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  • Monster Hunter is dominating my household.


    I just hit High Rank. Probably gonna tool around solo a bit more, then hop online and get my ass to G.

  • Heroes of the Storm

    Love it.

    It's what I'm looking for in a casual MOBA. It's pretty. Maps are fun. Games are on the short side of 30 minutes.

    Champs are pricey for really money, but I figure the rate at which you unlock champs for free is about the same for other MOBAs. I do like the free skin variation you get for leveling up.
  • Monster Hunter is dominating my household.


    I just hit High Rank. Probably gonna tool around solo a bit more, then hop online and get my ass to G.

    I'm still stuck in low rank between waiting for my SO and work. I'm really liking it over 3! The improvements to vertical movement and the general slight increase of speed in the game makes it a lot more dynamic. Whereas in previous games I would only go for a hammer, now I see myself picking up all sorts of weapons as they are all a lot fun and viable now.

    My one gripe is the fucking cat noises, they have like 4 audio files tops. :neutral:
  • I am playing Dragon Ball Xenoverse because ....
    I always liked DBZ guys.
    Also, some gameplays can be pretty hilarious:

  • I watched a QL of Xenoverse and I couldn't really figure out what it was trying to be.
  • Monster Hunter is dominating my household.


    I just hit High Rank. Probably gonna tool around solo a bit more, then hop online and get my ass to G.

    I'm still stuck in low rank between waiting for my SO and work. I'm really liking it over 3! The improvements to vertical movement and the general slight increase of speed in the game makes it a lot more dynamic. Whereas in previous games I would only go for a hammer, now I see myself picking up all sorts of weapons as they are all a lot fun and viable now.

    My one gripe is the fucking cat noises, they have like 4 audio files tops. :neutral:
    I'm noticing it's definitely harder than 3. Monsters are more aggressive and generally just ain't fuckin' around. And the multiple status effect monsters are a great challenge. Like, "Oh, great, I fucked up, and now I'm poisoned and on fire and I can't use items. Go me."

  • As soon as Nintendo let's me transfer my purchases from my lost 3DS to my new one I'm getting MH4U. Until then it's the Majora's Mask remake, which is pretty good.
  • Been playing the crap out of the first Homeworld: Remastered. I remember being completely blown away by the original Homeworld back in 1999 (?) and I was nervous that even though they updated the graphics and sound, the game itself wouldn't hold up nearly 16 years later.

    Boy was I wrong!

    This is a game where, despite a couple bad interface decisions here and there, if you had told me that this was a brand new 2015 game, I probably would have believed you. Maybe it's because the combination of gameplay and narrative + music is outstanding and mesh so perfectly. Maybe it's because Homeworld was so far ahead of its time in terms of gameplay. Maybe it's because, at least to my knowledge, there haven't been many (any?) high profile real 3D space RTSs since. Regardless, this game is still awesome, even more beautiful, and such a great gameplay experience. Also, it is still ridiculously fucking hard. This is the only game where I've ever felt like I was Ender Wiggins at the end of Ender's Game, controlling my small fleet through mission after mission, where each loss of a ship causes a sinking feeling in my stomach because my forces carry over from one mission to the next and every ship really does matter.

    This is one of the greatest PC games of all time.

    Oh, and salvage corvettes are pretty much required...
  • Offworld Trading Company, it's interesting and not entirely finished, the economic RTS aspects of it are really interesting. I have only played against the AI, and the AI can be pretty brutal, but the game feels like a "Euro" version of an RTS. My main complaint is that the manufacturing aspect of the game is pretty simplistic. You only have raw goods that you mine and some processed goods that are usually just one raw material turned into a refined version of it's self. There's only two goods whose manufacture I could call complex, and that's only because they require 2-3 goods to create.

    The game is in early access so maybe they'll add in more complexity as they go on.
  • Valiant Hearts... The feels are real. The puzzles can be annoying. Some of the puzzles are obvious in retrospect but not so obvious as to how to solve them with the controls and on screen scene.

    For example some puzzles require you to distract a guard by throwing an object. Sometimes you can knock out a distracted guard while other times the guards will kill you instantly if you try this. There is never anything on screen to let you know if a guard is immortal so it is not uncommon to waste time trying to kill an imortal guard because you don't know if you can knock them out or not.

    Looks to be a play once game but, it's one of the PS+ games this month for PS4.

    Microsoft are making Xbox Live free for Windows 10, and Windows Phone. While I like the idea of buying the game once, and having access to it on all devices, it's probably not going to have the full support that would make it awesome.

    Still, been NS2-ing the life out of myself. Need to pick up something else.
  • I'm surprised with how much I've been playing dying light. I just love roaming around town and looting buildings.
  • How much of Dying Light is enhanced by multiplayer? The game appeals to me but if the main joy comes from saying with others I would have to decide where to buy it.
  • While it's definitely more fun playing with others, there is nothing wrong with the single player. I tend to get scared easily, so I play single player when just exploring, looting, or doing easy missions. If none of my friends are online, I play with random people. I've surprisingly had a ton of fun playing with randoms. There is also a mode where you can play as a zombie and invade someone's game. (Kind of reminds me of Demon's Souls) In the settings you can choose if you don't want your game to ever get invaded.

    The voice acting can be so bad lol. I consider that a plus since it's fun to make fun of it when chatting with other players.
  • HMTKSteve said:

    Valiant Hearts... The feels are real. The puzzles can be annoying. Some of the puzzles are obvious in retrospect but not so obvious as to how to solve them with the controls and on screen scene.

    For example some puzzles require you to distract a guard by throwing an object. Sometimes you can knock out a distracted guard while other times the guards will kill you instantly if you try this. There is never anything on screen to let you know if a guard is immortal so it is not uncommon to waste time trying to kill an imortal guard because you don't know if you can knock them out or not.

