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What Have You Been Listening To? (Don't make this thread a wall of embedded youtubes)



  • @chaosof99:

    That was pretty interesting.

    Here is an interesting song that found a while back. I do not care for the band much but I like this song. I am not sure how to best describe it though.

  • I posted about this band earlier in the thread, but I think it deserves more exposure with this really great rendition of Chemical Worker's Song. It also borrows from a couple of other songs. Unfortunately, I only have a live version to offer you guys.

    Also, austrian hip hop. Will only mean something to people speak german (or even better, Viennese german) though.
  • edited July 2011
    I don't fully understand this video, but I like the song a lot.
    Post edited by Admiral Hotcakes on
  • edited July 2011
    I don't fully understand this video
    How many retro game references can we cram into a music video?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I don't fully understand this video
    How many retro game references can we cram into a music video?
    Also, how to fight the Jazz Police.

    Bad guys are all cats. Goldfish is the name of the band. Rescuing their girl. It's a straightforward music video narrative. ;^)
  • This song makes me want to DJ a rave just to make everyone there inexplicably happier. ^_^
  • In honor of the recent release of the final installment of the Harry Potter series, and to John Williams, whom I respect so, so highly, I present:
  • edited July 2011
    I am not sure if there is an official video for this.
    Lots and lots of Flogging Molly as of late.
    Wow, I am not sure how I have never heard that band but after listening to the song you posted I will definitely be adding them to my regular mix. I might have to start buying their albums.

    Edit#2: After listening to more songs from Flogging Molly it turns out I have heard them before but never knew their name. Thank you for helping me figure that out.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • Papa Topo is, basically, the shit. You wish you were half as cute as these kids.

  • New TMBG album, this video is amazing.

  • I met the vocalist of that band, Benji Webbe, back at Warp Tour 2005. He was a pretty cool guy.
  • Dat new Bomb record.

  • I fucking love this band.
  • Flaming Lips
    I fucking love this band.
    The entire Yoshimi album is pretty fantastic. Fuck those robots.
  • They Might Be Giants are too fucking awesome.

  • I discovered Neko Case due to the similarly named episode (S04E06) of True Blood.

  • Fun fact, Neko Case played drums in Cub.

  • Fun fact, Neko Case played drums in Cub.
    That is SO 1994. So TMBG did a cover for it from what I've been reading in the comments.
  • Yep. I think their cover is how I found out about Cub in the first place.
  • Neutral Assmilk Hotel
  • edited August 2011
    Neutral Assmilk Hotel
    Shameless self-promotion:
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I've found a sweet new Celtic punk/rock band that I've been listening to a lot lately, The Rumjacks.

  • Churba, I need to hit you up for bands I should listen to sometime. Pretty sure I have liked most of what you have posted.
  • The sheer power of how he expresses the text is incredible. I enjoyed this performance thoroughly.
  • edited August 2011
    I've been on a Fastball kick lately. I know there was an episode of GeekNights a while ago where Rym said that he wasn't a fan, since the rest of their album wasn't like their first single. But I actually got hooked on the band after listening to that whole album (All the Pain Money Can Buy), despite not liking The Way at first. So Rym can (respectfully) die in that proverbial fire that he's always trying to set upon other people.

    Now they have five albums, and I consider four of them to be fantastic from beginning to end. Their debut album is alright, but only has one or two standout songs. Some of their later stuff has a style that I like to describe as what Bob Dylan would sound like if he grew up in a Latino neighborhood in south Texas.

    I always find myself with a bit of a wistful smile on my face whenever I listen to Vampires. I love going for a late-night walk or drive while listening to their fourth album, Keep Your Wig On, all the way through. The whole album is a very pleasant ride that never fails to put me in a good mood. They have a lot of great stuff, and it's unfortunately common that people will stereotype them based on what they hear on the radio.
    Post edited by UncleUlty on
  • edited August 2011

    I have no fucking idea what they're saying, but I like their stuff.
    Post edited by Churba on
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