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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • Well, I've just been denied by every health insurance provider that I can imagine, even though I can pay.

    It's so great that there hasn't and probably won't be any substantial change in our nation's health care, because that would be, you know, socialist.

    Meanwhile, people like me are now included in the GOP Health Plan: Pray really, really hard that nothing bad happens, because white men who are even older than you and who are richer than you can ever dream about being need to save their money.

  • Well, I've just been denied by every health insurance provider that I can imagine, even though I can pay.

    It's so great that there hasn't and probably won't be any substantial change in our nation's health care, because that would be, you know, socialist.

    Meanwhile, people like me are now included in the GOP Health Plan: Pray really, really hard that nothing bad happens, because white men who are even older than you and who are richer than you can ever dream about being need to save their money.

    Fuck that! I'd try to come up with some harebrained way for you to get health insurance, but honestly I think that you're a clever person and have probably tried anything I could come up with.

    You're still allowed to pay out of pocket for healthcare though. You just need to save enough money to afford healthcare costs. Because, you know, that's doable.

    I would say I'll marry you and you can get put as my spouse, but I don't think that would work out for a number of reasons.
  • Well, I've just been denied by every health insurance provider that I can imagine, even though I can pay.

    It's so great that there hasn't and probably won't be any substantial change in our nation's health care, because that would be, you know, socialist.

    Meanwhile, people like me are now included in the GOP Health Plan: Pray really, really hard that nothing bad happens, because white men who are even older than you and who are richer than you can ever dream about being need to save their money.

    Fuck that! I'd try to come up with some harebrained way for you to get health insurance, but honestly I think that you're a clever person and have probably tried anything I could come up with.

    You're still allowed to pay out of pocket for healthcare though. You just need to save enough money to afford healthcare costs. Because, you know, that's doable.

    I would say I'll marry you and you can get put as my spouse, but I don't think that would work out for a number of reasons.
    Well, I'm just glad we're keeping the old and busted system, because I'd hate the much older and wealthier people to think we're socialist and all.

  • Well, I'm just glad we're keeping the old and busted system, because I'd hate the much older and wealthier people to think we're socialist and all.
    I think I'm going to have that put on my grave. "At least we weren't Socialist!"

  • Well, I've just been denied by every health insurance provider that I can imagine, even though I can pay.

    It's so great that there hasn't and probably won't be any substantial change in our nation's health care, because that would be, you know, socialist.

    Meanwhile, people like me are now included in the GOP Health Plan: Pray really, really hard that nothing bad happens, because white men who are even older than you and who are richer than you can ever dream about being need to save their money.

    Write letters to the President and your state congress reps. No fuck that, write to all the congress reps. Attach copies of all your rejections.

  • I've got denied coverage as a little kid once. My mom wrote letters. That shit works; someone did something and I got covered (in the days of the Idiot King, no less). The insurance companies are well-aware that they owe their continued success and functionality to the willful ineptitude of the federal government.

    Write some letters, Joe. You deserve better.
  • Most systems are primarily designed with the thought that nobody will challenge them. Usually, when you do, they fold, because it's easier.
  • edited May 2012
    The new guy we hired to be a reporter doesn't know what public records or Sunshine Laws are. 0.0

    And when I say "we" I mean that I had no part in the hiring process. God damn it.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • The new guy we hired to be a reporter doesn't know what public records or Sunshine Laws are. 0.0

    And when I say "we" I mean that I had no part in the hiring process. God damn it.
    I assume he doesn't have experience working with local governments...

  • I'm not sure if your state is a right to work state, but that would be an excellent zinger.

    "Here, look up Sunshine Laws alongside Right to Work legislature."
  • edited May 2012
    This is why I roll my eyes when people insist that citizen journalism is going to completely displace the professional news industry. People think that if you know English and can string together a sentence, then you are qualified to be a journalist. They don't seem to realize just how much studying is required: Law, civics, history, psychology, technology....

    If he doesn't know Sunshine Laws, wait until I send him to the courthouse later to fetch me a grand jury indictment.

    I don't get no respect.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • Why do people post this stuff as if it's an actual argument?
  • His poor command of language is a pretty clear indicator of his overall intelligence level.
  • Apparently yelling AMERICA a bunch of times counts as handing Obama his arse?
  • Apparently yelling AMERICA a bunch of times counts as handing Obama his arse?
    It worked with the terrorists, right?
  • edited May 2012
    I made the mistake of reading some of the comments on that page after the article, Trogdor... I think I need a drink and a lie down because now I'm terribly depressed.
    Post edited by edifolco25 on
  • I made the mistake of reading some of the comments on that page after the article, Trogdor... I think I need a drink and a lie down because now I'm terribly depressed.
    I read some too. I am not exaggerating at all when I say that it's worse than YouTube comments.
  • Dear North Carolina:
    Also, you are no longer a state.
    That is all.
  • edited May 2012
    I really wish that this was not a real headline. They have renamed the article, but it was the original title for an article that they wrote and put on their website.
    Why do people post this stuff as if it's an actual argument?
    Oh man, that letter is hilarious and here is why: "I, as a former Navy SEAL do not accept your taking credit for Osama Bin Laden’s death. The American Military accomplished that feat."

    Quick US Government question (and you will be tested on this): Who is the Commander and Chief of all of the branches of the United States military?
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • edited May 2012
    Fox Nation, for those who, like me, hadn't heard of it, is a Fox News-operated site that is explicitly conservative:
    The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more...
    So it's not like they're really pretending to be unbiased news, unlike the main Fox News. It's comparable to Daily Kos or HuffPo.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • Quick US Government question (and you will be tested on this): Who is the Commander and Chief of all of the branches of the United States military?
    ...Colonel Mustard?
  • Quick US Government question (and you will be tested on this): Who is the Commander and Chief of all of the branches of the United States military?
    ...Colonel Mustard?
    Sergeant Pepper?

  • General Disarray?
  • The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more...
    Why is it that they can say that they are anti-intolerance while publishing such a hate-filled polemic?
    I think they mean by "intolerance" dissenting opinions to their views.
    I have no problem with people practicing their religion. I just don't want it to control those who don't believe in it, or to infringe on people's human rights. (For example, no human sacrifice even if your belief system suggests it.)
  • Quick US Government question (and you will be tested on this): Who is the Commander and Chief of all of the branches of the United States military?
    ...Colonel Mustard?
    Sergeant Pepper?
    General Disarray?
    I want to high-five you all so freaking hard right now.

  • Quick US Government question (and you will be tested on this): Who is the Commander and Chief of all of the branches of the United States military?
    ...Colonel Mustard?
    Really? I thought that guy retired years ago after that he got involved in that one murder scandal...
  • Quick US Government question (and you will be tested on this): Who is the Commander and Chief of all of the branches of the United States military?
    ...Colonel Mustard?
    Really? I thought that guy retired years ago after that he got involved in that one murder scandal...
    You mean the one with the lead pipe in the library?

  • edited May 2012

    At least some faith in humanity has been restored, as this ad, which ran a single day on a Chicago freeway, made a great number of sponsors pull away from Heartland.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • They pulled those ads. Also, I like how the idea of small government is one that is small enough to fit into your bedroom constantly.

    In addition, if those comments make you feel bad.. never, ever, ever visit the Free Republic forums. Currently I believe the topic of discussion revolves around the Presidents' daughters marrying each other because they are carpet munchers.
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