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  • Carcassonne is now an the app store for iPhone and iPad! Get it while it's hot!
  • I am picking up every digital version of a board game I can get my hands on and will pick up Carcassonne as well, because I am full of geek shame for having never played it. I've also bought Settlers, Roll Through the Ages, Zooleretto, and Blokus off the app store. For a few bucks, I jump at the chance to learn a new game and get some basic strategy down so that I can join in a game at a local con or gathering and not have to be the guy holding up the game for rules explanations.
  • Red Dead Redemption is fucking great. Add spaceships and energy weapons and it would be the perfect Firefly video game.
    send that to them right away to buy the rights!
  • edited June 2010
    The number of players of Left 4 Dead 2 who don't seem to get how rushing off ahead of the group or generally wandering off is a less than stellar idea, is worrying.

    I am, however, determined to play online.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • The number of players of Left 4 Dead 2 who don't get how rushing off ahead of the group or generally wander off, is worrying.
    That's why I always get a group of 3 other friends. Makes the game much more fun, especially since we yell at each other over skype to not run ahead or wait up so no stupid shit happens.
  • I tried playing on advanced mode public games, thinking that people playing on harder difficulties might be a bit more concerned about teamwork.

    Not even close.
  • Counterstrike...

  • Getting the new maps (for free!) for MW2 soon. Probably will shift to playing that for a bit.
  • I have been doing a lot of travel for work, and have gone back to my DS as a result. I really want to recommend Geometry Wars: Galaxies for the DS. I picked this up with some serious doubt, seeing it in a discount bin, but I've really been pleasantly surprised. As a warning, if you try to play it, do not attempt to use the stylus to aim your shots. Using the 4 buttons as a right-handed D-pad actually works quite well. For a cheapo title I got a lot of fun out of this game, and that's what matters.

    I've got a huge stack of unplayed DS games to plow through since I haven't been using the handheld enough. I vowed not to buy any more but I succumbed to a clearance bin at FYE this past weekend and got Retro Game Challenge and Clubhouse Games for $8 each. I'll play them eventually and I don't see them getting any cheaper than that. I think the next game to come off the stack and into the DS will be Professor Layton 2.
  • Getting the new maps (for free!) for MW2 soon. Probably will shift to playing that for a bit.
    If you are playing on Steam, feel free to add me. Dromaro be my name there as well.
  • edited June 2010
    Woot! Struck pub gold. Had a team of mostly newbies and someone wanted to play on expert.. I talked them down to advance and then we managed to scrape by by just our teeth. Almost always had someone close to death, I had to constantly yell at people for wandering too far ahead.

    The best moment was right at the end of Dead Center where we'd already restarted once, we had all the canisters on the ground and were half way through filling up when the second tank spawns and two of us distract it while the others continue filling up. We came so close to being wiped out, but, just in time, the last canister goes in and we all escape with the tank only a few meters from the car.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Hydorah, it's free, it has an oldschool feel, it's tough as nails. I love it.
  • Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey - So this is what it feels like to tolerate the flaws of the JRPG genre because the storyline is cool...
  • Resident Evil 4 is more subtly unnerving than actually scary. And I thank it for making me better at FPS games.
  • Fallout 3 with all the DLCs is half off, Oblivion is $8.50, and Morrowind is $5. Damn you, Steam.
  • Fallout 3 with all the DLCs is half off, Oblivion is $8.50, and Morrowind is $5. Damn you, Steam.
    I always hate on those Oblivion/Morrowin type games, but I haven't tried one since Baldur's Gate, which I hated. In my series of trying genres I'm not into, which one should I go for?
  • edited June 2010
    Fallout 3 with all the DLCs is half off, Oblivion is $8.50, and Morrowind is $5. Damn you, Steam.
    I always hate on those Oblivion/Morrowin type games, but I haven't tried one since Baldur's Gate, which I hated. In my series of trying genres I'm not into, which one should I go for?
    Probably Oblivion, since it's more bang for your buck and it'd just be a more updated version of Morrowind. I've played Morrowind on the Xbox, it was absolutely horrid.
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • Play Fallout 3.
    Oblivion's writing is horrendous.
  • Play Fallout 3.Oblivion's writing is horrendous.
    I already played Fallout 3. It's the same kind of deal?
  • Picked up Mod Nation Racers yesterday. I think it might be better than Mario Kart. Further playing is required to confirm this.

