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  • And what stereotype would that be? The girly, emo, stalker man who glitters stereotype? That's a new one to me.
    He's an intersection of several stereotypes: the brooding longer, the misunderstood "bad boy," the knight in shining armor, and a host of others. He's like a badass biker in shining armor that's also full of barely-repressed sexual desire.

    He's basically concentrated panty moistener.
  • Speaking of video games, Darksiders is a pretty fun game.
  • Last one.
    Page number?
    Here. Rape is only strongly implied, because Bella can't remember any of the abuse. However...
    Under the dusting of feathers, large purplish bruises were beginning to blossom across the pale skin of my arm. My eyes followed the trail they made up to my shoulder, and then down across my ribs. I pulled my hand free to poke at a discoloration on my left forearm, watching it fade where I touched and then reappear. It throbbed a little. So lightly that he was barely touching me, Edward placed his hand against the bruises on my arm, one at a time, matching his long fingers to the patterns. “Oh,” I said.

    I tried to remember this—to remember pain—but I couldn’t. I couldn’t recall a moment when his hold had been too tight, his hands too hard against me. I only remembered wanting him to hold me tighter, and being pleased when he did.…“I’m… so sorry, Bella,” he whispered while I stared at the bruises. “I knew better than this. I should not have—” He made a low, revolted sound in the back of his throat. “I am more sorry than I can tell you.” He threw his arm over his face and became perfectly still.

    I sat for one long moment in total astonishment, trying to come to terms—now that I understood it—with his misery. It was so contrary to the way that I felt that it was difficult to process.
    Starts on page 67...Oh, and the ensuing pregnancy and the chaos that surrounds it is even more disgusting.
  • Wow. And the prose is super shitty, too. I downloaded a PDF, maybe I'll skim it later. Thanks for doing the research. :)
  • Wow. And the prose is super shitty, too. I downloaded a PDF, maybe I'll skim it later. Thanks for doing the research. :)
    Yep. TV Tropes has a pretty decent breakdown of everything wrong with Twilight, as well.
  • edited January 2010
    The Funny thing is - I don't give a fuck that he's a sparkly vampire. It's her universe, so what if she wants her vampires to sparkle. My problem is that it's the worst written book I've ever seen, which main characters who are almost universally disgusting and borderline evil and held up as paragons of what people should be(Edit: Not just Edward - Bella is a nasty, petty, manipulative bitch, etc - In fact, just about the only normal or reasonable character is Mike, and he spends the entirety of every book he's in being called a stalker and slimy etc, just for being a NICE, NORMAL GUY), and on top of that, it essentially tells readers "Whatever your partner does(Or you do to your partner), it's okay if they love you, because you're useless and plain without a big strong man to protect you"

    I can't say I'd ever actually hated a fictional character until I read twilight, but now, I have a whole slew of characters who I hate so much I can taste it.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • [Rage]
    This, basically.
  • Wow, that's some pretty terrible goddamn writing.
  • Wow, that's some pretty terrible goddamn writing.
    I heard, second hand, that the writing was bad. My Twilight-liking friends yelled at me for disliking Twilight's writing without ever reading it. Now I have, and I know I was right in the first place. Still doesn't make me happy.
  • I hate so much I can taste it.
    Does it taste like licorice jelly beans?
  • I hate so much I can taste it.
    Does it taste like licorice jelly beans?
  • For the record, to Stephanie Meyer's defense, what else was she going to do with her life other than write a book series? She's a mormon housewife, have their really been any popular mormon housewives known for doing anything big?
  • Bayonetta is totally sweet and totally stupid. I don't think people would have as much of a problem with the character if she didn't get strategically naked during summons.
  • For the record, to Stephanie Meyer's defense, what else was she going to do with her life other than write a book series? She's a mormon housewife, have their really been any popular mormon housewives known for doing anything big?
    Yeah, but being a Mormon housewife doesn't give you free license to write fiction that idolizes horrible people, and then market it to kids under the guise of "Pure romances! Abstinence, yay!"

