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  • Prototype is a fun sandbox-y mix-up of Resident Evil-style genetic horror and Assassin's Creed gameplay. So far.
    If you have a PS3, play Infamous. It is much better than Prototype.
    I disagree 100%, having played infamous on the PS3 and Prototype on the PC. To play Infamous after having played prototype was very frustrating because the character is much more limited in Infamous.
  • I do so enjoy freerunning up walls.
  • I'm having a lot of fun in closed beta of the WWII tank sim/MMO World of Tanks. Right now you can choose to command either Soviet or German tanks, but there will be more at launch, apparently. It has a great deal of casual appeal (Recruits battles are fast and always result in a full match, 15 vs 15), while being a fully formed tank sim, with armour measured in millimetres and shell penetration often being far more critical than the damage dealt. You also have your crews gain experience, but it's no more complicated than an experience percentage.

    The only downside I see is that it looks like it will be free to play but micro-payment supported, so you'll be able to buy some of the best tanks almost immediately. But if the player base is wide enough, and the matchmaking is robust enough, it shouldn't matter too much.
  • Finished Xenogears and PixelJunk Shooter over the weekend. Now I'm not sure if I should start a new game or finish one of the five or so I have opened. Okay, I guess it's not really a matter of what I should do, but whether I want to go back to the other games or not.
  • I disagree 100%, having played infamous on the PS3 and Prototype on the PC. To play Infamous after having played prototype was very frustrating because the character is much more limited in Infamous.
    Maybe I'll check it out again. I found it to be really clunky when I played it.
  • Prototype is one of those games that is just borderline off my list. Same thing with games like Mirrors Edge. I'm a good 2 years behind, and in the middle of Dead Space right now, but after that it's on to Arkham Asylum and such. If games like Prototype/Mirrors Edge that generally score in the 70% range drop to the $10 range in the next year, then they might become too tempting and I will play.

    On the DS front I have continued to take a huge chunk out of the pile of shame. It's halfway gone now, and I'm just over halfway through Retro Game Challenge.
  • Dragon Age.
    This may be the first video game I play all the way through. It is such fun. ^_^
    It is a bit funny that the Dwarf I am playing is only slightly shorter than I am.
  • Dwarves are fun. I think they are almost the most fun race to play in the game. Elves are fun in other ways, but dwarves are just fun times. Are you a commoner or a noble?
  • edited July 2010
    Dwarf Noble is the business. I need to get back to Dragon Age so I can head back or Orzammar and stir up some shit.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • The Dwarf Noble is great for that quest. My first time through with a Dwarf Noble, I totally still sided with Bhelen when I got back, and he was all freaked out that I still supported him after everything. It was great.
  • Dragon Quest IX is certainly a Dragon Quest game.
  • Prototype is one of those games that is just borderline off my list. Same thing with games like Mirrors Edge. I'm a good 2 years behind, and in the middle of Dead Space right now, but after that it's on to Arkham Asylum and such. If games like Prototype/Mirrors Edge that generally score in the 70% range drop to the $10 range in the next year, then they might become too tempting and I will play.

    On the DS front I have continued to take a huge chunk out of the pile of shame. It's halfway gone now, and I'm just over halfway through Retro Game Challenge.
    I couldn't make myself finish Prototype, it gets repetitive in the end. But Mirror's Edge I thought was fun, specially because it's short, you can finish it in a few hours. I'm planing to get AA as soon as I can, I'm still trying to find the GOTY version for a reasonable price.
  • Playing Dragon Quest IX :P
  • The Guilds, they be warring.
  • Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4 is a dumbed-down version of the the Lego games compared to the Star Wars Series and Batman. It's meant for the PG-13, so no real scary violence. There is also a lot of useless characters to unlock and to find, and there are no free characters to unlock.

    I do enjoy performing the various magical spells that are in the novel, and there are also characters in the game that they didn't show in the movies.

    Jeremy and I are just working towards 100% completion, however we bugged one of the red bricks and it doesn't seem that it will ever reset. The game isn't as polished and has been known to have glitches.

    I would recommend this game for people who like Harry Potter and Lego, but I would wait for it to drop down in price.
  • I played that with a friend a few days back. Going for 100% completion seems to be the antithesis of enjoyment.

    However, while we were playing, we began noticing the complete state of belief that game can lull you into and have begun wondering how far a game could go in getting players to accept completely nonsensical shit.
  • I just finished Fable 2 and, while fun, I found it somewhat lacking.
  • So I ultimately decided to start Muramasa after having it sit on the shelf since it came out. Pretty simple game, but damn beautiful and still a lot of fun with enough difficulty to keep it interesting.
  • pOnd. Such a calming and atmospheric game. Without spoiling it, the ending nearly brought me to tears.
  • So I ultimately decided to start Muramasa after having it sit on the shelf since it came out. Pretty simple game, but damn beautiful and still a lot of fun with enough difficulty to keep it interesting.
    The bosses are going to be a major pain in your ass as they all have way too much health, but at least you only have to fight the bosses once (I'm looking at you, Odin Sphere!)
  • @ Axel: I actually turned to Adam and said, "I bet Bahlen is lying and setting us up." He actually said "I don't think so." Grrr...
  • Yeah, Dwarven politics are interesting. When you go back there you'll get even more mired in it, it's pretty great.
  • pOnd. Such a calming and atmospheric game. Without spoiling it, the ending nearly brought me to tears.
    This almost made me break my laptop's space bar.
  • Half Life 2 is looooong, very easy, even on the most difficult setting, and not particularly exciting. I've just spent what feels like fucking hours on a fucking boat going down a fucking canal.

    Is there an abridged version, which just gives me a taste of each section, and then I can move on to the next before getting bored?
  • edited July 2010
    You could just turn on the cheats and find which codes you use to load each map.

    I've also been playing HL2 and didn't realise that it also falls fowl of just giving enemies more health as a way of making things harder.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I've just spent what feels like fucking hours on a fucking boat going down a fucking canal.
    Urgh, I hated that fucking boat. The buggy isn't much better, and the muscle car is much worse.
  • I always remember the boat being kinda fun. While playing I realised this is because I remember the bits where you have the gun more than the other bits. Car sections can suck balls.

    The prison invasion was alright, I set it to easy just before then and TF2 has taught me a lot about turret placement.
  • Half Life 2 is looooong, very easy, even on the most difficult setting, and not particularly exciting. I've just spent what feels like fucking hours on a fucking boat going down a fucking canal.
    I had the same problem the first time I played. There is a solution that doesn't involve cheat codes. That solution is called "flooring it."

    See, I was used to HL1 where you walk around every place very carefully. You explore and investigate every possible spot. You kill every possible bad guy. This has its merits.

    The problem is that during the vehicle sequences of HL2, this strategy will take forever. The solution is to just gun it. If you put the pedal to the metal, you can get through the water and dune buggy sequences in almost no time at all. Don't stop and try to pick up health. Don't try to pick off every bad guy. Just go as fast as possible until you get to the "boss". I almost feel that the developers intended it to be that way. There are so many ramps and jumps and explosions. It becomes like an awesome action movie chase scene with a little bit of physics puzzle in the middle.

    Resist your need to clear everything 100%. Just go for it.
  • The prison invasion was alright, I set it to easy just before then and TF2 has taught me a lot about turret placement.
    There is one special turret sequence, you know the one. During this, you should "cheat." If you position some crates, there is an elevated alcove you can reach. It is completely safe up there. You have to place the final turret and then jump up there before enemies arrive. You can then win leisurely.
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