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  • Is there any way to use XBox 360 controller? It's a Robotron shooter, right? Mouse and keyboard shouldn't be any different than dual analogs in that kind of game. I'm trying to play, but Steam is too busy and won't let me download. Try again tomorrow.
  • Edit: Anyone noticed there's only one campaign with six levels. I get the feeling DLC is coming.
    Since it was free I doubt that. I think you'll see a lot of player made campaigns instead.
  • Since it was free I doubt that. I think you'll see a lot of player made campaigns instead.
    Player made. I can probably do that since this is a Robotron shooter type game.
  • edited July 2010
    So it's pretty shitty, huh? I haven't had a chance to do more than a few minutes with the offline practice. I just thought it looked cool. Are the complaints mostly just that the controls are set up poorly? Being left-handed, I pretty much completely redo all the controls on every FPS right away.
    That, and the interface is confusing as hell.

    Hat Trick
    Complete 2 co-op missions online. Earns a Team Fortress 2 parasite hat.
    [Should be three. Sure Scrym's going to be pleased.]
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Of course the free Valve game isn't for the Mac. Of fucking course. Oh well, I guess I'll go back to attempting to play Portal. Good thing my laptop can barely play that game on it's minimum settings...
  • edited July 2010
    If you didn't sell a child's organ for a Mac, it's doubtful you're going to be playing games as they come out.
    Except those ones from the nice folks over at Muse.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Lets see, you've got:
    Fire: Left mouse.
    Shove (Useless): Right mouse.
    Switch weapons: Mouse wheel - It only needed one button to toggle between your two weapons.
    Special item (E.g. Welder.): 1 button - Should be F/G.
    Secondary fire: F
    Reload: R
    Interact: E
    L4D has about as complicated controls as you'd want in a game where you're being surrounded. I'm going to have to re-work my whole setup.
    Switch weapons (alternative): Q (lot better than using wheel, I think)
    Secondary fire (alternative): Middle mouse button (I use this, so maybe I remap Special item to F, that sounds like a good idea)

    Also melee isn't useless, it kills weaker enemies pretty well without waisting ammo.
  • If you didn't sell a child's organ for a Mac, it's doubtful you're going to be playing games as they come out.
    How much is a child's organ? My laptop was $1500 when I got it, of course, that was 2 years ago...
  • edited July 2010
    Interesting note: The Sharpshooter achievement is kinda broken as the tesla coil only makes a shot when there's an enemy crossing the pilot spark so if you use it exclusively, you get 100% accuracy.
    That said, the weapons like the tesla coil have interesting dynamics. It has bugger all range and ammo but you can't friendly fire with it to it's great for clearing swarms around your team.
    This game has got team intra-dependence down really well. Two combat classes clearing the way, medic healing, engie supplying ammo and welding doors shut.

    The flamethrower is a flamethrower, thus, fun.

    I keep forgetting to even think about alt fire! Fuck!
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Lego Harry Potter is the most accessible Lego game yet, it is impossible to get stuck. If you go the wrong way a ghost shows up and leads you in the right direction.

    You also can not attack other Lego people. The only time you can hurt another Lego person is when you are in a boss battle.
  • Lego Harry Potter is the most accessible Lego game yet, it is impossible to get stuck
    The game has been known to have bugs. There were some times when we were levitating items and we would swirl it around really fast and the game would freeze. Also, we have a red brick that somehow got stuck underneath the floor from me running over Jeremy while I was on a library cart right before he gave it to the owl post. Yeah, it was pretty funny at first, but when we found out we couldn't get the brick again, we were bummed.

    The ghosts are a good mechanic.
    You also can not attack other Lego people. The only time you can hurt another Lego person is when you are in a boss battle.
    You can cast spells on them? Did you not unlock all the spells? I constantly cast any binding spell on Jeremy to piss him off. Also if you're any form of Voldemort, you can cast Avada Cadavra and kill peoples. It is fun.
  • edited July 2010
    We also found that the muggles' roll attack can damage anyone, though this may have been just in diagon ally.

    Now that I've accoustomed myself to the Dreamcast controller that is alien swarm, I'm starting to feel this is going to be a real sticker. Could even be TF2 big, given the pricetag. With more maps and maybe the addition of some random spawn locations, it could be really fun but not so serious stuff.

    The lack of a take a break feature, however shall not be forgiven as, a member of my family, who shall remain nameless, was able to plait my hair while I was busy defending my team.

    Also, if anyone is the lower engineer, always get him to have the deployable turret, he builds them about twice as fast.
    In addition, the flame turret is the best thing ever, ever but runs out of ammo quickly due to it's immense awesomeness.

