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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • The fear is not "no operation for you," but "no fries for you." Well there is some fear of, "no operation just take these pain pills" but the loss of liberty angle is based on the government passing laws to outlaw things that are unhealthy under the guise of healthcare.
    So when the private corporations tell me that they'll give me a "discount", after they raised my rates of course, for proof of regular exercise that's okay too? Or them dropping me because I am unhealthy and a health risk, that's fine.

    Everyone, American's in general that is, are fooling themselves that they will get treated better by a Corporation than the Government. Is it better because you'll have a choice between corporations who will both tell you how to live? Maybe not now but the more they realize that they can make money by ensuring that their customers are healthy rather than overweight sloths they'll do it.

    I understand that you're not taking that stance but it really makes me question how far ahead everyone is thinking here. I know the government is not perfect but thinking that the private sector is going to be our saviors is just as ridiculous.
  • The basic point behind government is to take care of/manage the citizens of the country. The basic point behind corporations is to make money.
  • Holy cow. While not specifically the Republicans fault, I feel this needs to be shared:

    Topeka decriminalizes domestic violence
    The move, the councilors were told, would force District Attorney Chad Taylor to prosecute the cases because they would remain a crime under state law, a conclusion with which he grudgingly agreed. The Council also approved negotiations to resolve the impasse.
    So... It's still a crime and this was just done for budgetary reasons?Thank you, Steve, for pointing this out. It's like most of the people in this thread didn't even bother to read beyond the headline. Topeka isn't condoning domestic violence and they're not going to stop making arrests. They're streamlining an inefficient redundancy by forcing a specific office to prosecute cases under an existing state law.

    Way to go knee-jerk, forum.
  • The basic point behind government is to take care of/manage the citizens of the country. The basic point behind corporations is to make money.
    Manage the people?
  • Not that simple. It's going to allow people arrested for domestic violence to go un-prosecuted while they continue negotiations:
    Eighteen people have been arrested on domestic violence charges since September and released without charges because no agency is accepting new cases. That has raised concerns among advocates for victims of domestic violence, some of whom gathered Tuesday outside government buildings to express outrage over the gamesmanship.
    So the problem is that the district attorney is having to prioritize what cases he's accepting for prosecution, and thus misdemeanors like domestic violence may go without real prosecution. At least, that's what I got from reading the article. Here's another piece from it:
    But the decision by Mr. Taylor to respond to the budget cut by immediately refusing to prosecute misdemeanors in Topeka — though the cuts do not go into effect until next year — caught people off guard, especially given that he had written that the city “does not have the staff or infrastructure to provide victims of domestic violence with the level of service they have come to expect.”
    So from what I can tell, they're simply going to be offering a lot more plea bargains rather than processing the charges. Although it is a bit unclear.
  • Everyone I know here is pretty happy with the NHS, and even if they have problems with it, they absolutely don't want the American system.
    Including me. I shudder to think what my life would be like without the NHS. I've read a blog written by a wife of someone with Marfan's in the US, and it makes me feel bad for how easy I've had things, just because of the differences in healthcare costs.
  • What is going on with New Hampshire? How can any state government claim that they get to hold the first primary?
  • Manage the people?
    Yes. Governments provide logistics for governing. (def: 1. Conduct the policy, actions, and affairs of (a state, organization, or people). 2. Control, influence, or regulate (a person, action, or course of events).) Some of them to this very badly, such as the government of North Korea. Some do this much better. Why do we have government if not to act as our management?
  • A somewhat amusing commentary on the Republican Nomination.

    Sample quote -
    The economy is Romney's bailiwick and he delivered. It is becoming increasingly clear that he operates at a higher level than the other candidates. Perry is toast. If he's not actually dumb as a stump, he doesn't know how to show it. Herman Cain continues to come on strong as the non-Mormon conservative alternative. Bachmann and Huntsman both sounded smooth, assured, and smart, but they no longer matter. Ron Paul continues to dominate the Ron Paul vote.
  • Hell, in Ireland I don't think you can really get healthy food options.
    Do you know how hard it is to find a fucking salad in a restaurant in Newcastle?

