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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • Looks like Paul Ryan is now shaking his etch-a-sketch, trying to pretend he hasn't been a glowing fan of Ayn Rand. After some Catholics complained his proposed budget reflected Rand's philosophies he said that it was "an urban legend" that he was a fan and "I reject her philosophy". Well, looks like an Ayn Rand group, which had “Celebration of Ayn Rand” event which he spoke at released his speech at that event. Ryan speech 2005 Atlas Society.mp3
  • edited May 2012
    Speaking of Rand-loving whackjobs, Here's Ron Paul "debating" with Paul Krugman.

    Curiously, it isn't the part where the economically illiterate old coot is described as a pillar of economic thought that made me burst out laughing, it's when he mentioned the Byzantine empire, comparing it to the roman empire...And saying that the byzantine empire was successful because they didn't fight wars. Because let's face it, guys, greek fire was all used for light so they could study Austrian economics by night.

    Short version:

    And here's the 20 minute version, containing about 15 minutes worth of serious laughs - mostly every time Paul opens his mouth. Especially when he's trying to shout over Krugman with random soundbites from his policy pamphlets. Or when he tries to say that people go to jail for trading commodities like gold and silver. Or that barter is illegal. Though Krugman gets a few good ones in, such as "I am not a defender of the economic policies of the Emperor Diocletian" after Ron Paul insists that currency debasement and price controls destroyed the Roman Empire.

    Seriously, who let this jackass out of his cage? It's like someone pulled a hobo off the streets of Austin, texas, shaved him, poured him into a suit, gave him just enough booze to fend off the DTs, and shoved him in front of the camera to hobo-ramble.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Seriously, who let this jackass out of his cage? It's like someone pulled a hobo off the streets of Austin, texas, shaved him, poured him into a suit, gave him just enough booze to fend off the DTs, and shoved him in front of the camera to hobo-ramble.
    I just watched that this morning, it was hilarious. Every single time the man opens his mouth, it's just to sound more and more insane. I love it that he's on the mainstream media now. He's just a clown, and he does an excellent job responding to bait. Like when the woman gets almost wet in excitement over his idea of going to the gold standard.

    I'm just sad that Krugman didn't really have a chance to completely shut down the idea of the gold standard.

  • Listened to this on the way to work this morning:

    NPR: Extremism In Congress: 'Even Worse Than It Looks'?

    It basically sums up what we've been saying for a while now about how the Republican party has become so extreme. And this is a conservative saying it.
  • Ro, I love you. These guys are just incredible, I love it. "Being fair and balanced is doing a disservice to reality."
  • Ugh, these birthers keep coming out of the woodwork, such as this joker:

    Lawyers representing the current sitting President of the United States of America have potentially alluded to Obama’s long-form birth certificate presented by the White House in April of 2011 as being a total forgery.

    When this joker got the smackdown on his BS courtesy of, he then goes on to try to trash and discredit Snopes...
  • edited May 2012
    Listened to this on the way to work this morning:

    NPR: Extremism In Congress: 'Even Worse Than It Looks'?

    It basically sums up what we've been saying for a while now about how the Republican party has become so extreme. And this is a conservative saying it.
    Related to this, the Washington Post ran an article the other day: Let's just say it: The Republicans are the problem.

    Really good article from a traditionally very "centrist" newspaper.
    Post edited by jabrams007 on
  • Of course, in GOP-speak, "centrist" means "flaming pinko commie librul."
  • This is a message I want the Democrats to take hold of and really leverage, even though I know they won't.
  • Obama is very good for businessmen and is as socially moderate as they come, so i always wondered why the Republicans have such a severe hatred for the dude to the point of using ridiculous slander to play on constituent racism... and honestly I'm willing to bet it's because he's actually been effective with the "war on terror" thing that repubs kicked off. Dudes gonna go down in history for cleaning up the GOPs mess in Iraq and Afghanistan, killing Bin Laden, and given four more years, some significant action in Iran.

    As far as I know, both parties support democratizing/securing the middle east w/ whatever means necessary, and the dems are well poised to get credit for the whole thing.
  • In Gingrich's speech today he called President Obama a "radical leftist." Is he even talking about the same guy the rest of us are looking at? I wish he were a radical leftist!
  • When someone believes they are the center everyone else is always seen as a far(insert direction)ist.
  • edited May 2012
    Soldiers are still dying in a dubious war in Afghanistan, Gitmo is still open, torture is still used, the Patriot Act is still around, gay marriage still does not have federal support, there has been no change in the way elections are bought, the TSA is still around, the oils companies are still making record profits, we still have tax breaks for the rich, we still use secret military tribunals....

    Obama is Bush with social grace. That is all.

    Oh, by the way, Gingrich is out of the race.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • Soldiers are still dying in a dubious war in Afghanistan, Gitmo is still open, torture is still used, the Patriot Act is still around, gay marriage still does not have federal support, there has been no change in the way elections are bought, the TSA is still around, the oils companies are still making record profits, we still have tax breaks for the rich, we still use secret military tribunals....

