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  • edited June 2010
    I'm still waiting for Awakening to drop in price. but this goes back to another problem with DLC and such, why not wait a year or so and get the "GAME OF THE YEAR" edition that comes with all the extra's DLC included...
    Why not wait for everything. Don't watch a movie until it's on Netflix streaming. Don't buy a comic until it's a trade paperback. Don't buy a book until it's a mass market paperback. Don't buy a video game until it's in the discount bin game of the year edition. Don't buy a brand new car.

    The only reason to ever buy anything new in the current world is if there is some time-sensitive element, or if there is no alternative. There's also an exception for things which affect your every day life in a hugely positive way, and waiting would mean a decrease in quality of life or loss of potential quality of life.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I'm not being rational in my complaint, Obviously I already do that (I buy year old cars, and raid clearance isles and such) I'm curious if someone knows whether the DLC for Fallout is now cheaper then it was or if it is still the same price even though they give it to you in the game of the year edition.
  • I'm not being rational in my complaint, Obviously I already do that (I buy year old cars, and raid clearance isles and such) I'm curious if someone knows whether the DLC for Fallout is now cheaper then it was or if it is still the same price even though they give it to you in the game of the year edition.
    The same. All of the DLC adds up to 4000 Microsoft bucks, so the full retail priced GOTY edition costs as much as the DLC alone. Nutso.
  • I got seriously burned with this on Borderlands. I am also a huge proponent of not buying new stuff unless I gotta have it before the multiplayer community fades. My group of friends was pre-occupied with Left 4 Dead 2 so I convinced everyone to put off Borderlands for a bit. I grabbed it for $30 in March, which i thought was a steal, and then the retail price got slashed, and I've seen the game + first 2 DLCs for the same price just one month later.

    The tought bit that I've been wrangling over Fallout 3, with it's massive amount of DLC, is whether it's actually WORTH it to get that GotY edition. From what I read a while back, 2 of the DLCs suck, 2 are great, and 1 is playable. I'm thinking it just might be better to grab the regular game for for $12 used it is going for now.

    Also on this topic, everyone tells me Resident Evil 5 is a solid game, but worth skipping for better titles down the line. However, I hear that the DLC is fantastic, so I've been considering going back and getting the gold edition. Any opinions on this?
  • Yeah, I just bought it.
    A great man walks among us!
    WOO! We all should do some Freeburn later.
  • edited June 2010
    Big thanks Cheese. Let the smack-talk commence!
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Oh, shits! It turns out that EA is having a Mass Effect day on Saturday, and a Dragon Age day on Sunday. I've already spent 60 bucks this week, and now it's going to be more.
  • Dragon Age day on Sunday
    FUCK YES! Also, I'm probably going to pick up Dead Space today for $10
  • Mass Effect day on Saturday
    Hot damn! So much stuff on my wishlist has gone on sale this week :)
  • Dragon Age day on Sunday
    Does that include the expansion, or just Origins?
  • edited June 2010
    I don't know the exact deals, but there will probably be deals on everything Dragon Age, in keeping with how previous days have gone.

    I would really like to see EA's sales figures for this week after it's over. I'm betting they'll be pretty damn high. Any 50%+ discount on Steam catches my attention quite easily. So far, I've avoided buying only one game I was tempted to (RA3 on Wednesday), and now I'm considering DeadSpace at $10.

    So far this week, I've already got the full Crysis pack, BF:BC2, and two copies of Burnout Paradise (although I do expect to be reimbursed for one).

    God damn it.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited June 2010
    Pretty much any game for $10 or under becomes really tempting. This week I've gotten Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Burnout. Going to pass up DeadSpace, decidedly, because I know I'll probably wind up wanting to buy both Mass Effect 1 and 2 tomorrow.

    Although, I must say, despite how much money Steam squeezes from me, they have definitely made gaming a much more affordable habit within the last year or so. I pretty much never have to pay $50 for a game anymore, like I once did.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • ugh, this is that week between Christmas and New Years all over again.
  • I bought Deadspace today, and I'll probably be all over Dragon Age on Sunday. Steam just keeps roping me in with these sales.

  • The only reason to ever buy anything new in the current world is if there is some time-sensitive element, or if there is no alternative
    In a way, board games defy this line of thinking. I don't disagree but with most board games, they go out of print and become more difficult or find or more expensive.
  • I'm not being rational in my complaint, Obviously I already do that (I buy year old cars, and raid clearance isles and such) I'm curious if someone knows whether the DLC for Fallout is now cheaper then it was or if it is still the same price even though they give it to you in the game of the year edition.
    I can only speak for PC since that's where I own Fallout 3 but the DLC is the same price as always. However, I just bought the Game of the Year edition.
  • I'm still mulling over Mirror's Edge and Dead Space. This kind of decision is a bitch.
  • I'd go Dead Space over Mirror's Edge if you had to pick one
  • I'd go Dead Space over Mirror's Edge if you had to pick one
    Seconded for sure. Dead Space is awesome, Mirror's Edge has problems.

    I am playing New Super Mario Bros Wii. What can I say? It's Mario. Not really a bad thing, but not exactly blown away.
  • edited June 2010
    My choice is harder than just that, because I have to choose between zero, one, or both. I guess you could consider this as the combination of two binary choices, but then they do influence one another in terms of finance and time.

    I just know I'm going to spend even more on Mass Effect Day and Dragon Age Day, so I'm reluctant to buy anything extra now. Then again, I realise that I would just be purchasing entertainment for some months in advance, but I'm still worried that I'm going too far with that and should just stick with the very best ones. What makes this difficult is the $5 and $10 prices. Gah!

    Currently I'm angling towards buying neither, though.

    I'm rather hoping that EA get crazy high sales this week and lower their prices in future, or at least have sales more often. I don't like EA, but they do have plenty of power over plenty of relatively good games.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I've been playing and enjoying Oblivion other then the fact it's more free world then Fallout 3 which I thought was nearly impossible.
  • I've been playing and enjoying Oblivion other then the fact it's more free world then Fallout 3 which I thought was nearly impossible.
    It is, but Oblivion is mostly empty. I don't remember Fallout 3 feeling as empty. You can walk for 10 minutes in Oblivion with very little interaction unless you head directly towards a town.
  • I am playing New Super Mario Bros Wii. What can I say? It's Mario. Not really a bad thing, but not exactly blown away.
    The difference comes in when playing with other people. That game is friendship-destroying.
  • Ahh, the evil of the bubble.
  • edited June 2010
    Ahh, the evil of the bubble.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • That's brilliant.
  • I can't buy any more games.
    I won't buy any more games.
    I shouldn't buy any more games.
    It would be a bad idea to buy any more games.
  • Mass Effect at $5; instant buy. Mass Effect 2 at $24 is debatable, though.
  • Mass Effect 2 at $24 is debatable, though.
    I disagree, ME2 is worth full price.
  • I am now Mass Effect'd. Good thing I got Dragon Age for Xmas. My money spending in this Steam sale is finally over.
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