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  • Churba said:

    Night before last, one little shower of pricks decided to attack one of my stations. They came flying in with a medium cruiser, and five fighters, and attacked Robot Hell, my URV factory.

    While I was reading this paragraph I thought you were talking about your physical real house :blush: lol.
  • Grappling with whether Evolve is a game worth getting. Something tells me to wait a while because I bought Titanfall day one and loved it. But a month or two in it is really hard to find anyone still playing it. Honestly I feel like this seems to be the case with all multiplayer shooters these days. Maybe Advanced Warfare is still going strong but there was basically no one playing it on PC apparently. No one is playing Titanfall anymore. I guess people might still be playing Destiny but I don't have the motivation to play it much anymore.
  • Isn't Evolve 4 vs 1? I was looking at Dying Light but it looks the game is heavy on the multiplayer so... No sense in me buying that because most of my friends are spread between console and PC.

    You should just get the Mordheim early access on Steam and battle with me.
  • Dying Light has multiplayer but its perfectly fine playing single player. I've been playing through it and I've been really enjoying it. Evolve is definitely a multiplayer game but it seems like it might be cool. I definitely think I'm gonna let it simmer a bit and see how much the community filters out.

    I've been avoiding Early Access lately because I realized I spend all my time playing the EA version then once the game gets updates or actually comes out I don't play it. I was really close to getting Darkest Dungeon but I'm just gonna wait for it to be finished first. I did break and buy Besiege but it was really cheap. It sounds like its a while before the game is actually done but honestly there's about $7 worth of stuff there right now so it's good enough for me.
  • Darkest Dungeon is on my watch list. Mordheim is playable as a two player game but none of the campaign material is ready yet.
  • Harmoknight was a big disappointment.
  • edited February 2015
    Far Cry 4 has a truly sadistic saving system.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Borderlands: The Presequel had shitty maps and is kinda buggy but I can't stop playing it.
  • Go Go Nippon is strangely addictive. Feel like I am actually visiting Japan. (Humble Bundle... don't judge me!)
  • MATATAT said:

    Grappling with whether Evolve is a game worth getting.

    It is very likely to fizzle out like Titanfall. Titanfall suffered from I've got too much other shit to do, hardly anyone I knew played it regularly and it ran on Origin so even less people played it. It was based on the Call of Duty model which benefits people for grinding the game rather than playing well. The small to moderate number of people playing made it so that you were playing with people who had little to no clue or were very good at the game. The only way these types of games can succeed if a large number of people including your friends play the game. The maps were limited and also pretty small for mechs and too big for 10 players or vice versa.

    I've only played Evolve for one day, it is so unlock heavy it is frustrating. People who grind the game will have better stats than you and have access to more characters and monsters.

    A good round completely relies on the one person being the monster having a good understanding of the map and understanding how to play well. The silly part when playing monster is you can kill half the team and they can just be dropped back onto the map in 2 minutes (this is a game in which there is a character who can literally bring people back from the dead).

    The mouse cursor can't be gotten rid of half the time which is incredibly distracting, the game is being targeted at console players to the detriment of game play.

    There is some depth in the different maps and stages especially ones with alternative objectives.

    I'm not sure what happened to the original developers of Left 4 Dead, their awesomeness is missing from this game.

  • Apparently, Titanfall is still going real strong on consoles. It's just on PC that it died out, and frankly, it's primarily thanks to two things:

    1)Matchmaking. Even when it was super popular, it could take upwards of 10 minutes to find an available match on PC, longer if you didn't just want to play team deathmatch or CTF. And when you got into that game, it would be invariably teamstacked to shit, with one team full of high-Gen players, and the other team with maybe one to three low-gens, and the rest non-prestige, which turned most matches into an unsatisfying, grinding curbstomp for those who would stick it out, and a festival of ragequits for those who wouldn't.

    2)As soon as the first DLC pack came out, it split the community. Due to the matchmaking, the amount of players was already dwindling, and having even fewer players who could play without having the DLC only made the wait-times longer, and the curbstomps worse. Every DLC released only made the problem worse.
  • edited February 2015
    They apparently fixed the matchmaking. That was originally what made me stop playing Titanfall. It used to be easily 5-10 minutes to find a game ever. From what I could tell they also had that issue on consoles as well. Unless you were playing deathmatch at a specific time of day it seemed like you would never find a game.

