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  • After getting pretty decent at Street Fighter 4 I have now embarked on a new task of getting good at Marvel vs. Capcom 2. Apparently I just like pain.
  • Starcraft 2.
  • After getting pretty decent at Street Fighter 4 I have now embarked on a new task of getting good at Marvel vs. Capcom 2. Apparently I just like pain.
    Marvel VS Capcom 2 has so much secret bullshit in it that it really isn't worth it unless you have copious amounts of free time. That being said, I love the game. I just wouldn't want to play it with anyone but my friends.
  • GeoGeo
    edited July 2010
    After years of pooh-pooh'ing it, I've finally decided to take a crack at Majora's Mask once more. I'm incredibly surprised as to just how good this game is, in fact I'll go so far as to say it is as great as Ocarina of Time. Although, it does head into extremely strange and dark territory (which is part of the appeal to me). I echo a lot of people's concerns & criticisms and will not be the last person to say it is the least accessible of all the Zelda games. But once you hit that sweet spot and get used to the three day concept, you're golden. More to come.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • After getting pretty decent at Street Fighter 4 I have now embarked on a new task of getting good at Marvel vs. Capcom 2. Apparently I just like pain.
    Marvel VS Capcom 2 has so much secret bullshit in it that it really isn't worth it unless you have copious amounts of free time. That being said, I love the game. I just wouldn't want to play it with anyone but my friends.
    That's how I'm feeling about it the more and more I play online. I'm happy with my team of Gambit/Capt. America/Cyclops (While learning tricks with Venom, Silver Samurai and Iron Man) but I'm so getting tired of seeing some of the characters on online matches. And it's not people using Sentinel/Storm/Magneto, it's actually the people using Guile and Charlie. They are such frustrating characters to deal with and Capcom was lazy enough to make so many clone characters.

    That's the one primary fear with Marvel vs Capcom 3. Balancing issues and samey-characters. I do believe that they are really putting in new work with creating new characters are re-evaluating the abilities of various characters. But when I watch videos like this, I get worried.

    And I hope they change the assists too. Some were just too cheap, like Tron Bonne, Psylocke, and Doctor Doom's assists.
  • Gambit/Capt. America/Cyclops
    Ice Man and Megaman are pretty awesome, I would look into them. Megaman can essentially do a chargeable Hadoken with one of his attack buttons, and Ice Man's special attacks are just rigged.
  • Iceman doesn't exactly to a lot of regular damage but there is soooo much chip damage on his ice beam it's not fair.
  • Castlevania: Harmony of Despair.
  • Castlevania: Harmony of Despair.
    I'm getting it tonight.
  • Castlevania: Harmony of Despair.
    I tried the demo yesterday, and I think I'll be picking it up. It seems like Castlevania + Monster Hunter, which I think will make it a lot of fun for multiplayer.
  • Castlevania: Harmony of Despair.
    I'm getting it tonight.
    What time are you going to be online? I've only done single player so far, and it's really addictive. Granted, I've log more hours on Castlevania: Symphony of the Night then any other game ever. I accidently stayed up till 2AM. I get up at 6 and it was totally worth it.

    My only real complaint is the camera. Either it's a little too close and you can't see the other rooms OR it's too fucking far out and it's hard to see your guy.
  • What time are you going to be online? I've only done single player so far, and it's really addictive. Granted, I've log more hours on Castlevania: Symphony of the Night then any other game ever. I accidently stayed up till 2AM. I get up at 6 and it was totally worth it.
    How about in an hour or so?
  • Currently going back and forth between Resistance 2 (ok) and Final Fantasy XII (good stuff). And yes, that is FF12, not FF13. The latter is in the hands of a friend, so I decided to go back to the older one since I had left it hanging sometime last year.
  • How about in an hour or so?
    I can do that.
  • I can do that.
    I'm ready. Are you on my XBL? Friend me up.
  • Don't know if want.
  • edited August 2010
    So, I got Stormrise for £3, seems like a fun idea to try. Apparently, it reviewed terribly but tries lots of new things; Exactly my kinda game.

    It seems many of the complaints link to a console feature of the game though, PC may be easier to work with.

    Update: Oh, this game is special, very special. It's one of those, on a white-board "How can we make a game as unplayable as possible?" games.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • A very gimped version of dwarf fortress is one of the few things I can play on a computer with a pentium 3.