    As it so happens, really damn hard.
    Ah yes. I lived in Newcastle for 18 months. I could have warned you about Newcastle.
  • Ah yes. I lived in Newcastle for 18 months. I could have warned you about Newcastle.
    But then it wouldn't be nearly as funny.
  • So, another candidate wants to enter the presidential race? Hoo boy. My older cousin was going to college at Louisiana Tech when he ran for governor again in 1991. He came in third, with the twice indited former governor winning and a stated ex-Grand Dragon of the KKK coming in second. She said there were people at the polling stations offering paper sacks so voters could cover their heads.
  • So, another candidate wants to enter the presidential race? Hoo boy. My older cousin was going to college at Louisiana Tech when he ran for governor again in 1991. He came in third, with the twice indited former governor winning and a stated ex-Grand Dragon of the KKK coming in second. She said there were people at the polling stations offering paper sacks so voters could cover their heads.
    His whole point is to raise a question about where you get your campaign money, though. He said himself that he doesn't really care how far he gets towards election, so long as this one issue gets brought to light.

    Dude's got balls, I'll give him that.
  • What is going on with New Hampshire? How can any state government claim that they get to hold the first primary?
    It's because Florida broke the status quo (again) and decided to call firsties on the caucuses in a bid to have more influence in the selection. This set off a shitstorm (again) of all the other states trying to move up their dates to keep their position in the caucus voting line. Most people forgot about it, but Florida almost lost all their delegates to both parties in the 2007-08 election runs because of this same shitcockery.
  • What is going on with New Hampshire? How can any state government claim that they get to hold the first primary?
    It's because Florida broke the status quo (again) and decided to call firsties on the caucuses in a bid to have more influence in the selection. This set off a shitstorm (again) of all the other states trying to move up their dates to keep their position in the caucus voting line. Most people forgot about it, but Florida almost lost all their delegates to both parties in the 2007-08 election runs because of this same shitcockery.
    My bitch is with New Hampshire, why do they think their "we go first" law should have any power over what the other states do? How would New Hampshire react if several other states passed a "we go first" law that mirrors New Hampshire's law?
  • It's pretty stupid all around. If all the states send delegates with the votes, it shouldn't matter who goes when. THe votes are there. Hell, just keep all the results secret until the actual convention.
  • It's pretty stupid all around. If all the states send delegates with the votes, it shouldn't matter who goes when. THe votes are there. Hell, just keep all the results secret until the actual convention.
    Here here!
  • The Economic Reality Of Tough Immigration Laws
    Republicans say the government should stop interfering in business and making life unpredictable for businesses. And yet, Republicans passed this law in Alabama and that's exactly what it does.

    Alabama state Sen. Scott Beason (who sponsored the bill) says,"There may have to be some differences in pay scale ... but Alabamians and Americans will do those jobs."
    "Since this law went in to effect, I've had a total 11 people that were Americans come and ask for work," Boatwright says. "A total of one of those actually came back the next day."

    That one worker picked about four boxes of tomatoes before leaving the field and quitting, Boatwright says. He says picking crops in the fields is a specialized skill that Americans just aren't accustomed to doing.
    If you listen to the story, Boatwright also stated it's about work ethic and culture that the immigrant workers have.

    While this is just one instance, I'm pretty sure it's not uncommon.
  • If you listen to the story, Boatwright also stated it's about work ethic and culture that the immigrant workers have.

