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What Have You Been Listening To? (Don't make this thread a wall of embedded youtubes)



  • That is just amazing.
  • Good video. I was reminded how awesome the voice acting was in that show. Also, needs more...

  • Some Funkoars. Fuckin' sick.
  • edited August 2011

    Post edited by Churba on
  • New Thrice Album drops Sept. 20.

  • I've been on a kick of Jpop/techno mixes. I've been really digging that Pandboy "dots" album. I also found the Yoko Ishida Para Para Max US Mixes 1 & 2 of various anime openers and songs from so long ago. I need to find more of this and related type Jpop/techno mixes.

    Anyone have any suggestions?

    BTW my favorite is "Give A Reason For Life", the Slayers NEXT opener at around 4:20

  • This is a Vivaldi piece adapted by Bach. Goddamn.

  • Been listening to a lot of Novoiski's mixes recently, most notably
  • The Bastion soundtrack. Holy SHIT.

  • edited August 2011
    So I got an amazon package today and now I actually own a physical copy of one of my all time favorite records. It's called "Short Music for Short People" and is a compilation album published by Fat Wreck Chords, the label owned by NOFX singer and bassist Fat Mike. The name is a spin on the first compilation sampler by Fat Wreck called "Fat Music for Fat People", but the name also hints at the concept: Take 101 Punk bands and have them record songs that are about 30 seconds in length each.

    I first got a hold of this record via the usual means all of you certainly used back in the day after I heard about the record somewhere on the internet and of course being immediately reeled in with the concept. Though of course most of the songs by the nature of how short they are, are somewhat elaborate jokes, but that is simply punk rock. This record features pretty much everybody who was anybody in the Punk Rock scene of 1999, and put me toward a couple of bands I had never heard before. And yes, I know I'm getting old.

    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • edited August 2011

    Decided if I was going to add one from them I would add my favorite song from them too.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • edited August 2011
    My sister has me addicted to Marianas Trench. I much prefer their high-energy songs like Cross my Heart and Shake Tramp to their slower stuff though.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • A bunch of peeps covered Mink Car for charity. Feat. MC Frontalot and Molly23. It's actually really good except for the first song :p But you should throw these guys $10 because it goes towards supporting the NY Fire Dept.
  • I simply HAVE to add this because of how wonderful it is.
  • New AJJ.

  • My first impression of The Asteroids Galaxy Tour reminded me of a bluesier, less strange Deerhoof. The more I listen the less that description fits, but they're similar in being unapologetically odd and incredibly catchy.

    Also, Skindred is a punk band with a Jamaican as the lead singer. It sounds exactly like you hope it does.
  • edited September 2011
    So, awhile back I posted a music video by a progressive bluegrass band called Whiskey Shivers. The whole album is out on Bandcamp now, and it's damn good. Check it out here.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited September 2011

    I just found this band and I'm digging the Beatles-ey, Electric Light Orchestra-ey sorta sound of theirs.
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • edited September 2011
    I saw them play live on Saturday. One of my all-time favorite bands. Good choice.

    Their other album, Black Foliage, might seem a little more "out there" but is very good as well if you don't have it. Also check out Circulatory System, who are essentially the same band and same sound but with a slightly different line-up.

    Also, they're supposed to have something new out by the end of the year. I am excite.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I'm not surprised you know them, considering their relation to Neutral Milk Hotel. It reminds me a lot of some of the later Flaming Lips stuff too.
  • I'm not surprised you know them, considering their relation to Neutral Milk Hotel.
    Haha, it's true, I'm all about that Elephant 6.
  • Olivia Tremor Control owns. In other news, I'm kind of in love with this band Iceage:

    The latter is pretty much my favorite song right now. I'm still kicking myself about being in City A when they were playing in City B and then being in City B the next day, when they were playing in City A. C'est la vie.
  • Oh yeah, and if you haven't listened to Fucked Up's newest album, you might want to fix that.

  • Oh yeah, and if you haven't listened to Fucked Up's newest album, you might want to fix that.
    Urugh, okay, I'll pause Sweet Home Chicago by the blues brothers to check this out, I suppose.

    *Forty seconds pass*

    You are forgiven.
  • Oh yeah, and if you haven't listened to Fucked Up's newest album, you might want to fix that.
    Yeah, definitely. One of my favorites of the year.
  • Oh yeah, and if you haven't listened to Fucked Up's newest album, you might want to fix that.
    >Finish listening to "Dr. Wu" by the Minutemen
    >"Hmmm...What's this?" *le click play*

  • Winger is a fairly old hair metal band, but damn their new stuff gets me pumped. This song is just fantastic.
  • Even though I got a wee bit sick of "Always", I started listening to other Erasure songs...dear god, I love these. :D

  • I really like this song, though a lot of the rest of 阿妹's music is kinda meh.

    The video's a little weird, too.
  • The new NieR arrange album came out and it is AWESOME.
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