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  • I hate the missions where I have to kill half a dozen of an enemy and I don't know what it looks like or where it is. It's half an hour of wandering around occasionally attacking something inconsequential and sometimes cooking meat.
  • Ikatono said:

    I hate the missions where I have to kill half a dozen of an enemy and I don't know what it looks like or where it is. It's half an hour of wandering around occasionally attacking something inconsequential and sometimes cooking meat.

    In those cases kill anything that sligly looks like the monster icon and check the mission progress if the counter goes up.

  • What does "w/" mean in this context?

    it means both "with" and that I am a lazy fuck with bad typing habits.

  • Oh maaaaaan, new Mario Kart 8 DLC tomorrow! The last DLC pack was top notch. I expect nothing less now.
  • Matt said:

    What does "w/" mean in this context?

    it means both "with" and that I am a lazy fuck with bad typing habits.

    But w/o that how would the world go around?
  • Slowly making my way through the first Homeworld: Remastered game. I think I'm on mission 12 out of 16 and I might have broken the game. Because your units/ships persist from mission to mission, I keep going back and playing the previous mission again and again to try and beat it in the most optimal way/cause the fewest losses of my ships as possible. Also, the salvage corvette may be my favorite unit in the game. I'd say at least 70% of my fleet is made up of enemy ships that I've captured and "salvaged" with my little fleet of corvettes. It's gotten to the point where I'm trying to capture every capital ship the enemy has rather than destroying them.

    I love this game.
  • edited April 2015
    Ikatono said:

    I need to actually get into Monster Hunter, but it really doesn't want me to. I seriously had a much better time starting Dark Souls.

    MH4U has actual weapon tutorials in 1* Caravan. You can also consult a complete move guide in-game. I actually think this game has better pacing than previous games - you get into the meat of the game much faster. Really, all of Low Rank in 4U is one large tutorial.

    There is definitely a fair amount of opacity for mostly not very good reasons, but some of it does make sense. Like the weapon attack values - they don't tell you how the damage formula works (because that's crazy complicated), but in general you do know that weapons with higher numbers do more damage per hit than weapons with lower numbers. Big number = slow and hard-hitting, low number = faster and lighter-hitting. And visual cues in the game can tell you what you need to know to beat a monster - bounce when you hit a spot, and you know you should try somewhere else, even if you don't know the hit value of that particular location.

    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • The gaijin hunter tutorials on YouTube blew my mind when I first watched the Charge Blade one. There is so much shit they don't tell you anything about in that game.
  • It's also ridiculous how it's both a slash and impact weapon with bonus armor-piercing explosion damage.
  • ThatGent said:

    It's also ridiculous how it's both a slash and impact weapon with bonus armor-piercing explosion damage.

    I though it was impact weapon only for the sake of KO-damage, but not for defense calculations, for which Charge Blade always uses blade modifiers.

    Or have I misunderstood that?

  • As far as I know, the sword is slashing, the phials are explosions with impact qualities.
    The phials have the best part of the impact weapon, ko and exhaust and the explosions themselves deal raw explosion damage.

  • I believe that's only the non-elemental phials that do KO damage. Both deal explosion (raw damage that ignores hitzones) I believe.

  • Ashly Burch gives a genuinely average performance as Cassandra Cage.
  • Mario Kart 8 DLC with Animal Crossing characters, vehicles, and racetrack?

  • Rochelle said:

    Mario Kart 8 DLC with Animal Crossing characters, vehicles, and racetrack?


    Everything's coming up Rohouse.

  • - Pokemon Rumble World is starting to bore me. There is really very little meat to this game.
    - Pokemon Shuffle continues to be more fun than I expected. The different types of levels (move count, timer, boss battle, etc.) have kept it fresh.
    - Nintendo nailed it again with DLC. These new Mario Kart tracks continue to be really well designed.
    - I got Yoshi's New Island as my free Club Nintendo game this year. It's pretty yawn-worthy. I don't know if I will finish it, but if I just do a level or two whenever I feel like it, instead of plowing through, I might not tire of it.
  • Still waiting for animal crossing dlc in monster hunter. I need a secretary cat-dog to help me fight a giant dragon.

    Also, send help, a friend gave pokemon oras and now I'm performing horrible acts of eugenics on ghosts.
  • I plan on racing the Animal Crossing track in solo mode so I can just ride around and find all the different AC characters in there.
  • I love the inclusion of the cafe music as the post race theme.
  • I love all the music of the race track. Also the race track has 4 different modes depending upon season!

  • Shantae and the Pirate's Curse came out on Steam!
    it's a very fun 2D platformer, I highly recommend it. Here's me playing the first bit of it.
  • I haven't had too many frustrating levels in hotline Miami 2 but goddamn these last few in act 6 so far. The nightclub one was just bullshit.
  • MATATAT said:

    I haven't had too many frustrating levels in hotline Miami 2 but goddamn these last few in act 6 so far. The nightclub one was just bullshit.

    That was one of the easier stages after you get out of the lobby, which loadout are you going? I went bodyguard (i.e. sword/katana). If you can bait some of the AI to come to you, one or two of them should have automatic silenced weapons which you can use to spray across the right side and then the left side, you should only have 3 people left to clear the level and then go kill the bosses by running around the big table shooting them .
  • Yeah the issue was more that it was hard for me to locate the enemies because of the lighting. Once j sorta got the hang of it it was less difficult. Aiming was still a little annoying. But I ended up beating it yesterday.
  • So yeah, Mario Kart 8 is the business. Well the racing. Battle Mode is still horribad with the fucking race tracks and no battle arena.

    I rarely played MK7, but I discovered Blue Shell dodging with the Super Horn. It is magnificent. Super Horn is beyond OP.

    Also the new DLC tracks of the Crossing Cup and Bell Cup are the bees knees. I am enjoying the Let's Play by SullyPwnz.

    In Bell Cup: Ribbon Road and Big Blue are so good.

    In Crossing Cup: gotta love Baby Park and Animal Crossing.

    I need to learn brake drifting. -___-
  • Super Horn is not OP, it's a nice item that almost balances out the insane bullshit of the blue shell. I loved battle mode back in the day, but honestly, they have done such a great job with all of these tracks, that even if there were some good arena battles.... we'd just end up racing instead anyway.

    I'm beyond impressed with the quality of the tracks. Took me 5 tries to get gold on the leaf cup and 4 to get gold on the bell cup, both at 150cc. I aced mushroom cup on 200cc, but that first cup is pretty gentle on the turns. I expect 200cc to be a big challenge in later cups.
  • Matt said:

    Super Horn is not OP, it's a nice item that almost balances out the insane bullshit of the blue shell. I loved battle mode back in the day, but honestly, they have done such a great job with all of these tracks, that even if there were some good arena battles.... we'd just end up racing instead anyway.

    True. The horn does balance out the blue shells. I rarely ever get the boomerang.

    I just enjoy battle mode. No need to worry about racing and just effing up people.

    I love how they brought some of the SNES tracks. Racing them and hearing the music takes me back. However, Ribbon Road. I find myself not paying attention to the racing and looking all around the room. The yarn Yoshis, the box for the race track, all kinds of cool stuff in the background.

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