    Unfortunately, I embarked on a snow map and without temperature it won't melt.
  • I just beat Majora's Mask. As back-breakingly hard and difficult as it is, it's all worth it in end all things considered. Should you decide to play, make sure to get every single mask in the game; you'll be grateful near the end. Also try and complete as many sidequests as you can as it adds up to the very epic and satisfying ending.
  • Wait, in what way is Majora's mask hard for you? Did you miss the Bomber's Notebook?
  • GeoGeo
    edited August 2010
    Wait, in what way is Majora's mask hard for you?
    The difficulty I'm speaking of comes from the fact that Majora's Mask is without a doubt the most inaccessible game in the series. You can't pick up and play the game like you would with A Link to the Past or Ocarina of Time, it puts you between a rock and a hard place in the very beginning (it does let up after you get the Ocarina back but not by a whole lot) Plus the three-day mechanic adds a lot of pressure on you to go as fast as you can to complete whatever you set out to do. Sure, you could say the Inverted Song of Time takes some of that pressure away, but it doesn't negate it; some things take a little longer to complete (dungeons, tasks, etc).
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Wait, in what way is Majora's mask hard for you?
    The difficulty I'm speaking of comes from the fact that Majora's Mask is without a doubt the most inaccessible game in the series. You can't pick up and play the game like you would with A Link to the Past or Ocarina of Time, it puts you between a rock and a hard place in the very beginning (it does let up after you get the Ocarina back but not by a whole lot) Plus the three-day mechanic adds a lot of pressure on you to go as fast as you can to complete whatever you set out to do. Sure, you could say the Inverted Song of Time takes some of that pressure away, but it doesn't negate it; some things take a little longer to complete (dungeons, tasks, etc).
    I found this game infuriating for just this reason, in addition to the fact that the clues they give you are extremely vague. Majora fell into "I don't have the patience for this shit" category of game.
  • What do you mean specifically by vague clues? If you wait long enough, Navi will usually tell you where you need to get to. For the first section you're fenced into the opening area so just talking to people will tell you what you need and then Navi will give you the instructions.

    The time constraint isn't much of a source of tension as there's nothing to do in the game that can't be divided up into sections of less than a day or two.
  • edited August 2010
    I picked up BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger again and realized that I never really touched the story mode for the game at all, I just played the multiplayer with my friends. I must say that I am genuinely surprised at the quality of the story, fighting game stories usually suck completely, but BlazBlue's is actually pretty good.

    I'm going to have to work on my Distortion finishes, though, if I'm ever going to be able to get the entire story.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • I played this for a little while last night.

    It's a really old school PC dungeon crawler. My main problem with it is that it is incredibly unforgiving. If someone in your party dies, it costs a ton of gold to revive. If you don't have enough gold, you might as well start over or give up entirely. That's true to the genre, but is it really worth your time to play this?

    Dragon Quest IX, on the other hand, is actually kind of interesting. I got pretty far in the game, and there's almost no combat yet. Mostly you are trying to help and protect the people of the village. Of course, I'm sure a monster attack on the village is coming soon, and I'll be up to my nose in slimes and drakys, but it hasn't happened yet, and I've already played a bunch. It's also cute.
  • edited August 2010
    There's your problem.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited August 2010
    I got pretty far in the game, and there's almost no combat yet.
    Methinks you underestimate the length and breadth of this game. What's the last town you unlocked? Have you been dodging the mobs in the over-world? Just wait until you get past the first few towns and unlock Alltrades Abbey. I'd suggest noting the areas where you can kill Metal Slimes for massive XP, kill Gold Golems for money, and the points where you can gather alchemy ingredients in the over-world because it becomes OMGGRINDTASTIC shortly after that point when you get the boat. If you're looking to level up your jobs AND keep your gear up to spec for the area you're in AND do alchemy AND do the side-quests before the end of the game you're going to be racking up the hours. I've clocked up around 48 hours of play-time, I'm only around a third of the way through the main quest, and I've been plowing through it with the same classes in the party it handed me at Stornwell up to this point. Now I'm getting to the point where I'm going to have to start swapping jobs to be able to get the proper mix of party members to get the quests done and it becomes Grind City to get the level 1 jobs up to a usable state.
    Post edited by Techparadox on
  • I gave my first benevolessence to the tree.Then I went to town and got two more. Then it became night time. Then I stopped playing.
  • I gave my first benevolessence to the tree.Then I went to town and got two more. Then it became night time. Then I stopped playing.
    Oh wow... you haven't even scratched the surface yet then. Get ready for a lot of plot twists and turns before you even get your first actual party members.
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