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  • I wish that in the Metroid Prime games they did not include the scanning as part of the 100% completion. If I get all the missles, and such, that should count as 100%. I would have played the games to 100% if scanning was not part of it.
    I actually like the scanning, it really helped to flesh out the world and the information presented was always interesting, but if you didn't want to do it, you didn't have to for the most part. It was a good mechanic, in my book at least.
  • I actually like the scanning, it really helped to flesh out the world and the information presented was always interesting, but if you didn't want to do it, you didn't have to for the most part. It was a good mechanic, in my book at least.
    I am not a fan of lore.
  • I actually like the scanning, it really helped to flesh out the world and the information presented was always interesting, but if you didn't want to do it, you didn't have to for the most part. It was a good mechanic, in my book at least.
    I am not a fan of lore.
    Why not?
  • I actually like the scanning, it really helped to flesh out the world and the information presented was always interesting, but if you didn't want to do it, you didn't have to for the most part. It was a good mechanic, in my book at least.
    I am not a fan of lore.
    I'm not a fan of the scanning mechanic, or rather the different visor mechanic. Having to switch between them annoyed the hell out of me, enough to stop playing the first one after a few hours.
  • Why not?
    If I want to read a book, I'll read a book. If I want to play a game, I don't want to stop and constantly read tons of text. It throws the pacing way off. If you want Lore, put it in the instruction manual. If you have a lot of Lore, put a novel in the box with the game. If it's a downloaded game, give me an ebook. You can even program it to unlock chapters on disk as I beat levels in the game. Just don't put the text in the game itself. At bare minimum, put it all in an extras menu.
  • If you have a lot of Lore, put a novel in the box with the game. If it's a downloaded game, give me an ebook. You can even program it to unlock chapters on disk as I beat levels in the game. Just don't put the text in the game itself. At bare minimum, put it all in an extras menu.
    Holy shit. I love this idea. *goes off to make notes of it on his current game idea documents*
  • Holy shit. Ilovethis idea. *goes off to make notes of it on his current game idea documents*
    You may want to take a look at Wasteland -- it was a computer RPG that had a separate book for all of the narrative text because it was a really old game and it couldn't fit on the disk! Like, you'd walk into a town, and it would say "read section 162" or some such!
  • Why not?
    If I want to read a book, I'll read a book. If I want to play a game, I don't want to stop and constantly read tons of text. It throws the pacing way off. If you want Lore, put it in the instruction manual. If you have a lot of Lore, put a novel in the box with the game. If it's a downloaded game, give me an ebook. You can even program it to unlock chapters on disk as I beat levels in the game. Just don't put the text in the game itself. At bare minimum, put it all in an extras menu.
    Text in the game is fine, as long as it's optional, and yet doesn't break the immersion. Deus Ex, I would say, is a great example of a good way to mesh text into a game.
  • You may want to take a look atWasteland-- it was a computer RPG that had a separate book for all of the narrative text because it was areally old game and it couldn't fit on the disk!Like, you'd walk into a town, and it would say "read section 162" or some such!
    Speaking of Wasteland, This is a good comic book.
  • Speaking of Wasteland,This is a good comic book.
    I bought the first trade and liked it, so I bought the second trade, and it totally lost me. I didn't even finish it.
  • I bought the first trade and liked it, so I bought the second trade, and it totally lost me. I didn't even finish it.
    I read one issue.
  • Holy shit. I love this idea. *goes off to make notes of it on his current game idea documents*
    You may want to take a look at Wasteland -- it was a computer RPG that had a separate book for all of the narrative text because it was a really old game and it couldn't fit on the disk! Like, you'd walk into a town, and it would say "read section 162" or some such!
    Not exactly what I had in mind, but that's still pretty cool. I'd heard of the game but didn't know it had that aspect to it.