    I didn't play much once the first DLC hit but yeah I do remember it being split out which was a bummer. Destiny does a similar thing, which I guess makes sense, but there are only like 3-4 new maps in Destiny and it wants to select the same super huge sniping map which usually runs out of time before people actually hit the point limit.

    Titanfall wasn't too bad with CoD style unlocks, it actually had very little to unlock and generally gave you the more competent weaponry up front. I think that was sort of a turn off for a lot of people since they were expecting a lot of stuff to unlock. Getting up to the highest level got easier and easier to the point where you could do it pretty quickly as well. So you could get access to all the stuff but there just wasn't that much to get because they balanced the guns down to the ones that made sense without having like 100+ guns that CoD has.

    The one thing Evolve does that seems interesting is the unlocking of classes with progression. Sure, not for everyone, but it sort of forces you to try everything out which I kinda like. Since you may need to take on any given role as it doles them out you should probably be pretty proficient in all of them. But I see it being somewhat short lived based on people being accustomed to the huge amount of unlocks. Frankly, I think that's sort of why only a few multiplayer based shooters really stick around. CoD because of its absurd amount of unlocks, and Destiny because the entire thing is a pretty slow progression game (so technically you're always working towards something). It just seems that once everyone gets all the stuff for Evolve they'll probably stop playing it. I've heard people from Giant Bomb and GameSpot saying they are still enjoying their time with it though where things like Titanfall fell through.

    I would like to get Evolve for PC but I think that it's going to have the same thing happen where only people on consoles are playing it in the future. This happened almost instantly with Advanced Warfare. Part of it was something to do with the code for evaluating ranks among players and there just being such a huge divide among PC gamers. So a lot of people just stopped. One of my buddies was asking me why they don't just have a server list and I said they probably could, but the money for CoD is in consoles and specifically the XBONE. They just don't really give a shit about catering to PC that much because there isn't as much incentive to. I guess if I'm going to get it I'll probably shoot for PS4 since that is where most of my gaming friends lie these days. Unfortunately its also the console where it strangely seems the least performant, although I've heard in practice its negligible.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • MATATAT said:

    They apparently fixed the matchmaking. That was originally what made me stop playing Titanfall. It used to be easily 5-10 minutes to find a game ever. From what I could tell they also had that issue on consoles as well. Unless you were playing deathmatch at a specific time of day it seemed like you would never find a game.

    I tried playing on and off over time, and while they did fix the speed issue(well, sort of - it was less common to be waiting 10+ minutes, but far from unheard of) but they didn't fix the players it matched you with. I can wait 10+ minutes for a good game, but waiting 10+ minutes for a slogging, torturous curbstomp where you can do literally nothing to change it is just insulting.

  • I didn't find the unlocks for Titanfall problematic, as Churba says, it is the lack of people playing. It would likely still be something I played for some casual fun if there were any games going on.

    I have trouble with any game that requires a "Season Pass". Anything being released with this means it will likely survive up to the DLC on multiplayer and then die. (The only exclusion so far has been Bioshock Infinite however I bought these single player (fun) add-ons for a pittance.

    Second day of Evolve, if your team has any voice communication or shred of intelligence and they are versing a monster who is at the same skill level, there is no way to win as the monster. If the Hunters are not at the same level they will get destroyed level 1.

    The thing that was absolutely great about the Left 4 Dead series was that the AI director of that game applied extra pressure to the survivors who were the stronger team. Get a move on or get wrecked. The dangers present in the environment of Evolve are made stupid because of the mechanics of the game. Oh look there are 6 aliens that we need to fight before getting at the monster.

    2 options arise -
    Ignore the threat by flying over it.
    Fight the sidequest for no good fucking reason, wasting time and letting the enemy gain an advantage. They might as well just have made the entire game a flat texture where you chase around one enemy because that is literally how you win.

    I said it was focused at a console audience because if you can aim with a mouse, you can kill the monster from 1/4 of the map away. The game developers are crossing their fingers and hoping the shittiness of playing with a controller will make it challenging to fight a monster.

    Also a hint, just aim for the monsters head when all your slow traps are down and you'll win every round in under 7 - 10 minutes.