    Also, the purpose of shove is to kill aliens surrounding your team without risking team damage.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Finished both quests in Muramasa last night. Going to spend the next couple of games going for full completion, cause I do really like playing the game, even though it is pretty repetitive. I just get really sucked into upgrading the blades and collecting all the items.
  • I just started playing Dragon Quest IX this week - SO GREAT!

    It is my first Dragon Quest game and I am loving it. Favs so far:
    - Being able to design your characters appearance (as limited as it is)
    - The battle animation (I love how the battlefield spins around as you turn to face your opponent for each attack)
    - Right amount of story (I'm not a fan of grinding and just as I get bored running around the woods killing things, there's something new to do!)

    I'm not very far in, but so far, so good!
  • I tried the Deadliest Warrior Xbox Game...terrible. Not fun when the characters are super unbalanced and people can get killed with 1 combo in 3 seconds. And only 2 rounds and it's not seamless at all. Total Fail. >_>
  • Aha! I got Yakuza 3! I traded in 2 stupid games for it and got it for nothing, it was awesome. Haven't got around to play it yet.
  • Aha! I got Yakuza 3! I traded in 2 stupid games for it and got it for nothing, it was awesome. Haven't got around to play it yet.
    That reminds me, I should probably start playing that. I picked it up when it was released, but haven't touched it yet.
  • Despite my avatar, I haven't played a metroid title since the SNES, but I just started Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. (Not counting a replay of the original Metroid on a real NES in 2005.)
  • edited July 2010
    I've mainly been playing Batman: Arkham Asylum over the past few days. It might be my favorite superhero game ever. I love how it gives you the freedom to run in and take down 10 dudes at once, set traps or take a stealth approach. Plus as someone who grew up watching The Animated Series, it's great to have the old cast back together. Mark Hamil's Joker and Kevin Conroy's Batman are the definitive versions to me.

    I've also got Red Dead Redemption from Gamefly waiting for me, which I haven't touched yet but plan to soon as I've finished Batman. When I'm doing the PC thing, It's usually Team Fortress 2 or MTG: Duels of the Planeswalkers.

    Also, Beat Hazard. Got that during the Steam sale but hadn't tried it till the other day. Holy shit. Playing that game with music by The Protomen is all sorts of awesome.
    Post edited by Doctor Barber on
  • Okay, I know I am behind here; but how does everyone feel about Fallout 3, I have just ebay'd it. Yay or Nay?
  • Okay, I know I am behind here; but how does everyone feel about Fallout 3, I have just ebay'd it. Yay or Nay?
    It's worth playing.
  • It's worth playing.
    Yeah. Not great, but fun.
  • It's worth playing.
    Yeah. Not great, but fun.
    Like $15 fun?
  • edited July 2010
    Is it interesting or same old?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Fallout 3 is Great fun, it falters a bit at the end but watching a friend play the "game of the year edition with all the DLC" they did a good job of still making it fun even when you are completely crazy tricked out.
  • It's worth playing.
    Yeah. Not great, but fun.
    Like $15 fun?
    For that much, I'd say it's more than worth it. I enjoyed the game immensely. Playing evilly can be the most satisfying route. The game is extremely glitchy though.
  • Fallout 3 is basically what everyone describes it as, Oblivion with guns. When it comes to the vanilla game you will get a dozen or so hours of fun out of it before getting bored. Like Oblivion there is a big modding community behind it, so after your first playthrough (or whenever you get bored), pick some mods up to spice the experience up a bit. Also the expansions provide a lot of content, but if you can't pick those up cheap I wouldn't bother because of New Vegas' imminent release.

    Gotta admit I'm a little stoked for New Vegas. It's adding all of the extra stuff that should have been in Fallout 3 to begin with, and taking out most of the suck parts.
  • Just finished doing all I wanted to do with Muramasa. It is nice to have a Wii game to play for a while, but I doubt I'll ever play it again. Doesn't have that much replayability. Now, I was intending to go back to FFXIII, but my friend borrowed it, so now I have to choose something else.
  • Almost at 100% for Lego Harry Potter.

    Yes, should have been more clear about attacking other players. You can attack them but you can't kill them, with a few exceptions. There were times I really needed to kill another character because they were stuck on screen.

    In the first mission with Fang my daughter went after a collectible and Fang ended up stuck on a tree root. All he could do was spin in place and since we needed him for a later part of the level we had to restart the level. If we could have just killed him and had his character respawn in the clear all would have been fine.

    There also are some issues with perspective when jumping around. I think it was bonus level 9 that had some bouncy mushroom jumps that were a real pain in the ass because the NPC kept following me and screwing up my jump rhythm. Some times you just have to turn the second controller on just to get the other character to sit still.
  • Started playing Yakuza 3. I thought it was really cool that it contains the story of Yakuza 1 and 2 with cut scenes. Can't say how the game is yet. Been watching past story for at least half an hour.
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