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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • Called it. Called it a while ago. Called it before it was even down to three.
  • edited April 2012
    Called it. Called it a while ago. Called it before it was even down to three.
    I really wanted Newt and Paul to drop out first, though, Santorum was an entertaining guy. The stand-up act he called a campaign was quite fantastic.

    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • edited April 2012
    Called it. Called it a while ago. Called it before it was even down to three.
    I really wanted Newt and Paul to drop out first, though, Santorum was an entertaining guy. The stand-up act he called a campaign was quite fantastic.
    If you want to know why Paul isn't going to drop out (I'm betting even if he doesn't get the nomination, but at the least until the RNC), then I can tell you in two words: Money Bomb. It's all about the donations - he'll never win, but his fans still LOVE giving him all of their worthless Illuminati/NWO controlled anti-freedom fiat currency.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • A friend of mine who actually supports Ron Paul said that he's staying in to send a message.

    My response: "Is the message 'I will never be president'? If so, I'm reading his message loud and clear!"
  • If you want to know why Paul isn't going to drop out (I'm betting even if he doesn't get the nomination, but at the least until the RNC), then I can tell you in two words: Money Bomb. It's all about the donations - he'll never win, but his fans still LOVE giving him all of their worthless Illuminati/NWO controlled anti-freedom fiat currency.
    And then today - Ron Paul: "I won't mince words, if we don't reach our $2.5 million goal, I am not sure our campaign can go on."

  • Obama's going to veto, so the question is: Can it get a veto-proof majority in the Senate?
  • President said he'd veto it.
  • Obama's going to veto, so the question is: Can it get a veto-proof majority in the Senate?
    If it does, I'm having a firesale and leaving for the Netherlands after I graduate.
  • Looks like I'll be using TOR a lot more.
  • President said he'd veto it.
    He'd veto if it wasn't changed to address privacy issues. I haven't followed the progress to know if was changed. (It still might be changed if Senate passes a different version.)
  • Oh man, this just went from scary to hilarious in one paragraph. Among the last-minute changes to the bill:

    "Whoever knowingly produces with the intent to transport, distribute, or transmit in interstate or foreign commerce, or whoever knowingly transports or travels in, or uses a facility or means of, interstate or foreign commerce or an interactive computer service (as defined in section 230(e)(2) [1] of the Communications Act of 1934) in or affecting such commerce, for the purpose of sale or distribution of any obscene, lewd, lascivious, or filthy book, pamphlet, picture, film, paper, letter, writing, print, silhouette, drawing, figure, image, cast, phonograph recording, electrical transcription or other article capable of producing sound or any other matter of indecent or immoral character, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both"

    No more porn on the Internet, punishable by a fine and/or up to 5 years in prison. Yeah, have fun enforcing that one, you morons.
  • >Using "indecent" or "immoral" in laws.

  • At this point, the US government is past the point of any pretense that they are still a "representative government."

    So obviously the next step is to bombard the Senate with emails and phone calls, and do the requisite anti-SOPA stuff that we did before. But if this does pass completely, what recourse do we have? How do we circumvent it? Should there be a GeekNights episode about it?
  • ...any obscene, lewd, lascivious, or filthy book, pamphlet, picture, film, paper, letter, writing, print, silhouette, drawing, figure, image, cast, phonograph recording, electrical transcription or other article capable of producing sound or any other matter of indecent or immoral character...
    That is quite interesting list. There must have been some serious brainstorming session for that, who otherwise would think adding silhouettes to a list like that.

  • Yeah, have fun enforcing that one, you morons.
    The scary part is they'll try.

  • I already said this on Facebook, but.. Every congressman's face when they realize they just prevented themselves from watching porn behind their wives' backs.
  • Don't worry, guys. There's that pesky Farts Amendment thing. I think that's what it's called.
  • Don't worry, guys. There's that pesky Farts Amendment thing. I think that's what it's called.
    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of farting, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of shit, or of the poop; or the right of the people peaceably to pee, and to petition the Government for a relievance of bowels."

    AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Az you suck. Now I'll never get my conspiracy theory relatives to shut up.
  • Arizona was already on my shit list due to their immigration law. I'm sorry, but any state in my own country, the country where I was born, that requires me to carry my passport around to prove my legal right to be in my country is one I'm not going to visit willingly.

    FYI, my legal first name (as it appears on my driver's license) is Luis and I often get mistaken for being of Latin American ancestry by Latin Americans themselves (and it's not that far off -- my ancestry is pretty much the same as Latin Americans descended from Iberian stock). The last thing I want is a cop who woke up on the wrong side in the morning pulling me over for a broken tail light in a rental car and deciding to take out his frustrations on the "Mexican visiting from outta state."

    It's even worse in the case of my relatives who immigrated here. All came here legally, are now fully naturalized citizens, and despite being fluent in English (except for my grandfather, who speaks very little English) all have pronounced accents. No thank you, Arizona.
  • Is all of Arizona suffering from some kind of hysteria? Is there something in the water out there? Seriously. I've gone from "LOLArizona" to "WTF how can they be that bigoted" to "has the whole fucking state been replaced with aliens?"

    I'm legitimately concerned. Not that they vote in national elections, but that they might actually be the Consult.
  • It must be the heat. They don't even change the clocks for Daylight Saving Time simply because it's too damn hot to want more sunlight.
  • Is all of Arizona suffering from some kind of hysteria? Is there something in the water out there? Seriously. I've gone from "LOLArizona" to "WTF how can they be that bigoted" to "has the whole fucking state been replaced with aliens?"

    I'm legitimately concerned. Not that they vote in national elections, but that they might actually be the Consult.

  • I'm legitimately concerned. Not that they vote in national elections, but that they might actually be the Consult.
    What do you think originally caused the Meteor Crater?
  • Heron Spear.
  • edited April 2012
    Heron Spear.
    IT IS LOST (because AZ voter are old, xenophobic, misogynists, racists, homophobes, idiots, or a mix of all of the above).
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Random thought: What if the price and the "real price" of "subsidized goods" were listed next to each other? That is to say, if you bought gasoline at the pump, you would pay what you pay now, but there would be a second statistic listing that amount plus the full dollar amount of various subsidies that go into the price of that gasoline.
  • Random thought: What if the price and the "real price" of "subsidized goods" were listed next to each other? That is to say, if you bought gasoline at the pump, you would pay what you pay now, but there would be a second statistic listing that amount plus the full dollar amount of various subsidies that go into the price of that gasoline.
    That's more or less the theory behind True Cost Economics.

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