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Real Life Cooking Mama: Share Your Cooking Projects!



  • I don't really care for cheese either.
  • I can't have much cheese. :'(
  • Brie? It's no snack cheese, boy. You ever have a turkey and brie sandwich, with some red onion, arugala, and spinach, and a bit or cranberry chutney and mayo, or Branston pickle? That's a sandwich to weep over.
    Going to incur a little more wrath upon myself and say that brie in most cases doesn't do much for me. However, the best sandwich I have ever had thus far was a grilled English back bacon and brie panini (which they have everywhere in England).
  • You probably haven't had the right brie. Gotta give you mad props for telling me about back bacon and brie paninis, though. I'm going to try that soon.
  • I too do not care much for brie. I've had good brie, I just don't like it that much.
  • French gruyere > Swiss gruyere.

    Yeah I'm snooty what of it.
  • How to make bacon

    I am so doing this this weekend. I want make legit Canadian bacon which involves using leaner pork loin rather than fatty pork belly.
  • I'm not very snobbish about cheese, but I sure do love me some extra-sharp cheddar. Also, sandwiches with brie are the best sandwiches.
  • How to make bacon
    I should totally do this.

    When I have a house, I'm going to have a huge goddamn smoker in the back yard.
  • edited February 2011
    making bacon
    Wow, that's insanely much easier than I ever expected. I suppose you slice the bacon after the week in the fridge? There's a butcher close by where I can get the exact meat needed.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I suppose you slice the bacon after the week in the fridge?
    Yup. You can probably leave it in slab form, well-sealed, and just slice off what you need at a time.

    I should've realized a long time ago that bacon really is just salt and brown sugar-rubbed pork belly. I don't know why I never thought to do this.
  • I'm ordering pink salt RIGHT NOW.
  • I should've realized a long time ago that bacon really is just salt and brown sugar-rubbed pork belly. I don't know why I never thought to do this.
    Well, you *do* need pink salt, as when dry curing most whole meats. But it's certainly not hard to get.
  • You can't just get pink salt at the grocery? Also, what makes pink salt pink?
  • I just had a thought:

    No access to a smoker.

    Solution: cure with smoked salt.

  • Not the same, it's the same deal with liquid smoke, yes, it's better than nothing, but nothing compared to the real deal. (that's just a guess though, I've never smoke cured something)
  • Also, what makes pink salt pink?
    But that was explained in the link I provided.
  • Also, what makes pink salt pink?
    But that was explained in the link I provided.
    Indeed it was, I thought so as well.
  • Also, what makes pink salt pink?
    But that was explained in the link I provided.
    Indeed it was, I thought so as well.
    I didn't read the whole thing.
  • Not the same, it's the same deal with liquid smoke, yes, it's better than nothing, but nothing compared to the real deal. (that's just a guess though, I've never smoke cured something)
    Well, some smoked salts just have artificial smoke flavoring added. Naturally hardwood smoked salt actually has smoke volatiles condensed on its surface. Hypothetically, it should add the same flavor, but without the cooking of hot smoking.

    Hm. Actually, the lack of heat treatment will probably affect how thoroughly the smoke flavor permeates the meat.

    Clearly, the only thing to do is test this out.
  • edited February 2011
    Not the same, it's the same deal with liquid smoke, yes, it's better than nothing, but nothing compared to the real deal. (that's just a guess though, I've never smoke cured something)
    Well, some smoked salts just have artificial smoke flavoring added. Naturally hardwood smoked salt actually has smoke volatiles condensed on its surface. Hypothetically, it should add the same flavor, but without the cooking of hot smoking.

    Hm. Actually, the lack of heat treatment will probably affect how thoroughly the smoke flavor permeates the meat.

    Clearly, the only thing to do is test this out.
    Pete, I have your solution: The PolyScience smoke gun. Thank Achatz for molecular gastonomy.

    Also, if you have a carbon steel (NOT nonstick, that's very important) wok and a way to ventilate your kitchen (a hood or a big window and a fan), you can build a wok smoker to get a proper eight-hour hardwood hot smoke on your brisket, ribs, or pork belly.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Guys! Guys! I'm making Fajita-Hamburger-Pepperoni pizza right now! I know it's not as fancy as what you guys make, but it's exciting because I'm experimenting.
  • Best pizza condiment ever: Rosemary-infused olive oil.

    Surely, you're all going, "He's crazy! That cannot be!" But it IS. Make sure its a high quality extra virgin olive oil, so you can taste all of the complex flavors that the olive oil has alongside of the rosemary oil.
  • Wait... you mean to use that like if you had a salad dressing? (I dip my pizza in it, haters gonna be confused and disgusted)
  • 1) Fill jar with olive oil. Pack jar with rosemary sprigs. Let sit in cupboard overnight.
    2) Pour oil on pizza.
    3) ????
    4) PROFIT!!!!

    Add sriracha to pizza simultaneously for spicy rosemary-olive oil asplosion.
  • Add sriracha to pizza everything
  • Add sriracha topizzaeverything
    The man speak-a my language.
  • Best pizza condiment ever: Rosemary-infused olive oil.

    Surely, you're all going, "He's crazy! That cannot be!" But it IS. Make sure its a high quality extra virgin olive oil, so you can taste all of the complex flavors that the olive oil has alongside of the rosemary oil.
    rosemary= grossest spice ever. It tastes like soap and flowers. Pizza should get garlic parm cheese red pepper flakes or Franks red hot and oregano.
  • edited February 2011
    Pete, I have your solution:The PolyScience smoke gun.Thank Achatz for molecular gastonomy.
    That's 100 bucks, and a thing of wood chips is about 6 bucks. I think smoked salt is a more economical way to go here.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
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