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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • edited April 2012
    Yeah, fuck the 1st, 2nd, and 14th amendment!
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Can we stop giving Limbaugh all this attention? He just says crazy shit so people will talk about it, then he continues to stay on the air and makes even more money. How about we just stop? Let's focus on the Rush that actually matters.
  • I wouldn't blame it on the Second Amendment, but I have heard a lot of talk about the "Stand Your Ground" law. Can anyone summarize that and help explain why it might be relevant?
    It shouldn't be relevant. This kind of law is only supposed to be applicable When your choices are stand & fight or run away. In this case, they have clear evidence that Zimmerman pursued the boy in order to have this confrontation. That SHOULD invalidate his defense under the law. If it does not, the law is incredibly poorly written, as it allows anybody to go after someone and then kill them.

    RE: gun crime: until they solve the problem of illegal guns, I don't see why they should restrict legal gun ownership. The number of gun crimes performed with illegal guns far outweighs that with legally-owned guns and demonstrates the ineffectiveness of gun control in stopping gun-related crimes.
  • Severely restricting access or even outright bans of guns treats the symptom of the problem, not the cause. Increase education, improve class inequality, legalize drugs, and stimulating the job market will all have exponentially stronger effects on gun crime.
  • RE: gun crime: until they solve the problem of illegal guns, I don't see why they should restrict legal gun ownership. The number of gun crimes performed with illegal guns far outweighs that with legally-owned guns and demonstrates the ineffectiveness of gun control in stopping gun-related crimes.
    It must be true, Nuri said it!

    I'd just like to reserve the right defend myself with a firearm. Guns are the ultimate equalizer.
  • God made man. Colt made him equal.
  • God made man. Colt made him equal.
  • Gun only helpful if can use properly.

    Not so much if don't know how to turn off safety or hit target.
  • Romney now says Obama spent too much time at Harvard.

    BTW, Romney spent 4 years there getting two degrees, a year longer than Obama, donated $50,000 to Harvard and sent three of his sons there.

    Keep shaking that Etch-A-Sketch...
  • Spent too much time at Harvard? What does that even mean?
  • I think he means he spent to much time as an academic and not enough time in the "real" world.

    Some of the things Obama has recently said about SCOTUS and history have served as fodder for those who criticize his "constitutional scholar" hat.
  • Yeah, that comment about the law being passed by a democratically elected congress was a BAD MOVE on his part. Really, really dumb. Dumber because he's a freaking CON LAW professor.

    As if the fact that a law was passed by Congress has any bearing on whether it is Constitutional or not outside of the Non-Delegation doctrine. Yeah Obama, you're right. It's unprecedented in the modern era if by "modern era" you mean "since the last time they did it."
  • I heard some liberal lawyer types saying similar foolish things. One of them was going on and on about judges over turning the will of the people and all I kept thinking of was the CA supremes overturning the gay marriage prop. Yeah, that argument is just soooooo good.

    I was going to bolster my earlier question directed at Jason but my google-fu is not helping me find evidence of media reporting leading to people dying except for links to conspiracy sites or Nazis. So instead I will ask this: which is more dangerous; a misused gun or a misused printing press?
  • Printing press, because you can use it to tell the people with guns what to do.
  • Gun only helpful if can use properly.

    Not so much if don't know how to turn off safety or hit target.
    It's true. There is one form of Gun Control I'm heavily in favor of - mandatory education and/or training for anyone getting their firearms license. It won't stop all the stupid people, but it will help mitigate many accidental or negligent firearms deaths.

  • Gun only helpful if can use properly.

    Not so much if don't know how to turn off safety or hit target.
    It's true. There is one form of Gun Control I'm heavily in favor of - mandatory education and/or training for anyone getting their firearms license. It won't stop all the stupid people, but it will help mitigate many accidental or negligent firearms deaths.

    Same here. In fact, a lot of non-insane pro gun folks I know also seem to agree with the idea of mandatory training and "instant" (as in taking only a few minutes at the shop counter) background checks before purchasing a gun. Only the absolute crazies (or those trying to appeal to them) want absolutely no control at all.
  • Santorum bows out. Alleviates some of my worst fears.
  • Holy shit, it's finally over.
  • So, it's down to Mittens, Newt and Paul for the nomination.

    Or, in other words, it's a Race between Mittens and Newt for the nomination.
  • In other words Mittens is the Nom-Nom a me.
  • In other words Mittens is the Nom-Nom a me.
    I'm going to pretend you just had a really bad encounter with autocorrect.

    Also, duh. It was always him.

  • In other words Mittens is the Nom-Nom a me.
    I'm going to pretend you just had a really bad encounter with autocorrect.

    Also, duh. It was always him.

    I don't know, it was getting a bit close between him and Frothy for a while.

    However, now that Frothy has run off, it's all over but the shouting.

  • I dunno, I think it'll be a while before we can clean up all the stains that Frothy left.
  • The job of Obama's strategists must be a cakewalk after the GOP olympics. I swear, Romney holds onto one stance about as long as Santorum would hold onto another man's dick.
  • I dunno, I think it'll be a while before we can clean up all the stains that Frothy left.
    True that. Rubber sheets don't stop the stains on the carpet.
  • The job of Obama's strategists must be a cakewalk after the GOP olympics. I swear, Romney holds onto one stance about as long as Santorum would hold onto another man's dick.
    Just long enough?
  • Santorum aborted his campaign.
  • Santorum aborted his campaign.
    No, he's only suspended it. He has a mandatory three day waiting period and ultrasound before he can abort it.

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