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  • The Last of Us Remastered on the PS4.
    Great storytelling in this, and so far some great moments of tension, great conversations, and the graphics are tip top.

    is now open to the public
  • Is Rubin Spamming his own forum? ;-p
  • Somebody flag that mother fucker.
  • Started playing Town of Salem because I was watching lets players on YouTube. It is basically a free, browser-based Werewolf game, except there are like 30 different roles. Default lobby is 15 players with three mafia members, a serial killer, and various town roles like Sheriff, Jailer, Investigator, Medium, Lookout etc. It is really interesting and can be very satisfying.

    Just won a game as Godfather by sheer domination and a bit of luck because I managed to convince the town I was a Medium (there can be two of a role because the last town member is assigned a random role). I semi-unintentionally fucked up a whisper, provoking the Serial to attack me instead of another mafia member (I am immune at night as godfather) and in the end we lynched the Serial Killer and then killed the last town member (the actual medium) at night. In the end it was only mafia members left. Total Domination.
  • Finally finished the first Homeworld: Remastered. From start to finish, it was a joy to play and the game feels like it's brand new, rather than a remake of one from 1999 or so. I'll probably take a bit of a break before I start the second one, but overall, I had a blast playing it. I was worried initially that the game wouldn't hold up, or wouldn't be as good as my memories of it from so long ago, but on both counts, the game more than met my expectations. I've never played Homeworld multiplayer, as the story is just so good, but I'm almost tempted now. I should also see what kind of mods are available for it.

    I know I've posted about this game before, but everyone should at least check it out.

    Highly highly recommended!
  • Is it still balls hard? I remember having no freaking resources, always.
  • Been playing Killing Floor 2. I'm having fun, but i miss the slower pace of the first game. The boss weapons also feel under powered. At least I know that they will continue to update the game for years to come if they treat it the same as the last one.
  • Starfox said:

    Is it still balls hard? I remember having no freaking resources, always.

    Yes and no. It really comes down to how you want to play the game. If you want to play it like a "traditional" war game, then yes, it is still really hard. For me though, it became really easy because I used salvage corvettes to "steal" the enemy's ships. Like I wrote in a previous post, something like 75% of my fleet was made up of salvaged ships. By the end of the game, I had something like 115 Ion Beam Frigates, and when I put them into a sphere formation, I had my own personal Death Star that I would aim at things and they would just blow up. I had so many ships in my fleet that I didn't need to spend any money, I just kept capturing enemy ships. Heavy Cruisers, the most powerful ship in the game, and by the last mission I had 5 of, cost something like 4000 Resource Units. I ended the game with about 720,000 unspent RUs because I just kept using salvage corvettes.

    So, for me, the game became really easy, but I played very slowly and methodically, sometimes replaying the same mission again and again in order to maximize the number of enemy ships I captured and minimize the number of my own ships I lost. I could see some people getting really bored and frustrated with my play style and just want to blow things up.

  • Yomi is now on Steam for less than 10% of the original product cost and made from less disappointing material.
  • I'm still going strong with Natural Selection 2. Starting to Lerk, but shotguns are the death of me.
  • I've been playing The Last Of Us: Remastered on PS4. It repeatedly punches me in the feels, albeit some of the twists and turns are predictable. Still, the voice acting and direction are very well done, and I keep getting absorbed into the game.
  • Bloodborne is eating the little gaming time that I have and I have no regrets, except when I loose all of my blood echos :(
  • Starfox said:

    Is it still balls hard? I remember having no freaking resources, always.

    Yes and no. It really comes down to how you want to play the game. If you want to play it like a "traditional" war game, then yes, it is still really hard. For me though, it became really easy because I used salvage corvettes to "steal" the enemy's ships. Like I wrote in a previous post, something like 75% of my fleet was made up of salvaged ships. By the end of the game, I had something like 115 Ion Beam Frigates, and when I put them into a sphere formation, I had my own personal Death Star that I would aim at things and they would just blow up. I had so many ships in my fleet that I didn't need to spend any money, I just kept capturing enemy ships. Heavy Cruisers, the most powerful ship in the game, and by the last mission I had 5 of, cost something like 4000 Resource Units. I ended the game with about 720,000 unspent RUs because I just kept using salvage corvettes.

