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  • Thanks to one person, I am playing Spelunky again instead of Minecraft.
  • Recettear. Honestly, just buy it. It's worth the $20.
  • Kirby's Yarn is the cutest thing ever!! =3
    And I'm playing Sonic Colours as well.
  • I just ordered a bunch of games off Amazon.
    Link's Awakening
    Oracle of Ages
    Oracle of Seasons
    Pokemon: Pikachu edition
  • Oracle of Ages
    Oracle of Seasons
    Them's sum gud gaems.
  • Them's sum gud gaems.
    That are sadly mostly forgotten.
  • edited November 2010
    Yet more AC2. The smoke bombs, combined with double wrist knives, make for possibly the most lethal death per second weapon in the game. There is a reason you only get three at a time.

    Crowd of gaurds, smoke cloud, pile of bodies.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Yet more AC2. The smoke bombs, combined with double wrist knives, make for possibly the most lethal death per second weapon in the game. There is a reason you only get three at a time.
    Yet, the poison blade makes for some of the most hilarious kills of all time. Smoke bomb, stab as many people as you can, and it's like a dance party.
  • edited November 2010
    Yet, the poison blade makes for some of the most hilarious kills of all time. Smoke bomb, stab as many people as you can, and it's like a dance party.
    There's a youtube video of that.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • I was rocking out with NS last night. I've started playing more combat games, and they are a lot of fun. I still suck at alien though.

    So, I had a "Fuck Yeah!" moment. There is a map called Space Fall or something similar. If you are a marine, and fall into anything but water, you die. I accidentally fell off the space ship. As I fell I shot a skulk with a shot gun, and that gave me an extra level to spend. Still falling, I spent it on a jet pack. Jet pack purchased, I landed safely. I died about 10 seconds later, but it still gave me a great adrenaline rush.
  • Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. Just finished up Costume Quest.
  • Epic Mickey, and I'm extremely disappointed. Gonna try DKCR now, and probably never touch Epic Mickey again.
  • Epic Mickey, and I'm extremely disappointed. Gonna try DKCR now, and probably never touch Epic Mickey again.
    Saw that coming miles away.
  • edited November 2010
    Saw that coming miles away.
    One review doesn't make a bad game :-p Wait a minute Epic Mickey doesn't come out for a week..
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • edited November 2010

    Disclaimer: I downloaded it with the intent of buying it later. I won't tho', since it was boring as fuck. I will however buy GT5 when it comes out. As well as DKCR when it comes out in my region.
    Post edited by Aria on
  • Saw that coming miles away.
    One review doesn't make a bad game :-p
    Well, make that two then. I played Epic Mickey at PAX and was very underwhelmed. It's basically Super Mario Sunshine 2. A mediocre game that did not beg for a Mickey-themed sequel.
  • I'm still amused at people pirating new games.... I don't have time to play all the legit games I have ^_^
  • I'm still amused at people pirating new games.... I don't have time to play all the legit games I have ^_^
    These people probably aren't as busy and aren't full time employed either.

    This has been discussed before, but I really enjoyed Super Mario Sunshine. It's probably the one I played the most, even though I never really played Mario 64. I thought it was all kinds of awesome: challenging and enjoyable.
  • edited November 2010
    I hadn't played anything in ages. Prior to these games, the last thing I played was Halo Reach. My backlog is huge as well, but I felt like playing something new when I started having time to play games again. (And of course, piracy being the easier option, I chose that over actually going out and buying the games=P)

    Oh, and I loved Sunshine as well. Not as much as 64 or Galaxy 2, but more than Galaxy 1.
    Post edited by Aria on
  • AC2 is beginning to get repetitive. I thought it would pace well but didn't count on the sheer size of it. I expected Florence to be a big portion of the game but that's only half of it you get to begin with and I've only just got to Venice. Given they repeat the same few side activities and there are so many chests and do-dads to collect (Also, chests do not scale to the amount of money you have, rendering them pointless.) that it seems, while they had a lot of Branston Pickle, the size of bread they chose was just too vast.
  • All of these free-roaming games need more density. I want Fallout 3 compressed into a couple of city blocks.
  • Man, watching Battlestar Gallactica and playing Neptune's Pride really makes me want to reinstall Sins of a Solar Empire right now. I just need to figure out where I left my disk...
  • Man, watching Battlestar Gallactica
    Glad I'm not the only one.

    I can't believe I missed this as it was airing. This is the fucking business.
  • Man, watching Battlestar Gallactica
    Glad I'm not the only one.

    I can't believe I missed this as it was airing. This is the fuckingbusiness.
    It also adds a great deal of comedy to New York state environmental news because there's a debate over a mining method called 'Hydrofracking'. I laugh every time NPR covers it.
  • Man, watching Battlestar Gallactica
    Glad I'm not the only one.

    I can't believe I missed this as it was airing. This is the fuckingbusiness.
    Sadly, it gets kinda shit in season 3 (if I recall correctly) and doesn't finish that well.
  • Man, watching Battlestar Gallactica and playing Neptune's Pride really makes me want to reinstall Sins of a Solar Empire right now.
    I'll play with you if you do. I need someone who knows how to play this game a bit to get over some of the interface/control/crazy shit issues I have with the game.
  • Thinking of going back and giving Halo 1 multiplayer a shot.
  • Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is so good.
  • Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is so good.
  • 207 levels beaten in Super Meat Boy... can't stop...
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