    While this is just one instance, I'm pretty sure it's not uncommon.
    A US Senator who is out of touch with reality? That's unheard of. You have to admit, though, his quote must have made an excellent sound byte.
  • A US Senator who is out of touch with reality? That's unheard of. You have to admit, though, his quote must have made an excellent sound byte.
    I don't think he's out of touch with reality. It's the reality of him looking good to his constituents for incumbency while more than likely a majority of his constituents won't realize the truth of it all.
  • Theory and reality don't always mingle very well.
  • Open letter to the 53% dude
    That open letter is awesome.
  • Open letter to the 53% dude
    While the VA isn't the best, I can say if he isn't a dishonorably discharged veteran, he certainly can get healthcare from the VA. It doesn't even have to be at a VA facility if he lives far enough to go to a local physician that the VA can pay for or a community based outpatient clinic that the VA has set up for veterans only.

    In some ways the VA is like and better than health insurance. Most veterans pay little to nothing for care from the VA.
  • In some ways the VA is like and better than health insurance. Most veterans pay little to nothing for care from the VA.
    From what I understand, even spouses get excellent healthcare.

    I love that the main idea wasn't refuting that guy, but explaining in simple terms how the American Dream should work and why people like the 53% dude should see their hard work rewarded with more than just making ends meet.
  • My dad got both of his hearing aids through the VA a few years back. He has no complaints and keeps telling me to take advantage of my VA benefits.

    To be honest, my healthcare through work covers all of my needs. I feel it would be wrong of me to use the VA when I have another option.
  • I can't agree more with what that letter said. One person 40 hours a week on minimum wage should be able to easily support themselves. 40 hours in a non-minimum wage job should be able to support a family of three or four pretty easily. If some lunatic wants to work a 70-80 hour week, they should have plenty of compensation. Additionally, not wanting to HAVE work 70-80 hours a week to 'make ends meet' for a normal person should not be looked at as 'lazy'.
  • edited October 2011
    From what I understand, even spouses get excellent healthcare.
    It all really depends on certain criteria, but yes some spouses can get coverage through the VA.

    I even had college benefits from my father because of his disability.

    As a veteran you have the right to get those benefits. The only downside of it all is the bureaucracy and time sink it can be to get certain things.

    A lot of veterans use both the VA and private physicians. The only out-of-pocket a veteran will ever be responsible for is a copay. It's $8/$9 copay for a 30 day supply of prescriptions, $15 for general care, $50 for specialty care. I will also note that the prescriptions here are 99% generic. It helps save money for the VA.

    Here's the kicker. If you are a service connected veteran, based upon your percentage you don't have to pay for any copays. Also based on your income, as long as you fill out the proper forms, you can qualify to not pay for any copays.

    If you have health insurance and we bill your insurance and you are copay required, anything we collect from the insurance will go towards your copays first before we collect anything. If your insurance doesn't cover anything we bill them, you will only be responsible for a copay. So say you went to get your cataracts removed. You'd only pay $50. Inpatient stay is a bit different, but it's still a lot cheaper than most insurances.

    If you feel you have a hardship and can't pay your copay, we'll work with you and you will have a good chance of getting them waived.

    It seriously is a good deal for veterans, but many do not know this.

    Steve, you are entitled to it. As long as you have your DD214, you can enroll in the VA. If you have any injuries you sustained while in the service, you can collect a disability/compensation from it.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I can't agree more with what that letter said. One person 40 hours a week on minimum wage should be able to easily support themselves. 40 hours in a non-minimum wage job should be able to support a family of three or four pretty easily. If some lunatic wants to work a 70-80 hour week, they should have plenty of compensation. Additionally, not wanting to HAVE work 70-80 hours a week to 'make ends meet' for a normal person should not be looked at as 'lazy'.
    I get pretty consistent OMG U LAZY and WTF looks when I tell people that my goal is to live comfortably and only work a reasonable amount (40 hrs a week). I'm ok with this, since I know I'm in the minority for that, but it's still odd. I like being able to go home at 5PM and play video games. I'd rather not have to leave work and go to a different job.
  • This open letter needs to be spread. It's great in a large part because rather than attack the rich it reaches out to the workers and says, "are you really happy struggling just to get by? YOU deserve better." I'd write more but I'm posting from my phone.
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