    Obama is Bush with social grace. That is all.
    He's more reactionary. Bush never raided dispensaries and growhouses in states where medical marijuana is legal while almost the entirety of South America was clamoring for across-the-board legalization.
  • Soldiers are still dying in a dubious war in Afghanistan, Gitmo is still open, torture is still used, the Patriot Act is still around, gay marriage still does not have federal support, there has been no change in the way elections are bought, the TSA is still around, the oils companies are still making record profits, we still have tax breaks for the rich, we still use secret military tribunals....

    Obama is Bush with social grace. That is all.

    Oh, by the way, Gingrich is out of the race.
    Obama was elected President, not magic genie emperor god king riding on a talking unicorn.
  • Well I guess that explains it all away, then. Never mind. My conscience is totally, totally salved.
  • In Gingrich's speech today he called President Obama a "radical leftist." Is he even talking about the same guy the rest of us are looking at? I wish he were a radical leftist!
    I think the problem here is that the US lacks a true radical leftist party. We have a radical right party, and a right-centrist party. We don't even have a centrist party, really.

    So let's fucking start a truly radical leftist party. Then, maybe, we'll start assessing the major parties in a somewhat more objective fashion.

  • So let's fucking start a truly radical leftist party. Then, maybe, we'll start assessing the major parties in a somewhat more objective fashion.
    Sounds great... but with our current voting system, having more than two parties is unsustainable.
  • The first four years of Obama were somewhat disappointing, I won't deny that. But he's still substantially better than anything the other party can offer. Also, I strongly believe he will be an awesome lame duck. His real obstacle is the wussy party that he's associated with, and his incessant compromising.
  • I dunno. I'm still open to Romney as a candidate, although I'm pretty sure I'll end up voting for the big O again. Although, realistically, it doesn't matter who is in the White House so long as the congress is willing to sacrifice everything in defense of nebulous principals. Until we fix Congress and get compromise back into their minds, Presidential elections are just a distraction to mollify those of us who follow politics like most people follow sports.

    In other news, Gingritch dropping out has been absolutely amazing to watch. The wrinkly old hate-bags at Free Republic are probably even now terrified that their medicare will be taken away by the socialist tsar god king Romney.
  • edited May 2012
    I wish Colbert would just run for President.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I wish Colbert would just run for President.
    Which party?
  • I dunno. I'm still open to Romney as a candidate, although I'm pretty sure I'll end up voting for the big O again. Although, realistically, it doesn't matter who is in the White House so long as the congress is willing to sacrifice everything in defense of nebulous principals. Until we fix Congress and get compromise back into their minds, Presidential elections are just a distraction to mollify those of us who follow politics like most people follow sports.
    Romney would be a valid candidate if he was anything like the guy who was governor of Mass. Like McCain before him, he sacrificed all of his appeal to get the republican nomination and now I'm left wondering what he believes. I can't trust him to be liberal/moderate or conservative at this point, I'm not sure if he will be pragmatic or what, though I know he's not going to be a ideologue.

  • Romney would be a valid candidate if he was anything like the guy who was governor of Mass. Like McCain before him, he sacrificed all of his appeal to get the republican nomination and now I'm left wondering what he believes. I can't trust him to be liberal/moderate or conservative at this point, I'm not sure if he will be pragmatic or what, though I know he's not going to be a ideologue.
    This. It honestly has me mesmerized thinking about all the young people you see at whatever rally he's talking at and wonder what those young people are thinking or how they think he's charismatic.
  • Romney would be a valid candidate if he was anything like the guy who was governor of Mass. Like McCain before him, he sacrificed all of his appeal to get the republican nomination and now I'm left wondering what he believes. I can't trust him to be liberal/moderate or conservative at this point, I'm not sure if he will be pragmatic or what, though I know he's not going to be a ideologue.
    I'm in the same boat.
    Which party?
    I'd vote for him as a Democrat or third party candidate. However I think it would be hilarious to see how many Republicans would vote for his character and defend him, just to see how many can't recognize satire.

  • Obama did something very small and subtle today to make me happy. He slipped atheism into the National Day of Prayer proclamation:

    "On this National Day of Prayer, we give thanks for our democracy that respects the beliefs and protects the religious freedom of all people to pray, worship, or abstain according to the dictates of their conscience."
  • Obama's always been good about that sort of thing. In some speech he gave before he was elected, he talked about how non-believers need to be treated with just as much respect as those who believe in a religion.
  • edited May 2012
    Also, I strongly believe he will be an awesome lame duck.
    Our top stories: Schnevets uses the phrase "Lame Duck" incorrectly! Is this the state of the modern liberal? We'll ask Bill O'Reilly. Then, Prairie Dogging: It's as disgusting as it sounds, and your 13 year-olds may be doing it right now. But first, here's your what you missed on Popular Reality TV Show last night!
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • edited May 2012
    Funny or Die does it again: Republicans, Get In My Vagina!
    Post edited by 2bfree on
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