    I just realized that more what I had in mind is similar to what Metal Gear Solid 4 did with its free downloadable database that had a bunch of extra information in it. The thing with that is that if you haven't beaten the game yet, you only get information to events that take place in the games that came before it (like 7 games or so), but when you do beat it you can access the rest. Xenosaga is another game I can think of that had a database that added entries to it as you went through the game. And I don't mean like a bestiary database that lots of games have, it included a lot of additional information like the origins of certain names or terms in the real world.
  • Not exactly what I had in mind, but that's still pretty cool. I'd heard of the game but didn't know it had that aspect to it.
    I probably should've put it in green. :)
  • I've been enjoying the hell out of Bayonetta, but it seems I'm late to the party, that discussion was a few pages back. Hard mode isn't quite kicking my ass yet, but I'm fairly sure Non-Stop Climax mode will ruin me.
  • This talk of games that come with books full of lore and such just reminds me of Ni no Kuni. I can't wait until that game comes out.
  • I'm fairly sure Non-Stop Climax mode will ruin me.
    So, in other words, playing as a 16 year old boy?
  • I'm fairly sure Non-Stop Climax mode will ruin me.
    So, in other words, playing as a 16 year old boy?
    No, more like no Witch Time and stun-proof enemies will kick the ever-living crap out of me.
  • No, more like no Witch Time and stun-proof enemies will kick the ever-living crap out of me.
  • Battlefield for the PC is back in a big, big way!
  • Assassin's Creed 2:

    This game makes the first one look like a demo. It's very enjoyable and overall a very polished game. Here is what is changed/new that I've noticed:
    - No more pointless "find the flag" achievements or missions.
    - Money system that allows a number of new game mechanics, my favorites being pickpocketing in crowds and buying Renaissance art for your villa.
    - Lots of armor, equipment, and weapon variations.
    - More fight mechanics including disarming enemies and taking their weapons.
    - The ability to effectively hide in crowds effortlessly. This mechanic was sorely lacking in the last game resulting in surprisingly agile guards chasing you all over the city until you killed them, and using the ways of hiding far less useful.
    - More animations and moves allowing you greater access to more buildings.
    - Gorgeous and surprisingly accurate environments. It's like a bunch of art history buffs nerdgasimed all over the levels and I'm loving every inch of it.
    - You can swim! No more insta-drowning.
    - Plot is engaging and interesting, with revelations about why the Assassins exist at all, and where they came from. International conspiracies galore.
    - Better interface with the "Animus" in-game, and less time spent walking around, going to bed, etc.
    - Excellent facial animations, even better than in the first game. The animators did an amazing job of getting some emotion on the faces of the characters, even people in the crowds.

    This is an excellent game and definitely worth checking out.
  • edited January 2010
    Battlefield for the PC is back in a big, big way!
    Oh snap! I have a PC that can actually play a current battlefield game and money with which to buy said game..

    Oh shit, I have Bioshock and Mirror's Edge to play first. Kinda going off Bioshock though.. I want to play around with all the plasmids but I sense the game wants me to focus on just one or two.

    Psychonauts get (Again.)!
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I agree, Assassin's Creed 2 was awesome. Never played the first as I heard it was so monotonous; just read up on the storyline and jumped straight into the second.

    About to beat Mirror's Edge, Crackdown and then i'm picking up Mass Effect 2 today. Hell yeah.

    Gamertag if anyone wants to add - chaseblackbeard
  • I have a DS again!

    First game I start playing again? Advance Wars.
  • I agree, Assassin's Creed 2 was awesome. Never played the first as I heard it was so monotonous; just read up on the storyline and jumped straight into the second.
    While AC was a bit monotonous, I loved doing that monotonous stuff! But the new game has much more variety built on the solid core of gameplay that did exist in the original.
  • I'm currently trying to find a balance between Mass Effect 2 and No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle.
  • May I just take a moment to say I thoroughly approve of the recent Steam how-can-you-not-buy-it-at-this-price sales. Currently, you can get every X-Com game for £2 which is cheaper than just X-Com 1's usual £3 price.
  • Currently, you can get every X-Com game for £2 which is cheaper than just X-Com 1's usual £3 price.
    Thanks for the heads up. Never played X-Com. Probably never will, but hey, it's only $2. :)
  • May I just take a moment to say I thoroughly approve of the recent Steam how-can-you-not-buy-it-at-this-price sales. Currently, you can get every X-Com game for £2 which is cheaper than just X-Com 1's usual £3 price.
    I'd like to second this. I have a library of games thanks to the Steam holiday sale.
  • I just beat Mass Effect 2 yesterday at 28 hours. Amazing.
  • Just bought Modern Warefare 2 on Steam, playing through that right now.
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