    So, for me, the game became really easy, but I played very slowly and methodically, sometimes replaying the same mission again and again in order to maximize the number of enemy ships I captured and minimize the number of my own ships I lost. I could see some people getting really bored and frustrated with my play style and just want to blow things up.

    I remember trying to do this exact thing. For like mission 3 (three!) I had enough space dollars to buy 2 ships or some shit. Well that's not going to work. So I replayed the mission like 10 times, trying to get my salvage corvettes in the right place to steal enemy ships before they jump in, and I couldn't ever get it quite right.

    I didn't beat the game.
  • God damn, The Witcher 3 is fantastic.
  • Played HotS for about an hour. Certainly more accessible than other MOBAS.
  • Andrew said:

    God damn, The Witcher 3 is fantastic.

    I was gonna do a bunch of work this weekend and just played this instead. I finally finished the barons quest line and told myself I had to stop after that.
  • Andrew said:

    God damn, The Witcher 3 is fantastic.

    I can't stop playing, dammit.
  • I can. I'm not blown away. It's got some concerning UI issues for me. What platforms are you guys playing it on?
  • I started playing games from the Humble Nintendo Bundle. I've had my eye on several of them for a long time, and have purchased zero of them prior to now, so this was a huge win.

    Woah Dave is a really fun score-challenge arcade game. You could probably sink 2 hours in and be done with it forever, but that time is worthwhile.
  • I also got the bundle, but I don't have a Wii U. Who wants the codes for the Wii U games?
  • It seems like a great bundle. But if I know the game I already own it. So not sure.

    The fall, gameplay wise, is a sorta adventure game. Some puzzle bits and some action. The action is pretty simple. But the story is where that game truly shines. I really wanted to figure out what was going on until the end. And was satisfied when it did end.
  • Dromaro said:

    I can. I'm not blown away. It's got some concerning UI issues for me. What platforms are you guys playing it on?

    PC, with an Xbox controller.
  • Apreche said:

    I also got the bundle, but I don't have a Wii U. Who wants the codes for the Wii U games?

    YO. Gimme!
  • Dromaro said:

    I can. I'm not blown away. It's got some concerning UI issues for me. What platforms are you guys playing it on?

    The ui and menu system isn't any better or worse than other games like it. What exactly is "concerning" about it? I can think of one thing but it's something that many people always fuck up on any ui.
  • Thanks, Scott! It's too bad you don't have or plan o getting a Wii U. I was once a nay-sayer, but it's one of my go to gaming systems of late.

    I'm currently conflicted if I really want to drop $60 on Splatoon. I played on the test servers, but I don't know how much online play I would get into.
  • The Wii U + HTPC is the ultimate combo. Realistically, nobody has enough entertainment hours in their life to fully enjoy all of the content available on a PC, so really, there is no need for anything else. However, there is so much to enjoy on the Wii U that it is a great change of pace.

    The great reviews for the Splatoon single player campaign are tempting me. Kohler over at Wired compared it to Mario Galaxy in quality, for christ's sake. There is a chance I may go home with it tomorrow. Otherwise, I'll eventually pick it up used for however cheap I can get it. It is now a guarantee though that I will play it at some point in time.
  • edited May 2015
    UGH. Target is right down the street of my work. I might stop by there in the morning and possibly pick up some extra Amiibos for friends.

    Since this is a Nintendo title, it won't really get any cheaper. :/
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Splatoon seems pretty cool. I might pick it up soonish if it is coop as my buddy and I are running out of couch coop games that don't suck. Otherwise I'll just wait until I get tired of witcher which might take a while.
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