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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • I think your school simulated the elections well.
    The most accurate simulation would be if you could go whenever you wanted, but you had tests in five of your classes.
  • edited November 2012
    How to fix voter turnout? Each voter gets candy.
    Voter lottery. For every vote, a dollar is put into a magical pot. A certain number of voters per state split the pot.

    I actually wasn't serious when I suggested that, but now it sounds pretty good... and I have no clue what to think...
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • edited November 2012
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • How to fix voter turnout? Each voter gets candy.
    I like the Australian solution: don't vote? Pay a $20 fine.
  • How to fix voter turnout? Each voter gets candy.
    I like the Australian solution: don't vote? Pay a $20 fine.
    You know how I feel about fines.
  • How to fix voter turnout? Each voter gets candy.
    I like the Australian solution: don't vote? Pay a $20 fine.
    You know how I feel about fines.
    Well, to be fair, we have mandatory voting. It's against the law not to vote, though admittedly it is a misdemeanor.

  • It's actually a $70 fine. I know, because my sister copped a fine for not voting in a recent state by-election. Can't blame her for missing it, though - unless you read newspapers or watch TV news, you'll likely miss most mentions of upcoming elections, doubly so for spontaneous by-elections.
  • How to fix voter turnout? Each voter gets candy.
    I like the Australian solution: don't vote? Pay a $20 fine.
    You know how I feel about fines.
    Well, to be fair, we have mandatory voting. It's against the law not to vote, though admittedly it is a misdemeanor.

    Okay its not so bad when its mandatory voting.
  • Before we institute mandatory voting, first we have to make it possible for everyone to vote. I say we make the whole week a federal holiday. We get less vacation time than any other western industrialized country.
  • Before we institute mandatory voting, first we have to make it possible for everyone to vote. I say we make the whole week a federal holiday. We get less vacation time than any other western industrialized country.
    I'm not sure a week long federal voting holiday is necessary, but a one day voting holiday should be sufficient.

    The less vacation time issue is something separate, although I agree we should have more vacation time here too (as well as paid parental leave).

  • It's actually a $70 fine. I know, because my sister copped a fine for not voting in a recent state by-election. Can't blame her for missing it, though - unless you read newspapers or watch TV news, you'll likely miss most mentions of upcoming elections, doubly so for spontaneous by-elections.
    Nope, it's 20. She must have failed to reply within 21 days - Sauce.

  • I am getting burned out on explaining how taxes work to people who don't know and don't know they don't know. The level of ignorance about basic tax concepts is horrifying.
  • Taxes? What are those?
  • Taxes? What are those?
    Guv'ment took ya moneys.
  • Taxes? What are those?
    Guv'ment took ya moneys.
    To build faggy commie bullshit like roads and bridges and schools and stuff.

  • Also to drone bomb the fucking shit out of Pakistani children and civilians, but that's only accidental collateral damage while we're unilaterally assassinating political targets without a declaration of war, so is that really so bad?
  • edited November 2012
    Not really. Generally, I'm in favor of anything that gets us out of the Middle East faster.

    Say what you will about landmines, but there's no question that a good old fashioned minefield is a powerful tool to get guerrillas to fuck right off.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Not really. Generally, I'm in favor of anything that gets us out of the Middle East faster.

    Say what you will about landmines, but there's no question that a good old fashioned minefield is a powerful tool to get guerrillas to fuck right off.
    And hey! Free amputations for area children generations later when the conflict is long forgotten!
  • edited November 2012
    It's kind of like an open letter to an entire country: "We're going to leave now, and we'll still kill your women and children when we're gone. Calm down; you really don't want to make us come back."

    I'm in favor of cluster bombs for a similar reason. Nothing says, "We will fucking finish this," like killing all your targets and filling everyone else in the immediate area with a pound of toxic shrapnel.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited November 2012
    Not sure if serious or trolling...

    Yeah, I know, they're serious.
    Post edited by 2bfree on
  • edited November 2012
    Also, where do we stand on bioweapons vs. the insurgency? If we dumped shiga toxins into Afghan groundwater, we could probably stop the insurgency dead with tummyaches. We could also weaponize Hoof-and-Mouth and rice blast to engineer a famine at the same time. How does an enemy fight with a dry mouth and an empty stomach?

    I mean, I'm totally anti-nuke, no question. We need to be human about this. Bioattacks on food and water are just a more advanced supply blockade, except instead of a navy, we're using biology.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Please let me know when to start taking you seriously again.
  • edited November 2012
    I'm just so fucking DONE with the election and its talking points at this point. If I don't joke about them, I'll just off myself. Take me seriously after Election Day.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited November 2012
    Also, where do we stand on bioweapons vs. the insurgency? If we dumped shiga toxins into Afghan groundwater, we could probably stop the insurgency dead with tummyaches. We could also weaponize Hoof-and-Mouth and rice blast to engineer a famine at the same time. How does an enemy fight with a dry mouth and an empty stomach?

    I mean, I'm totally anti-nuke, no question. We need to be human about this. Bioattacks on food and water are just a more advanced supply blockade, except instead of a navy, we're using biology.
    How in the world is forced dehydration and hunger in any way humane?
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Dude, it's the Third World. They're used to this shit.
  • Drones aren't an election talking point they're a god damned national disgrace that both Obama ans mittens support.
  • Given the option between our young men being blown into red mist on purpose and their women and children being blown into red mist accidentally, I know which one I choose. And if you don't choose the one I choose, you're an unamerican terrorist sympathizer.
  • Can we get spies to fuck up Iranian radar stations so they think a bunch of balloons are nukes coming from every country that has them?
  • edited November 2012
    Drones aren't the problem. It's how they are used that is the problem. Would you feel any differently if instead of drones we were using manned bombers?
    Can we get spies to fuck up Iranian radar stations so they think a bunch of balloons are nukes coming from every country that has them?
    Do you have any idea how stupid this sounds? I hope this is just a troll, because doing anything like this, on a country that is apparently already itching for an excuse to start a fight to begin with, can only lead to pain...
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
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