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  • Steam has the new Rocket Knight, I'm still considering it, I loved the SEGA one back in the day.
  • Has anyone played the Dragon Age: Awaking expansion? I'm thinking about downloading that, the Darkspawn one, and Return to Ostigar; but I'm wondering if they're worth it.
  • Currently playing:

    -Infinite Space
    -Starcraft 2
  • Has anyone played the Dragon Age: Awaking expansion? I'm thinking about downloading that, the Darkspawn one, and Return to Ostigar; but I'm wondering if they're worth it.
    Awakening was pretty fun, I enjoyed it. Only worth it if you're going to run through it a couple times with some of your different imported characters.
    I haven't played Return to Ostagar or the Darkspawn one, though I've heard they're both really short.
  • I haven't played Return to Ostagar or the Darkspawn one, though I've heard they're both really short.
    Well, the DLC quests for Origins were pretty short too.

    I haven't actually played Awakening yet either, but I've been thinking about getting it as well.
  • Just finished mass effect 2 - Went full paragon, Soldier(It's Science fiction, Gandalf, use your fucking gun), saved everybody, and got mah freak on with Miranda and Tali, took the good option at the endgame. Was a little bored after the endgame, as I'd already crushed through all the research I found or bought - 98% of it - found all the anomalies, and so on. Next playthrough, I might go full renegade.

    I did notice that Paragon Shepard, while taking good actions, is still an enormous asshole. Should be interesting after my Renegade playthrough to see if he's more or less of a dick when not playing the goody two shoes. My prediction - He's equally dickish, just more honest about it.
  • River City Ransom. Dragon kick!
  • edited May 2010
    River City Ransom. Dragon feet!

    Also, I met your mom at the acro circus.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • River City Ransom. Dragonfeet!

    Also, I met your mom at the acro circus.
    You just killed a man?
  • You just killed a man?
    Put a gun against his head, pulled the trigger, now he's dead.
    You just killed a man?
    Nice guess, but no. It's an engrish line in the original NES version of RCR.
  • edited May 2010
    You just killed a man?
    Nice guess, but no. It's an engrish line in the original NES version of RCR.
    Geo, the lyric quoting had just begun, and now you're gonna throw it all away?
    Post edited by Sail on
    You just killed a man?
    Nice guess, but no. It's an engrish line in the original NES version of RCR.
    Geo, the lyric quoting had just begun, and now you're gonna throw it all away?
    Easy come, easy go.
    You just killed a man?
    Nice guess, but no. It's an engrish line in the original NES version of RCR.
    Geo, the lyric quoting had just begun, and now you're gonna throw it all away?
    Easy come, easy go.
    Rittrle high, rittrle row.
    You just killed a man?
    Nice guess, but no.It's an engrish linein the original NES version of RCR.
    Geo, the lyric quoting had just begun, and now you're gonna throw it all away?
    Easy come, easy go.
    Rittrle high, rittrle row.
    Any way the wind blows...
    You just killed a man?
    Nice guess, but no.It's an engrish linein the original NES version of RCR.
    Geo, the lyric quoting had just begun, and now you're gonna throw it all away?
    Easy come, easy go.
    Rittrle high, rittrle row.
    Any way the wind blows...
    Doesn't really matter to me.
    You just killed a man?
    Nice guess, but no.It's an engrish linein the original NES version of RCR.
    Geo, the lyric quoting had just begun, and now you're gonna throw it all away?
    Easy come, easy go.
    Rittrle high, rittrle row.
    Any way the wind blows...
    Doesn't really matter to me.
    To me.
    You just killed a man?
    Nice guess, but no.It's an engrish linein the original NES version of RCR.
    Geo, the lyric quoting had just begun, and now you're gonna throw it all away?
    Easy come, easy go.
    Rittrle high, rittrle row.
    Any way the wind blows...
    Doesn't really matter to me.
    To me.
    I looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air
    You just killed a man?
    Nice guess, but no.It's an engrish linein the original NES version of RCR.
    Geo, the lyric quoting had just begun, and now you're gonna throw it all away?
    Easy come, easy go.
    Rittrle high, rittrle row.
    Any way the wind blows...
    Doesn't really matter to me.
    To me.
    I looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air
    Never gonna give give you up, never gonna let you down.
    You just killed a man?
    Nice guess, but no.It's an engrish linein the original NES version of RCR.
    Geo, the lyric quoting had just begun, and now you're gonna throw it all away?
    Easy come, easy go.
    Rittrle high, rittrle row.
    Any way the wind blows...
    Doesn't really matter to me.
    To me.
    I looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air
    Never gonna give give you up, never gonna let you down.
    He's the angry Video Game Nerrrrrrrrrrd.

