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Games You are Currently Playing



  • I finished Fallout: New Vegas, and I was thinking about starting a second playthrough, but I decided to play Fallout 2 again instead. Got a mod that allows you to crank the game speed up, so the one thing that's kind of annoying -- how long combat can take when you're waiting for a bunch of guys to walk halfway across the map each turn -- is no longer annoying.

    That said, Fallout 2 feels a lot more dated than it did last time I played it.
  • At a friend's house yesterday, I was dismayed to discover that Dragon Age 1 has a distinct lack of dragon-based content.

    It is my firm belief that a website indexing media by ammount and quallity of dragon-based content would be of great help to all mankind.
  • I am picking up games off of steam sales, I have been working on Jolly Rover a point and click adventure games with dogs.
  • edited November 2010
    At a friend's house yesterday, I was dismayed to discover that Dragon Age 1 has a distinct lack of dragon-based content.

    It is my firm belief that a website indexing media by ammount and quallity of dragon-based content would be of great help to all mankind.
    Eh. Dragon Age has a big dragon fight at the end, and a bunch throughout. One area is filled with dragons of varying sizes.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • Final Fantasy I on my iPhone. It's addictive.
  • Final Fantasy I on my iPhone
    Original or remade?

    Also, how do you cast TCELES B HSUP?
  • Started Goldeneye Wii. I prefer Pierce Brosnan over Daniel Craig.
  • I prefer Pierce Brosnan over Daniel Craig.
    Brosnan's Bond is technology-fetishist CG action wankery. Craig's Bond is much more like the novels, and this preferable to me (irrespective of the fact that Casino Royale as a story was weak to begin with).
  • I prefer Pierce Brosnan over Daniel Craig.
    Brosnan's Bond is technology-fetishist CG action wankery. Craig's Bond is much more like the novels, and this preferable to me (irrespective of the fact thatCasino Royaleas a story was weak to begin with).
    But the gadgets are part of the Bond experience. Every Bond has used some gadgets, and Brosnan's Bond had some of the best toys in my opinion.
  • Final Fantasy I on my iPhone
    Original or remade?

    Also, how do you cast TCELES B HSUP?
    They ported the PSP version to the iPhone and gave it a touch interface. I haven't played FF1 since the original NES one.

    The same brooms now tell you Wodniw Sutats Dloh Dna Pat.
  • But the gadgets are part of the Bond experience. Every Bond has used some gadgets, and Brosnan's Bond had some of the best toys in my opinion.
    Yep, but it can't be all about the toys, or else it's just a more fictional version of The Wizard. And don't forget, all previous Bond films have been apparently part of the same apparent continuity - for example, remember Brosnan using the old DB5 in one movie, and in the museum, coming across the old Jetpack from Thunderball? The Bond character never really had to be established in the films, because it'd been established for a number of years. This new Bond is a reboot, and the character and his capabilities need to be established before you get too crazy with gadgets. They will come, in time, just be patient - remember, in the first bond films, he had relatively few gadgets.

    Though, I do miss old Major Boothroyd.
  • Be that as it may, if the stupid smart phone has a goddamn magnet app, I shall declare the shark to be jumped.
  • Be that as it may, if the stupid smart phone has a goddamn magnet app, I shall declare the shark to be jumped.
    I wouldn't. Maybe the app just interfaces with a proprietary Q Branch neodymium electromagnet tucked in the phone.
  • I beat Jolly Rover, going to review it for the site and then move on to another random game. Thinking Galcom Fusion, anyone have it so that we can play multiplayer?
  • edited November 2010
    I wasn't expecting to say it so soon, but I think I need to play through LoZ:OOT again.

    Playing BTBeat and I'm at something of a conundrum as far as it's controls go.
    I now get why PC gamers have trouble with looking up (As detailed in a Valve documentry.): It's really uncomfortable to do repeatidly for long periods.
    Xbox controls could have been improved by having the paddle snap back to the center when you let go of the analog stick, i.e. map it straight to the Y axis of the controler.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • My sister is playing through Twilight Princess again and is currently about to get shot to Cloud City.
  • edited November 2010
    Gran Turismo 5 is a beautiful game <3
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • edited November 2010
    Finally got a Bond One Liner out of Daniel Craig. No magnet app yet though, thank God.

    Addendum: I also found the "oops" button on a SAM.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • edited November 2010
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Dudebro?...
  • I'm pretty sure that's Alpha Protocol. He's got a pretty major Castro situation going on there.
  • edited November 2010
    Yes, it's Alpha Protocol. I play as the tech guy :P The game seems to have too much lame combat and not enough spy stuff. As someone on the Idle Thumbs podcast said, the character creation has two options: american douchebag/hipster, or Castro.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • I started playing Borderlands single player campaign. I had already played some for the PS3, and I didn't quite like it. Guess what... on the PC is a hell of a lot better. The game is much faster and less tedious with K&M. If anyone wants to play online, I'm game.
  • If anyone wants to play online, I'm game.
    I really want to, but the fact that I can't just pick my level has basically ruined multiplayer. Either I'm way overpowered (and it's boring), or way underpowered (and it's boring).
  • edited November 2010
    It'd be great if Borderlands was able to scale your levels in multiplayer, just like in Pokemon Wi-Fi. The unscaled multiplayer killed my desire to continue playing that game.
    Post edited by VentureJ on
  • Or at the very least if it like, gave bonuses to lower leveled players for playing with higher leveled ones. There needs to be some way to fix that.
  • >I really want to, but the fact that I can't just pick my level has basically ruined multiplayer.
    I'm not sure how the multiplayer works but just tell me your level and when I get to it we'll play.
  • If anyone wants to play online, I'm game.
    I really want to, but the fact that I can't just pick my level has basically ruined multiplayer. Either I'm way overpowered (and it's boring), or way underpowered (and it's boring).
    Surely there is some kind of character editor you could use?
  • Surely there is some kind of character editor you could use?
    Is there? These multiplayer online games tend not to allow that sort of thing.
  • Dragon Quest IX is going to steal my life.
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