    If I was a father, I'd much rather have my daughter having safe, premarital sex than have her dreaming of a man who would break into her room to watch her sleep, or a man who would beat the shit out of her on their honeymoon. Maybe that's just me, though.
  • For the record, to Stephanie Meyer's defense, what else was she going to do with her life other than write a book series? She's a mormon housewife, have their really been any popular mormon housewives known for doing anything big?
    Yeah, but being a Mormon housewife doesn't give you free license to write fiction that idolizes horrible people, and then market it to kids under the guise of "Pure romances! Abstinence, yay!"

    If I was a father, I'd much rather have my daughter having safe, premarital sex than have her dreaming of a man who would break into her room to watch her sleep, or a man who would beat the shit out of her on their honeymoon. Maybe that's just me, though.
    Very true. I guess I just toss Meyer a bone because she was probably living in a sexually frustrating marriage and she wouldn't really be able to accomplish anything other than popping out babies.
  • edited January 2010
    For the record, to Stephanie Meyer's defense, what else was she going to do with her life other than write a book series? She's a mormon housewife, have their really been any popular mormon housewives known for doing anything big?
    No, she actually wrote(And had published) a book before that called "The Host" which if not exactly the greatest book in the world, was actually pretty decent - She has NO EXCUSE.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Mass Effect 2... OMG!!!
  • edited January 2010
    To respond to the numerous comments/statements attributed to what I think, let me say this:

    1) I think Sex in the City is reductionist and occasionally (or often depending on sensitivity level) offensive in its portrayal of both men and women. I do not think that all men are perverts nor do I think all women are sexless. To address the issues of sex and sexuality is great. To portray it as the be-all-and-end-all for humanity (of either gender) is just pathetic.

    2) Pete, you are very literal. My point about the pearls/high heels/vacuum stereotype is that the stereotype is just as offensive as those implicit in Bayonetta's character concept and design.

    3) Edward Cullen would be a poor comparison to Bayonetta. First of all, he is portrayed as being of relatively normal proportions, reasonably intelligent, and, while a sparkly vampire, there are many female sparkly vampires running around. Honestly, it is Bella herself that is appears to be the biggest sexist stereotype, at least based on the first book. I will never read the later books, so I cannot comment on them.

    4) Women are likely more sensitive to these portrayals not only regarding continuing issues of inequality legally and socioeconomically. Gender stereotypes can be funny, but like racial jokes they can be overdone and contribute to real socioeconomic inequities. I am not advocating that companies stop making games that contain offensive material, I am simply saying that when I am offended by it or I think it is harmful, I will not consume it. I think that is a reasonable statement to make. It is strange to me that such a group of thinkers would be taken aback by someone being aware of greater issues involved in the media they consume.

    5) I am not offended because the character "embodies something I am not", I am offended because she is one of the precious few main female video game characters and like many before her, the designers chose to make her a cliche of feminine sexuality. Her breasts and her high heels are her defining characteristics. She embodies something that I find revolting - the image that women are sex dolls and they can only be strong if they also look like a hyper-sexual dominatrix. Nine, it is your words that this is "an ideal of the time" and it is the fact that this is what an ideal woman should be in certain sectors of modern culture that I find offensive.

    6) Bayonetta is meant to appeal to men as are most video games characters as males do make up the vast majority of video game consumers. It isn't surprising that I wouldn't find her appealing. She wasn't designed to appeal to me. I find it odd that the character appeals to anyone, but that is relatively besides the point.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Mass Effect 2... OMG!!!
    I'll be playing that really soon!
  • Mass Effect 2... OMG!!!
    I finished Mass Effect 1 this morning, and then went right into Mass Effect 2 with my character. What a great way to do it.
  • edited January 2010
    Personally, I think the character design is idiotic, and the costume is pretty hideous. Though, I don't get a "housekeeper" type vibe from her so much as a "sexy nun" vibe. And the "sexy nun" vibe always creeps me right the fuck out.
    I get the "Sarah Palin as a porny video game character" type vibe from her.