    Looks to be a play once game but, it's one of the PS+ games this month for PS4.

    I have it on PC but I didn't run into this issue I guess I approached the problems a bit differently.
    I really enjoyed the game.
  • Hotline Miami 2 does not disappoint.
    The story is intensive so if you like the story in the first one you will likely love the second one. Game play is refreshing with the different characters available to you.

    When you have the akimbo SMGs it is crazy fun and difficult.

    However if you relish on breaking levels using a few of the more powerful masks and want to combo through 100% of the level you might not like it.

    However there are tools to make your own levels so you can make levels like that if you want.

    Music is awesome again.

    Once again proved that Governments do not understand that censorship is not possible in today's society. I didn't even need to pirate it, I paid the developer because they deserve my money.
  • sK0pe said:

    Once again proved that Governments do not understand that censorship is not possible in today's society. I didn't even need to pirate it, I paid the developer because they deserve my money.

    Where'd you buy it? GOG?

  • Started up Banner Saga. It's decent. I have the feeling it will fall of my plate due to all of the long talking text. I'm really not looking for that right now, and almost an hour in, the tactics battles are still tiny hand-holdy tutorials.

  • I played a bit of Hotline Miami 2 yesterday. Then I saw MitchyD make this 100% accurate tweet this morning.

  • I've heard from quite a few sources that Hotline Miami 2 might not be as hot as the first one was.
  • Churba said:

    sK0pe said:

    Once again proved that Governments do not understand that censorship is not possible in today's society. I didn't even need to pirate it, I paid the developer because they deserve my money.

    Where'd you buy it? GOG?

    I used a VPN to get it but the Developer has approved Australians to pirate it. I did break Steam's TOS to do it so that was my major risk.
    Apreche said:

    I played a bit of Hotline Miami 2 yesterday. Then I saw MitchyD make this 100% accurate tweet this morning.

    Don't know a bout 100%, I haven't been shot by an off screen enemy yet. If you are using Corey (Zebra) you can easily see the shot coming and dodge the bullets.
    Corey is also insane I ran into a room with 3 guys who were holding guns in different spots, all I had was a knife and killed all 3.

    I do agree there is a loss in the puzzle that makes up the 100% combo stage but many of the later stages in the original had incredibly tedious floors towards the end of the stage.

    There is a greater penalty for dying in these levels due to the size.
    Apsup said:

    I've heard from quite a few sources that Hotline Miami 2 might not be as hot as the first one was.

    The game is polarising, some people expect it to be exactly the same and then flaw it for being partially the same and partially not others are really into the story and love how fucking cool it is to blast through a stage and follow the story.

    I will have to play it more to work out if the negatives outweigh the positives as I haven't finished it.
  • edited March 2015
    The visual aesthetic of the game is much hotter. The music, while hot, doesn't have that one song that you put on repeat like Hydrogen.

    The gameplay does seem to be much more like the end of Hotline Miami 1. There's no curve from beginning to hard. It's as if the curve picks right up where 1 left off. Police station is one of the earliest levels! The only thing that makes these early levels even beatable is that while there are plenty of enemies with guns, it's usually only one at a time. So you can door the guy with the gun, take the gun, and then shoot the melee guys. There's enough guns for you to be able to get one yourself without also having to face off against multiple guns at once.

    Also, I have had to make heavy use of Wolfenstein 3D tactics. Fire the gun to attract enemies. Then shoot them one by one as they come through the door. It's the only safe method because enemies move faster than human reaction times, have perfect accuracy, and kill you in one hit. You have to kill before you are seen. There is no other option.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Apreche said:

    Also, I have had to make heavy use of Wolfenstein 3D tactics. Fire the gun to attract enemies. Then shoot them one by one as they come through the door. It's the only safe method because enemies move faster than human reaction times, have perfect accuracy, and kill you in one hit. You have to kill before you are seen. There is no other option.

    I'm not sure if you use the middle click when you plan out how you approach a stage Scott but you can auto track an enemy who may be approaching from an awkward angle (e.g. if you need to shoot 3 people on one side and a 4th one is coming 180 degrees away from the way you are pointing.

    Also throwing stuff at guys to knock them down while you kill other enemies and then finish the knocked down guys has seemed more helpful for my style of play.
  • What does the middle click do? Auto tracking isn't really going to help me because I usually die to off-screen enemies. Whenever I'm in a safe place I'll use shift to reconnoiter the map as much as possible. But inevitably what will end up happening is that I will approach the next set of enemies, and handle them properly. But then an enemy that wasn't visible on my initial scouting will shoot me from off screen. This could all be solved by giving all the projectiles a maximum effective range such that you can't shoot anything that isn't on screen, and anything that is on screen can't shoot you.
  • It's not exactly offscreen kills since their line of sight generally goes as far as you can "look" to using the extended look or whatever it is. But it's definitely harder on some of the levels immediately.

    Star Citizen should just be sold on it's own hard drive.
  • Dazzle369 said:

    Star Citizen should just be sold on it's own hard drive.

    Is it an MMO? Microtransactions? Monthly fee?

  • Dazzle369 said:

    Star Citizen should just be sold on it's own hard drive.

    And it'd just about be cheaper to boot.
  • edited March 2015
    Picked up Skyrim Legendary edition for PS3. Yes, I already played it on PC and PC version with mods is ten times better but... My kid played the main quest line on my PC before I did and I want to feel the trophy pacing. That and it was cheap. Picked up New Vegas Ultimate too.

    Sometimes I also just like to kick back on the couch with a controller.

    Edit: my god... PC has spoiled me and I just threw away good money.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
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