    Okay so back on topic. Pulling a retro here, I've gone back to a Link to the Past. Good lord that game is fantastic... If you haven't played it yet, set aside a day or two in the vicinity of now to play through it.
  • Putternig around with League of Legends. Free DoTA-type game. There are micro-transactions in it for things I have yet to bump into, but so far they seem to be merely cosmetic and bear no actual effects on gameplay.
  • Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a lot better than the first game, but I miss the Space Station an Rosalina.
  • Putternig around with League of Legends. Free DoTA-type game. There are micro-transactions in it for things I have yet to bump into, but so far they seem to be merely cosmetic and bear no actual effects on gameplay.
    I played two demo levels. I heard from many people that the game is straight up pay money to get the better stuff, like Gunbound.
  • Just finished mass effect 2 - Went full paragon, Soldier(It's Science fiction, Gandalf, use your fucking gun), saved everybody, and got mah freak on with Miranda and Tali, took the good option at the endgame. Was a little bored after the endgame, as I'd already crushed through all the research I found or bought - 98% of it - found all the anomalies, and so on. Next playthrough, I might go full renegade.

    I did notice that Paragon Shepard, while taking good actions, is still an enormous asshole. Should be interesting after my Renegade playthrough to see if he's more or less of a dick when not playing the goody two shoes. My prediction - He's equally dickish, just more honest about it.
    I just started playing Mass Effect 2 on Tuesday. Have liked it surprisingly lot.

    I really like it how Shepard feels like an actual interesting character unlike other BioWare player characters who are much more of a blank slate. I don't try to go full paragon or renegade, I just pick the options I like, I have noticed that usually meas that when it's time to talk I go for paragon way, but when it comes to actions... well, Shepard hurts people. Haven't really gotten into BioWare rpgs before, but I might even finish this one.
  • I finished Red Dead Redemption yesterday, and I think it has one of my favorite endings to a game. As well as one of the best run ups to the end of the game.
  • Super Mario Galaxy 2 is so good.
  • edited May 2010
    I just started playing Mass Effect 2 on Tuesday. Have liked it surprisingly lot.

    I really like it how Shepard feels like an actual interesting character unlike other BioWare player characters who are much more of a blank slate. I don't try to go full paragon or renegade, I just pick the options I like, I have noticed that usually meas that when it's time to talk I go for paragon way, but when it comes to actions... well, Shepard hurts people. Haven't really gotten into BioWare rpgs before, but I might even finish this one.
    What I'm liking so far is that not only does he hurt people, but 90% of the time, he makes 80s action movie one-liners right after. Not just like David Caruso one liners, but Full on Ahnold "He really needed to let off some steam" kinda one liners.

    My favorite - Spoiler - "What more do you want me to say?" *Shepard kicks the guy in the chest, and out of a window, a few hundred stories to the ground* "How about "goodbye"?"
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Can't you See I'm Busy (dot com) is a website where you play games that look like you are working. If I had a real job I'd play these all day. I really enjoyed the game called "Leadership."
  • Does anyone else play Kongai? I'm having a blast playing's one ultimate mind game.

    I'm thinking of renting combines what I always wanted. Real driving + Mario Kart Powerups.
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