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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • Didn't Reid just say he would not work with a Romney administration .
    He did.
  • edited November 2012
    Didn't Reid just say he would not work with a Romney administration .
    He did.
    Damn it, Reid. Don't be a dick. I swear, politicians are basically giant children. If they don't get their way, they throw a tantrum.

    It sucks.

    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • Didn't Reid just say he would not work with a Romney administration .
    He did.
    Damn it, Reid. Don't be a dick. I swear, politicians are basically giant children. If they don't get their way, they throw a tantrum.

    It sucks.
  • That picture of Reid is hilarious. Also here's a link with more details and also not written by a massive shithead:,0,3319407.story
  • He said they wouldn't cooperate with a severe Tea Party agenda that damages the middle class. To me that's not a failure to compromise, it's representing the people who voted them in.

    Romney, I'm sure, would be free to go ahead with a sane and non-malicious agenda that benefits the country rather than simply his political contributors.
  • So why can't he just say that?
  • edited November 2012
    He did:
    In fact, Mitt Romney’s Tea Party agenda has already been rejected in the Senate. In the past few months, we have voted down many of the major policies that Mitt Romney has run on, from the Ryan plan to end Medicare as we know it, to the Blunt Amendment to deny women access to contraception, to more tax giveaways for millionaires and billionaires, to a draconian spending plan that would gut critical services for seniors and the most vulnerable Americans.

    “Mitt Romney has demonstrated that he lacks the courage to stand up to the Tea Party, kowtowing to their demands time and again. There is nothing in Mitt Romney’s record to suggest he would act any differently as president. As governor of Massachusetts, he had a terrible relationship with Democrats, cordoning himself off behind a velvet rope instead of reaching out to build relationships. And in the near-decade that Mitt Romney has spent running for president, both his words and his actions have shown that pleasing the far right is more important to him than working across the aisle.

    “Senate Democrats are committed to defending the middle class, and we will do everything in our power to defend them against Mitt Romney’s Tea Party agenda.”
    There's your problem.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • edited November 2012
    Post edited by muppet on
  • edited November 2012
    Um, isn't that what he said?

    EDIT: Double Ninja'd.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Well shit when all the top results on google are conservative sources if I said "yeah you'd dismiss any o my sources." You'd call me a liar.
  • edited November 2012
    SOE =/= credibility

    Also, Google tailors your search results based on your interests.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Also, Google tailors your search results based on your interests.
    That worries me sometimes.
  • I didn't dismiss your source. I read it, it gave me only a tiny bit of cherry picked information. So I found a better source that had more context.
  • Also, Google tailors your search results based on your interests.
    That worries me sometimes.
    You can disable it in the settings, and there's always the "hide personal results" option on every search page.
  • I don't have those, likely because I already disabled something somewhere.

    Still, I meant it in a more general sense, rather than specific to me.
  • Here is the entire election process summed up from my observations:

    Obama/Democrats: You're being a butthead.
    Romney/Republicans: No, YOU'RE a butthead!

    And thats it. Everyone is just fighting like babies. I really hate people sometimes. -_-
  • Here is the entire election process summed up from my observations:

    Obama/Democrats: You're being a butthead.
    Romney/Republicans: No, YOU'RE a butthead!

    And thats it. Everyone is just fighting like babies. I really hate people sometimes. -_-
    Your observations are lacking. Dems aren't great, but when the Romney campaign is not only slinging mud constantly but their base is BUYING it, you have little recourse but to counter the mud by addressing it.
  • Here is the entire election process summed up from my observations:

    Obama/Democrats: You're being a butthead.
    Romney/Republicans: No, YOU'RE a butthead and I hope you die!

    And thats it. Everyone is just fighting like babies. I really hate people sometimes. -_-
  • it's more like:

    Romney Campaign; Jeep is moving jobs to China, Thanks Obama!
    Chrysler: lol Wut? Why are you picking on us and telling lies. We are expanding in the US AND china.
  • it's more like:

    Romney Campaign; Jeep is moving jobs to China, Thanks Obama!
    Chrysler: lol Wut? Why are you picking on us and telling lies. We are expanding in the US AND china.
    I can't remember if it was the GM or CEO, but Trump parroted the same nonsense on twitter, and got an immediate response from the GM/CEO saying "You're full of shit."

  • it's more like:

    Romney Campaign; Jeep is moving jobs to China, Thanks Obama!
    Chrysler: lol Wut? Why are you picking on us and telling lies. We are expanding in the US AND china.
    I can't remember if it was the GM or CEO, but Trump parroted the same nonsense on twitter, and got an immediate response from the GM/CEO saying "You're full of shit."
    You're right about both, sorta. It was GM's CEO who said that.
  • it's more like:

    Romney Campaign; Jeep is moving jobs to China, Thanks Obama!
    Chrysler: lol Wut? Why are you picking on us and telling lies. We are expanding in the US AND china.
    I can't remember if it was the GM or CEO, but Trump parroted the same nonsense on twitter, and got an immediate response from the GM/CEO saying "You're full of shit."
    You're right about both, sorta. It was GM's CEO who said that.
    Well, I did mean General Manager, so I'd say that I was incorrect on that detail.
  • edited November 2012
    What I meant by my statement was:

    Obama: You're being a butthead - as in you are lying, promising things you have no idea about, being a fucking idiot, etc etc.
    Romney: No YOU'RE a butthead! - as in, he's just throwing back the negative things being said to him, even though none apply or are true. Like a freaking kindergartener.

    For example, everyone has been getting on to Romney about not explaining his plan to do these "wonderful" things he's promising. And the other day I hear a clip on the radio of Romney saying "Obama has not told us how he plans to do things!", which is clearly not true. Yeah, literally just repeating every thing he's hearing from the other side. But sadly the idiots believe him anyway.

    And thats what I meant by I hate people. So yeah, I agree with you guys. :-P
    Post edited by Lyddi on
  • Re: Obama working with Republicans:

    What has Obama compromised on where Republicans got what they actually wanted and not just thwarted what Obama wanted? Because there is a difference.
  • The extrajudicial imprisonment clause in the NDAA, the individual mandate in the ACA, extending the Bush tax cuts, that idiotic compromise to create a budget-control committee during the debt ceiling affair (which we haven't really heard anything about since)...
  • edited November 2012
    ...Healthcare acts were gutted, Republicans tried to vote to repeal 33 times AFTER they compromised on it, intentionally taking on the debt emergency measures and then intentionally dragging things out so the measures would kick in, THEN bitching about the measures they voted in...
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • And the food in the capitol building cafeteria is just bloody awful.
  • Weren't the Republicans against the ACA in any form? That would count as a thwart .

    Extending the entire Bush tax cuts does count. Don't know enough about NDAA and sequestration was an Obama idea .
  • I submit to you the whitest rap song/video ever:
  • Steve, are we counting ideas put forward by republicans who when democrats pursued them they suddenly were against them?
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