    Men are exaggerated physically just like women in video games. However, many suffer from the American Comic Book problem: The guys are muscle-bound hulks and the ladies are wasp-waited melon-boobed eye candy. Like Pete said, this is because they cater to guys. They want (I guess?) to pretend they are super strong and Intimidating, and have sex-hay lay-dees as companions.
    For a perfect example of men in video games being co-opted for lady eye candy, how about you look at some Japanese RPGs. Shirtless bishounen abound, being angsty and entirely too pretty. They flip their hair and talk about their feelings all the time.

    Ideally, I'd like to have a main character that everyone can like, someone like Major Kusanagi. Sure, she wears a bodysuit-leotard and has a jiggle butt, but she is smart, butch, and totally in control of the situation.
    And what stereotype would that be? The girly, emo, stalker man who glitters stereotype? That's a new one to me.
    It's an old one if you watch anime.
    I too would duel-wield chainguns through Hell to save my bunny, as I am both sensitive and a powerhouse of righteous fury.
    Me too! I will draw a picture of Emi with the BFG saving Spooky.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • As a real man, I find all this bishounen stuff HIGHLY insulting. I mean where is all the hair damn it. Growing a bunch of woman pedophiles on this stuff. It's not like men have gone after woman that look like they are underage or anything.
  • As a real man, I find all this bishounen stuff HIGHLY insulting. I mean where is all the hair damn it. Growing a bunch of woman pedophiles on this stuff. It's not like men have gone after woman that look like they are underage or anything.
    Actually, yeah! What the fuck is with all these hairless men all over the place? That's bullshit!

    No, seriously, why doesn't anyone have body hair anymore?
  • Honestly, it is Bella herself that is appears to be the biggest sexist stereotype, at least based on the first book. I will never read the later books, so I cannot comment on them.
    I'll agree with that. Edward is disgusting and offensive for entirely different reasons.
    To respond to the numerous comments/statements attributed to what I think, let me say this:
    If you'd have kept reading, I wasn't claiming you didn't think it was sexist - I was asking you to explain why it's Not considered sexist in general, simply because the characters were women rather than men. I apologize for the lack of clarity
  • On the actual subject of games being played, I've started playing Mega Man Anniversary Collection- which, I guess, means that I'm playing Mega Man 1-8, but in small doses. I've mostly been concentrating on Mega Man 6, and I don't care what anyone says, that game probably has the best soundtrack in the classic series.

    I've also started playing an indie game that a few of my friends introduced me to called Yume Nikki. I downloaded it over a year ago but never got to playing it until now. It's very strange and rather unsettling at times.
  • To respond to the numerous comments/statements attributed to what I think, let me say this:
    If you'd have kept reading, I wasn't claiming you didn't think it was sexist - I was asking you to explain why it's Not considered sexist in general, simply because the characters were women rather than men. I apologize for the lack of clarity
    That was in response to Nine, not you. I understood you perfectly.
  • Here. Rape is only strongly implied, because Bella can't remember any of the abuse. However...
    I asked a coworker who's read the books. She said that Bella consented earlier in the novel. That's sort of reflected in the rest of that writing ("I only remembered wanting him to hold me tighter, and being pleased when he did.…"), but it's still a bit off-putting.

    I don't know, maybe she just likes it rough.

    None of that excuses the shitty writing and the subservient character.
  • Actually, yeah! What the fuck is with all these hairless men all over the place? That's bullshit!

    No, seriously, why doesn't anyone have body hair anymore?
    To quote Scott Rubin's confused question to a towel wearing Asian dude: "Why do you shave your body?" Most asian guys have smooth chests and little body hair. I think my arms were hairier than some of my Japanese guy friends.
    You guys are not only sexist but Eurocentric! (^_^)
  • Been playing the Metroid Prime Trilogy on the wii. Been working on trying to get 100% on the first one.
  • Been playing the Metroid Prime Trilogy on the wii. Been working on trying to get 100% on the first one.
    You're crazy!

    I wish that in the Metroid Prime games they did not include the scanning as part of the 100% completion. If I get all the missles, and such, that should count as 100%. I would have played the games to 100% if scanning was not part of it.
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