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  • Decided to go back to Red Faction 3 last night. Hadn't played it since last summer, but I was immediately able to recall the controls. I think I'll probably try to finish the game finally. Great game, don't know why I stopped playing it last year.

    I'm also playing God of War 3. The game does nothing new, but it's still pretty fun.
  • I just picked up Super Street Fighter 4 and oh science am I in way over my head.
  • edited May 2010
    I've been playing Max Payne 2; At first I thought "Damn this is hard." then I realized I'm just out of practice when it comes to pressing F5 every thirty seconds.
    It's interesting to see how the logic of games has changed over the years.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Finished Red Faction 3 over the week-end and moved on to Ghostbusters. Trying to get through my backlog before Alan Wake and Red Dead are released.
  • I am about 2 years behind on video games, and don't have a problem staying that way because it saves me a ton of money buying new titles for $20 and under. The only exception is I will jump in on primarily multiplayer stuff such as Left 4 Dead before everyone abandons it. I just started Borderlands about a month ago for that exact reason, and finished up all of the story missions at Level 38 this weekend. Now I must decide if I should buy some DLC for it and continue, or move on to the next game atop my pile of shame. That is my stack of 20 or so games I still have not played through and try not to add to unless it's an irresistible deal. If I skim off the pile of shame, it will likely be one of the following:

    - Dead Space (360)
    - Ghostbusters (360)
    - No More Heroes (Wii)
    - Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS)

    What should I do?
  • Play Dead Space and/or No More Heroes first, Ghostbusters after those, and skip Phantom Hourglass.
  • Agreed, play Dead Space first. It's Doom 3 meets BioShock meets Alien the movie. After that I would go back to the Borderlands DLC.
  • Just got my free copy of L4D2 for the 360. Eagerly awaiting the opportunity to play it. Friend me on Xbox live if you haven't already cause I'd love to play with some of you guys/girls.
  • It's Doom 3 meets BioShock meets Alien the movie.
    It's easier to say that it's Resident Evil 5 done right.
  • I like to pretend that game doesn't exist. I still think Resident Evil 2 was the pinnacle of that series.
  • edited May 2010
    What's wrong with RE5? It wasn't as good as 4, but it was still a lot of fun. My only complaint is that the opening of the game is ludicrously hard relative to all the other parts.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • edited May 2010
    Personally I found the RE5 environments very boring and I find the old controls hard to go back to. I will admit that I did enjoy the "Mansion" DLC and would love to see an old style RE game made in this engine.
    Post edited by zombie a gogo on
  • What's wrong with RE5? It wasn't as good as 4, but it was still a lot of fun. My only complaint is that the opening of the game is ludicrously hard relative to all the other parts.
    I fully agree. Though I will also admit that RE2 has a very big place in my heart, as well as Code Veronica.
  • What's wrong with RE5? It wasn't as good as 4, but it was still a lot of fun. My only complaint is that the opening of the game is ludicrously hard relative to all the other parts.
    I fully agree. Though I will also admit that RE2 has a very big place in my heart, as well as Code Veronica.
    Code Veronica was excellent, it's unfortunate that so few people have played it relative to the other games in the series.
  • I think most of my grief related to the Wii goes straight back to being blown away by the experience I had with Resident Evil 4 and the very awesome Wii control scheme. It's just very hard to see all the shovelware on the shelves and try to rationalize why no new game has even equaled that experience. If something has and I've missed it, please recommend it so I can add it to my list.

    The relative worth of Resident Evil 5 always seems to spark controversy when it is brought up. As I trudge forward into the future of gaming somewhat chronologically, I will come to that title probably late this year. I consider the gold edition with the DLC on disk since I've heard good things from multiple sources now.

    On my list, RE:5 comes up right before Batman: Arkham Asylum, which is a fact that has caused several of my friends near-hemorrhages in their efforts to convince me to play first.
  • I'm pretty sure I played RE4 on the GameCube.
  • I'm pretty sure I played RE4 on the GameCube.
    It came out on GC first, but was then released on PS2 and then Wii with motion controls. I played through it on GC and PS2, but not on the Wii. I'd say the majority of the people who played this game did so on GC or PS2 as we did and not on the Wii.
  • I looked at RE:4 on the Wii as a long-format tech demo. Take a Gamecube game that was good enough to win plenty of "Game of the Year" honors, and then tack on some motion control. Walking/character movement was all handled with the left-hand analog stick, and the right hand was used to put an aiming recticle on the screen, similar to a light gun game. I felt like it was ported over as to say "hey look what we can do with a Wiimote!" but then nobody took advantage of it. Almost all of the games I played after that just used the Wiimote to replace things that should have been a simple button press with a funky gesture. What made it worse was that the gestures never seemed 100% reliable, killing any opportunity for competitive gaming.

    I have a big soft spot for light gun shooters, so I may have enjoyed RE:4 for Wii more than the average joe, but it felt like a top-notch rails shooter w/o any rails. The freedom to move wherever you want, point, and shoot, was awesome. It felt like a control scheme that bridged the gap between dual analogs and keyboard/mouse, so I had these dreams of Wii being the console king of 1st & 3rd person shooters. As I mentioned before I am going to start No More Heroes sometime soon though so maybe that satisfy my frustration a bit.
  • I got No More Heroes used cheap because Daryl Surat encouraged me so much. I can see why the game is right up his alley with the otaku culture and the ludicrous hokuto-style violence. Even so, the game itself is poop AFAIK. Same reason Bayonetta is poop. It's just boring and tedious to walk around fighting all these dudes.
  • Bayonetta is poop.
  • Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed Resident Evil 5, but the game moved more into the action frame of mind than the survival-horror one. Capcom should have just let you move around freely like Dead Space in that case.
  • I just picked up the "black" Wii this weekend and I'm playing Wii games again.

    Dead Space Extraction is fun if you consider shaky cameras and a lack of control to be fun. As a fan of the original game I enjoy the story elements but I find it very annoying when I see an item I want to grab in the distance only to have the camera pan away from it. I can't complain when it happens because necromorphs are coming at me but it is downright annoying when nothing else is happening on screen.

    Also picked up Red Steel 2 which is fun but suffers in the control department. You use the want to slash with your sword but also to look around and turn. The game does a pretty good job of dealing with this while in combat but sometimes you fall out of combat and find your character staring at the floor or sky and it takes a few moments to fix.
  • I just picked up the "black" Wii this weekend ... which is fun but suffers in the control department.
  • edited May 2010
    Only in RE5 can you uppercut a boulder into an active volcano.

    Post edited by Sail on
  • Been playing Deadly Premonition, which I think is the first game to successfully pull off the "its so bad its good" thing in a videogame.
  • Been playing Deadly Premonition, which I think is the first game to successfully pull off the "its so bad its good" thing in a videogame.
    Yeah, it's pretty bad/good.
  • Playing Final Fantasy XIII, it is pretty fun when most of the powers get unlocked :D
  • edited May 2010
    Machinarium was pretty good, but I'd be skeptical of anyone who claims to have completed it without the walkthrough. Grabbing the soundtrack now.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Machnimarium was pretty good, but I'd be skeptical of anyone who claims to have completed it without the walkthrough.
    Machnimarium is pretty good, but what impressed me most is that it was made in Flash.
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