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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • edited October 2011
    It's hard to process numbers when they get so big, so here is context to show just how crazy this is.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Obama's teleprompter stolen again.

    Dear Republicans - Your candidates have teleprompters too. And they still sound like fucking morons.
  • edited October 2011
    Obama's teleprompter stolen again.

    Dear Republicans - Your candidates have teleprompters too. And they still sound like fucking morons.
    I also enjoy how Fox News criticizes him for teleprompter use when every candidate before him has used it, and the guys in the Fox News rooms are reading said criticism OFF A TELEPROMPTER.

    Also, Derpy Trump is whining because the US didn't steal all of Libya's oil before Gadaffi was killed.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Also, Derpy Trump
    Or, as everyone else puts it, Trump. Though, take comfort in the fact that in the UK, Trump is slang for farting.
  • Also, Derpy Trump
    Or, as everyone else puts it, Trump. Though, take comfort in the fact that in the UK, Trump is slang for farting.
    When the BBC are reporting on his various action, you can tell that the presenters are trying so hard not to laugh as they explain what happened at Trump Tower, concerning Trump industries...
  • AmpAmp
    edited October 2011
    I am waiting for Paxman to declare "Has one Trump lead to world problems?"
    Post edited by Amp on
  • I am waiting for Paxman to declare "Has one Trump lead to world problems?"
    I dunno, some people say he's a real stinker, but I think he's got the power to smoke out the opposition.
  • Im sure that with enough force something will happen. Then again we might just see a lot of noise but for nothing to happen.
  • Im sure that with enough force something will happen. Then again we might just see a lot of noise but for nothing to happen.
    Change is in the wind, my friend.
  • I can smell the progress.
  • Obama is pulling essentially every troop out of Iraq by the end of the year.
  • Obama is pulling essentially every troop out of Iraq by the end of the year.
    LEFT: Not fast enough
    Right: We'll get back to you when we figure out why we don't like this.
    Obama: You guys suck.
  • Fark Headline "Obama eliminates thousands of American jobs and hands them to foreign nation"
  • Also, Derpy Trump is whining because the US didn't steal all of Libya's oil before Gadaffi was killed.
    After seeing the picture in that article I had to make this.
  • Herman Cain is practically owned by the Koch brothers. Not totally surprising considering his pro-business tendencies. Check out all these articles about his not-so-outsider political ties. Seriously, the guy's staff is almost entirely made up of former AFP employees, and he has no real campaign office in any of the major states.
    It appears if the Koch brothers can't bribe their way into getting what they want from the government, they'll attempt to just buy the whole damn thing.
  • Herman Cain is practically owned by the Koch brothers. Not totally surprising considering his pro-business tendencies. Check out all these articles about his not-so-outsider political ties. Seriously, the guy's staff is almost entirely made up of former AFP employees, and he has no real campaign office in any of the major states.
    It appears if the Koch brothers can't bribe their way into getting what they want from the government, they'll attempt to just buy the whole damn thing.
    That is why allowing corporations to give unlimited funds to campaigns/candidates is insane. Corporate personhood my ass.
  • When will the Republicans learn that
    a) the president doesn't get to write the tax code; and
    b) that reducing corporate taxes doesn't grow the economy; and
    c) that the flat tax is a fucking retarded idea!
  • When will the Republicans learn that
    a) the president doesn't get to write the tax code; and
    b) that reducing corporate taxes doesn't grow the economy; and
    c) that the flat tax is a fucking retarded idea!
    When the country is as financially bankrupt as the Republicans are morally?
  • When the country is as financially bankrupt as the Republicans are morally?
    You mean we aren't there already?
  • When the country is as financially bankrupt as the Republicans are morally?
    You mean we aren't there already?
    We're still only spending about 10% of the federal budget on interest, we're still fairly well off as bankruptcy goes.
  • the whole OMG we're broke thing was pretty much pulled out of the GOP's ass and the media and a good portion of the Democratic party are still keyed in a pavlovian fashion to accept whatever framing Republicans present.

    Treasury Bill Interest Rates are negative right now. That's like if you got a loan from the bank for a million dollars but owed them less than that over the course of 5 years. This means the market is willing to take a loss in exchange for the security T-bills provide.

    And yes, these are the treasury bills that S&P gave a downgrade to.
  • “The plan starts with giving Americans a choice between a new, flat tax rate of 20 percent or their current income tax rate,” Perry writes. “The new flat tax preserves mortgage interest, charitable and state and local tax exemptions for families earning less than $500,000 annually, and it increases the standard deduction to $12,500 for individuals and dependents.”

    The plan also drops the corporate tax rate to 20 percent and will temporarily lower the rate to 5.25 percent to promote companies working overseas to move to the U.S. along with implementing a “territorial tax system,” which will tax in-country income.
    So if I'm a giant corporation worth billions, I can just opt to move everything offshore or into another country and never pay taxes again. Also, with all the deductions anyone wealthy can take, combined with a $12,500 deduction that any other person could take (even though I don't think all my taxes in a year add up to that) how exactly would any government, fed or local, be able to afford anything?
  • Meet Rick Perry.

    If this guy ends up in the White House, America can officially be considered a failed state.
  • Obama will be re-elected. It might be close, but the only winnable Republican candidates are Romney and Huntsman, and neither of them are going to get the nomination. Republicans hate Huntsman because he's too closely tied to Obama and the Democrats, and they hate Romney because of RomneyCare - incidentally enough, those are the only things I like about either of them. The other candidates are either too radical or too dumb (or both!) to put up a real fight against campaign-mode Obama (who is occupied with little things like running the country at the moment).
  • edited October 2011
    When Kate and I were watching Conan O'Brien last night, there was a clip from CNBC that had an interviewer John Harwood asking Perry a question about his ludicrous tax plans. I thought it was fake, an out of context-edit, a joke. I was wrong.:
    HARWOOD: Dividends, capital gains, interest income taxes would provide a huge tax cut for wealthy people in this country. Given what’s happened with income inequality, why is that a good idea?

    PERRY: We’re trying to get this country working again. And that’s what I focus on. As a matter of fact, as we looked and as we talked and as we went through what are the ways to really get incentives to those who are going to risk their capital to create the jobs. [...] Those that want to get into the class warfare and talk about ‘oh my goodness,’ there are going to be some folks here who make more money out of this or have access to more money, I’ll let them do that. I’m worried about that man or woman sitting around the coffee table tonight or in their kitchen talking about how are we going to get to work, how are we going to have the dignity to take care of our family. This plan does that. And it also is a tax cut across the board, it doesn’t make any difference what strata you’re in. It gives a tax cut across the board.

    HARWOOD: But for those at the top, it is hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of dollars for them.

    PERRY: But I don’t care about that. What I care about is them having the dollars to invest in their companies.
    He also told the NY Times in the same(?) interview that it was a good idea to keep the birther issue alive.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Is that a WTF Me Gusta face?
  • I am greatly saddened by the lack of good candidates on the Republican side.
  • It's what the amount of rage upon reading the interview did to my face.
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