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  • Also, Epic Mickey is a lot like Zelda :O
    So one good review and one bad review. The "official" reviews say the one bad thing is the camera. So maybe the game is not as bad we thought it was.
  • Dirt 2: Friction?! We don't need friction where we're going!

    It's been a long time since I've played rally games and it makes a nice change.
  • Super Meat Boy is the shit. On a related note, my fingers hurt.
  • SMB is playable with the keyboard, but I definitely feel like I could use a controller.
    Meanwhile, I liked Cogs enough that I bothered to get all of the stars.
  • Replaying through Uncharted 2 just for fun. Already beaten the game like four times, so I'm pretty familiar with it :) It's just something I can do quickly and easily, since I needed it today.

    And having recently beaten Scott Pilgrim and Shank, still going down the downloadable game track and started Braid today. I can definitely see why people loved it so much when it came out a couple years ago. And it has gotten pretty tough, but I did still manage to get through World 4 with only three incomplete levels, most levels I got on the first try. I'm interested to see what the last two worlds have in store. And just like with Flower, the music really makes the game.
  • Soo, since I'm no longer playing WoW, I need a new game to play that's not on the DS.

    So is Super Meat Boy really that awesome? How is it on the 360? It's pretty much a platformer, right?
  • So is Super Meat Boy really that awesome?
    It's a tight platformer with short levels like most Internet flash platformers. It's not really special but for it's excellent execution.
  • It's pretty damn fun. I recommend it. But at this point it's only 24 days until the Steam Sale, so you may or may not want to wait until then to save a couple bucks.
  • Super Meat Boy is the shit. On a related note, my fingers hurt.
    For reals. I'm feeling Nintendo thumb for the first time in over a decade.
  • I still lack a controller, so I haven't played Super Meat Boy that much yet. It's a difficult problem; the new Xbox 360 one would probably be my best choice, but it will be quite a while before that's out in Australia.
  • I still lack a controller, so I haven't played Super Meat Boythatmuch yet. It's a difficult problem; the new Xbox 360 one would probably be my best choice, but it will be quite a while before that's out in Australia.
    Yeah, I plan on getting it on the 360. I am also planning to get Limbo eventually too, which is good because right now there is a deal on XBLA where you buy 2 games and get 400 points back.
  • edited December 2010
    Pirates of the Burning Sea just went free to play. Does anyone know much about this game or if it differs enough from any other MMO to warrant playing?
    Post edited by Shiam on
  • Finished Braid. Only had to look up solutions to two levels, mostly because I just lost patience. And I just wanted to have it done with.
  • Playing Jedi Outcast. I haven't played this game in forever.
  • edited December 2010
    I've been playing the demo of Super Meat Boy, and I'm not sure if I can wait until the Steam Christmas Sale to buy this. It is so good.
    Yeah, I plan on getting it on the 360.
    See, I would, but a level editor and the Steam community means constant new DLC for free on the PC.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I just finished Puzzle Agent.


    I am in shock right now, throughout the game I kept expecting some of the mysteries to be solved, but no, all I get is a massive cliffhanger. NOTHING IS EXPLAINED. It's like I just played Lost combined with Professor Layton.
  • edited December 2010
    Looking back on 2010 I have done a good job at clearing out my backlog and sticking to my rule of not buying additional games over $10 unless they are "multiplayer flavor of the week" and need to be played now or else there will be no friends playing it when I decide to. (Left 4 Dead 2, Borderlands).

    I stil have 20 games in my backlog but it's the $10 and under titles that keep distracting me! Catching games like Super Meat Boy and Scott Pilgrim on sale, a free copy of Rock Band 3 that has had many hours put on it, etc. This weekend I decided to start playing the original Fallout of all things! Only $6 on GoG.

    Edit: Also, putting down the damn iPhone has made me enjoy games a lot more. I went through a long phase where I was playing games on the iPhone because of its convenience, but I've taught myself to put down the damn phone and pick up the DS. The iPhone games always felt hollow and made me feel like I just wasted my time, but beating DS games feels rewarding.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • Pirates of the Burning Sea just went free to play. Does anyone know much about this game or if it differs enough from any other MMO to warrant playing?
    I played it in beta and a little bit afterwards. It had a bit of promise but the age of sail combat was lacking, there was far too much running around on beaches. Not enough economics simulation in my opinion.

    Then again it were sold to me as "EVE, but in the Antillies!"
  • Pirates of the Burning Sea just went free to play. Does anyone know much about this game or if it differs enough from any other MMO to warrant playing?
    The extent that "long tail" economics has been applied to the MMO market astonishes me. Are all of these titles, whether free to play w/ microtransactions or not free w/ a monthly fee, actually turning a profit by just slicing a miniscule share off of the WoW mega-market? I just didn't know there were that many MMO players out there to warrant it, but I must have underestimated people's love of clicking.
  • edited December 2010
    Stop all presses. All four Oddworld games coming to PC this month for the first time ever! I've already got Oddysee and Exoddus but never had a working Xbox 1 so Munch and Stranger will be fun.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • huh this game looks pretty good wonder if the PC version is good.
  • Stop all presses. All four Oddworld games coming to PC this month for the first time ever! I've already got Oddysee and Exoddus but never had a working Xbox 1 so Munch and Stranger will be fun.
  • Stop all presses. All four Oddworld games coming to PC this month for the first time ever! I've already got Oddysee and Exoddus but never had a working Xbox 1 so Munch and Stranger will be fun.
  • We need that picture from Cyanide and Happiness of the little guy pelvic thrusting and going "OOOOOOOOH!" in delight.
  • I just pissed away an hour on Chime. It's fucking mesmerizing.
  • It's certainly good but I definitely get the feeling Chime 2 will be the for-real version. They really need to work on improving feedback as, while it's fun, theres stuff I didn't even realise was happening.
  • Came down with some nasty cold/fever and spent the day at home yesterday. I think I previously mentioned that I grabbed the original Fallout off of Good Old Games, since I've never played a Fallout game before. Got to spend a lot of time with it and am enjoying it very much!
  • I just finished Puzzle Agent.

    That was my reaction when I beat the game.

  • That was my reaction when I beat the game.
    Those freaking gnomes.
  • Oracle of Seasons doesn't have the same pacing as Oracle of Ages.
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