  • Probably Oblivion, since it's more bang for your buck and it'd just be a more updated version of Morrowind. I've played Morrowind on the Xbox, it was absolutely horrid.
    Morrowind was indeed a pile of arse on just about every platform.
    Play Fallout 3.
    Oblivion's writing is horrendous.
    I think the strength of oblivion on the PC isn't so much in the writing, but in the sheer amount of awesome mods you can pick up for it. The writing is Tolerable, and the mods are immense.
    I already played Fallout 3. It's the same kind of deal?
    It's a similar game, but the mechanics are different. I'd rate Fallout above Oblivion for sheer story and fun.
  • edited June 2010
    I'd rate Fallout above Oblivion for sheer story and fun.
    You forget that Scott didn't like FO3 because even though it looked like an FPS it was an RPG and he was ticked that he couldn't use his mad leet FPS skillz to get head-shots on the enemies every time. Chances are good he wouldn't like Morrowind or Oblivion either.

    Me? I'm still playing Red Dead Redemption and fooling around with Game Room in my spare time.
    Post edited by Techparadox on
  • edited June 2010
    Heads-up: If you buy Fallout 3 today, you're not going to be able to play it. There's a problem with the key server and I doubt it will be fixed since today is Sunday.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I already played Fallout 3. It's the same kind of deal?
    It's a similar game, but the mechanics are different. I'd rate Fallout above Oblivion for sheer story and fun.
    Bethesda's output was not meant for gamers like Scott. Mount&Blade; Warband may be more appropriate, as there is a skill component to the multiplayer game, there's no story whatsoever, and headshots are welcomed. Facestab!
  • Team Fortress 2 is kinda fun despite my ineptitude at playing it.
  • edited June 2010
    I actually have Mount and Blade and have never played it, so if anyone wants to play it with me, holler.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • You forget that Scott didn't like FO3 because even though it looked like an FPS it was an RPG and he was ticked that he couldn't use his mad leet FPS skillz to get head-shots on the enemies every time. Chances are good he wouldn't like Morrowind or Oblivion either.
    I know. That's why I didn't comment on the mechanics, only the story and "Fun"(which I count the stuff outside of the story and the humour under)
    Bethesda's output was not meant for gamers like Scott. Mount&Blade; Warband may be more appropriate, as there is a skill component to the multiplayer game, there's no story whatsoever, and headshots are welcomed. Facestab!
    This is true, but Unless your game's name starts with "Starseiege: Tribes" and the number doesn't go higher or lower than 2, Quake with a number lower than 4, or involves the words "Natural Selection" or "Street fighter" then Scott is gonna complain about how shitty a game it is anyway, and how it's the worst game in the world. I won't say he's wrong ALL the time, but not as much as he thinks he's right in this case.

    UPDATE on project "Rubin plays Reach" - Still waiting for my card to arrive in the mail, but I bloody well hope it does by the 21st, or there will be a slight delay, HOWEVER, only a day or five to account for the flight home and a day or two for getting back on track (Landing 23rd June, BNE at 0630), because I'll nudge someone else to borrow their card, and then just pay them back.
  • Eversion is now on Steam. EVERYONE SHOULD PLAY EVERSION.
  • I'm digging Red Dead Redemption.
  • edited June 2010
    Eversion is now on Steam. EVERYONE SHOULD PLAY EVERSION.
    But... why would I pay for it? It's free to download here.
    Post edited by Sail on
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