    The reason so many people on PC have moved to CS: GO recently is the skin market and lack of any good shooters with a community that will allow you to play at any time of the day. People like to be rewarded for skill over grinding and playing on an even field.
  • I am playing Pokemon Soul Silver and about to fight the Elite Four, I need to grind a little more.
  • Got Grow Home after watching the Quick Look on Giant Bomb and thought I'd play it for an hour or so and probably be done with it. Ended up collecting all the crystals and completing the second objective once you get back to your ship. I really like that game. You can complete all the stuff in the game in about 4 hours or so but it was a great game that was about as long as it needed to be.
  • Just finished Spec Ops: The Line. That was...interesting.
  • I really liked Spec Ops: The Line. It was everything that its generation wasn't in terms of story telling, and yet it was hampered by a lot of design choices that are very much of the generation. It's well worth picking up for cheap and playing through, or if you really don't enjoy cover based shooter gameplay, you can watch a playthrough.
  • Banta said:

    Just finished Spec Ops: The Line. That was...interesting.

    It's not a fun game, but damn if it isn't a great game.
  • Monster Hunter is dominating my household.
  • Danganronpa is some anime ass anime. But it is interesting enough that I bought the second one. Mystery Phoenix Wright style games kinda get me.
  • 7 Days to Die. Once you get past the total confusion of not knowing it is a crafting game it gets good. Much better with friends.

    Think more detailed Minecraft style crafting with zombie hordes. Also your activity level impacts zombie spawning.
  • For some reason I keep on playing the dog fight module on the latest release of Star Citizen.
    I am really bad at the movement in the game because I don't have the mechanics down for spherical strafing and getting behind my target.

    Some of it might be due to ping because I'm sure I'm playing against North American players. I'm still using just a mouse and keyboard which might be a thing (or more likely I'm bad).

    However I tend to end up in the top 3 every game.
  • Do electronic board games count, or does the game have to be something that cannot be modeled in its exactitude without an electronic device?
  • Doesn't really matter, although there is a board game thread that is pretty active somewhere so people who specifically go to that one for the games might appreciate it more? It's your call.
  • Played through Banner Saga, it was very very pretty and the music was awesome also the game was decent too but had some issues.
  • I think there is also a Mobile/iOS Board Games thread somewhere.
  • Matt said:

    I think there is also a Mobile/iOS Board Games thread somewhere.

    Alright. I'll post there.

  • Hethalos said:

    Matt said:

    I think there is also a Mobile/iOS Board Games thread somewhere.

    Alright. I'll post there.

    Eh, screw it. I've been playing more Titan online, but I've also discovered a pretty interesting strategy game named Ravenmark. I personally love how flanking and moving block formations of troops work in this game. Also, there is less micromanagement relative to other strategy games on the app store, so that's a big plus for me.
  • edited March 2015
    Finally got The Talos Principle man this game is fucking great chill out game, solve these problems when you want to wind down with a drink after work or study or before bed even.

    The puzzles are only one aspect in my opinion I love the interface where you're at a console and working out your humanity (if any with what I suppose at the moment is another AI).
    I love that the game doesn't shy away from discussing philosophy (it would be terrible if it didn't). I also like the various stories being told in fragmented text, how they are at different times yet are relevant to defining your character and also ask you to include yourself on the philosophical discussion.

    There are quite a few jokes and elements that will clearly be picked up by programmers in the game as well (for a secondary level of humour) on top of the surface level portion.

    The game engine is insanely scaleable so don't worry if you have an old ass machine. If you have a new machine you can also crush it if you want as the game can prerender to any resolution you want (like how the built in DSR feature of nVidia cards works but built into the game engine).

    Another thing - if you want to play third person you can do so, if you want first person you can do so, if you want to alter your FOV you can do so. If you want to control head bob or move speed you can also change this (e.g. if you don't want to see scenery and just want to race around because you can as you are assumed to be a robot / machine / android in game but if you get motion sickness you can tone it down. Simple stuff like this is overlooked by so many developers (mostly the ones who go for the console market).

    The sound track is fitting too.

    I can see why it has Nelson's brand of approval.

    I'm only a short bit in though so I assume it will start get harder.
    Also go for the stars if you end up getting the game as each map is broken into sub puzzles but there is usually a hidden puzzle that spans the entire map in most areas where you may need to think laterally.

    Edit: Also play if you like the Jurassic Park movie.
    Post edited by sK0pe on
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