any way interested in game mechanics or systems, I strongly recommend you play this game purely to check out the extraordinarily clever ways they add incentives, encourage, and otherwise manipulate players.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I can't really recommend it to anyone, as it's far from a must-play game, but my wife and I have been enjoying Mario Party: Island Tour on 3DS for a round or two after the kid goes to sleep.

    Changes of note vs. past entries are that they give you stats for each board to help you choose. It gives you an estimate of the time to complete a game (could say 10-20 min, or 75-90 min, at the extremes), and also gives you luck and skill ratings on a 5-point scale. They're pretty accurate.
  • I went back and finished Far Cry 4. Some of the side stories / missions are more interesting and fun than the main plot.

    My favourite was the one where you collect parts of a painting and play out a myth that is written and described in the style of a chapter in the Mahbharath or Ramayan. I found it great as the characters are all speaking in Hindi and there are subtitles in English plus the visuals are crazy because it is not trying to reproduce real life.

    The other good side story is getting stoned with some English dudes.

    Other side stories tend to be less stories and more just repeating the same shit which is the bane of open world games.

    I do give them props for getting 80% of cultural things correct. There is also some accurate use of offensive language in Hindi by the soldiers which was hilarious.

    The only reason I got this game was because it was free with my SSD. I wouldn't recommend any more in the series. Although the graphics are great the game itself is broken if you can play an FPS or snipe.

    Multiplayer is void, custom maps are full of stupid shit even though pretty good infrastructure was made for custom map building.

    Would not recommend 3/5.

    Best thing I saw - a leopard fight a wolf and kill it.
  • I had meant to try Warframe before, but I had always assumed that it was just some free to play version of Mass Effect 3's multiplayer. Simple co-op horde mode stuff. Nothing wrong with that, but also nothing too exciting.

    But today I gave it a try finally and I'm surprised of how much there actually is in this game. Like it has actual story stuff and quests and it's not a madatory co-op, so I can just solo and get all the loot.

    Select random colors on appearance customization is awesome thing which I really appreciate. Also, the rhythm-based hacking minigame is probably my favorite hacking minigame I can think of, it's super fast, but still has a element of skill in it.

    Generally, the game seems pretty swell, especially for a F2P game.
  • I beat South Part: TSOT a couple of days ago. If you like South Park, you will certainly like the game. For some reason, how closely it resembles the TV series impresses me more than the "realism" of a lot of other games. I do have a few gripes with it, but I still definitely recommend it. One thing that annoyed me is that saving doesn't always seem to work. In a couple of situations before a boss fight I found myself needing to equip different weapons to suit the fight. I saved after equipping the items but after dying in the boss fight it loaded right before where I had equipped the items. I checked to make sure it was the right save and tried saving multiple different times and it seems that it just doesn't thing there is enough of a difference to actually write a new save. Its really annoying to have to re-equip a bunch of items each time before a boss fight you're stuck on. Another is that I just didn't realize some of the side quests were for summons or important items so I ended up getting some after I had already beaten the game. Plus I just wish it was a longer game, and it doesn't look like DLC with new quests is going to happen.
  • I'm back on bombermine N.K.A game of bombs. Seems to be a fair game, even though there's pay for perks.

    Wish there was as many players as there use to be. Back when it was just mayhem. Still good fun.
  • Just started playing Skyrim again... Hearthfire... Must find iron...
  • As someone who treats all of Skyrim like a game of dress up and dolls, I can relate to that greatly.
  • I know, right? The amount of iron required to fully furnish your home is astounding. I think I have used more iron ingots on my house than I would need to craft heavy armor and weapons for a platoon of soldiers.
  • Endless Legend continues to gobble up hours of my life. This might be the best 4X game I've ever played.
  • Endless Legend is pretty freaking awesome. Some friends pulled me into another game last night too!
  • I picked up Ultimate NES Remix for the 3DS over Christmas and have been enjoying it. It scratches the WarioWare itch, with a classic NES veneer over the top of it. Only real gripe I have with it is that some of the mini-games are hampered by the uber-random nature of the old NES programming (e.g. Collect X number of Rupees by killing enemies in a LoZ game, final score based on how fast you get it done), but otherwise I'm digging it.
  • My first import game that I've ever purchased: Puyo Puyo Tetris.
  • More Gone Home, and also a little minimalist flash game called 'Lonliness'. It made me shed two man tears.
  • Rhythm Heaven Fever on Wii. These games are just so weird and good. Rhythm Heaven, as a series, is the true successor to Wario Ware, whereas that series went to shit.
  • Back into a little X-rebirth. It's 100% playable now, there's a ton of great mods out, and it's also basically an X game for sane people.
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  • Apparently I fell asleep whilst looking at the forum. Interesting.
  • If it makes you feel better, that entertained me.
  • While the plot was fun enough to play through, it was basically a teach-u-how for the endgame of X-rebirth, which has been an immensely fun combination of space sim and management sim.

    Night before last, one little shower of pricks decided to attack one of my stations. They came flying in with a medium cruiser, and five fighters, and attacked Robot Hell, my URV factory.

    While I know it didn't happen because obviously it wasn't programmed, I like to imagine the look of sudden realisation and the enemy commander saying "I've made a huge mistake" As dozens of plasma and missile batteries opened up, and 200 pissed-off missle and fighter drones came boiling out of the station like the universe's biggest, angriest metal beehive.

    I was in-system when it happened so I saw it go down - it was fucking biblical.
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