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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • Clearly weapons that deal massive collateral damage are better, because you can't just use them willy-nilly.
    Yes because clearly TNT, machine guns, missiles, bombers, and nuclear missiles have stopped all wars.

    Actually, the guy who invented the Gatling gun (the first machine gun, if you will) claimed that he invented that weapon precisely to stop all wars...
  • And the Wright Brothers hoped bombs coming out of planes would be so horrific wars would end.
  • Yes, and Alfred Nobel created the Nobel prizes so that people would forget that he also invented dynamite, because he felt bad about it being used to blow people up.
  • Clearly weapons that deal massive collateral damage are better, because you can't just use them willy-nilly.
    Yes because clearly TNT, machine guns, missiles, bombers, and nuclear missiles have stopped all wars.

    Actually, the guy who invented the Gatling gun (the first machine gun, if you will) claimed that he invented that weapon precisely to stop all wars...
    It was mostly to make campaigns shorter so that less soldiers would die of disease.
  • Sadly, as long as there are human beings, there probably will be wars.
  • Our most popular video games are war orientated .
  • Quoth Robert E. Lee, "It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow too fond of it."
  • Sadly, as long as there are human beings, there probably will be wars.
    Then let's work toward no longer being human.

  • War is really entertaining. The threat of death to those involved heightens dramatic tension. I mean, you know, in entertainment media like movies and video games.
  • I think the public enjoys a good war. I think we should pick a new third-world country to devastate every decade. Think of the ratings bumps!
  • I think the public enjoys a good war. I think we should pick a new third-world country to devastate every decade. Think of the ratings bumps!
    North Korea should be next!
  • Sadly, as long as there are human beings, there probably will be wars.
    Then let's work toward no longer being human.
    Or we should just wipe out humanity and start over with another, less violent species.

    I pick bonobos. They typically settle their differences by having sex instead of by fighting. Yay Planet of the Apes.
  • No! We must build our betters! Machines must inherit our universe!
  • I think the public enjoys a good war. I think we should pick a new third-world country to devastate every decade. Think of the ratings bumps!
    North Korea should be next!
    North Korea would be 2nd world.
  • Sadly, as long as there are human beings, there probably will be wars.
    Then let's work toward no longer being human.

    Rym knows what's up.

  • edited November 2012
    I think the public enjoys a good war. I think we should pick a new third-world country to devastate every decade. Think of the ratings bumps!
    North Korea should be next!
    Asia hasn't had a good war in a while. I'd tune in to the reality show.

    We'd have to start with low-key espionage ops at first. Then, when the public is expecting a spy show, change it up: mobilize the military and embed with a medical unit. Now it's M.A.S.H. 2.0. Finally, do what we did in Japan: when the public's tired, make sure you have a finale they'll talk about for decades.

    Approval ratings, the markets, and media sales shoot through the roof. Economically-strategic wars are simply the next stop for the USA.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Fighting North Korea would be a terrible idea because they have way too many artillery pipes pointed at South Korean cities. We want to pick on people who can't hurt us while we drop thousands of tons of explosives on them from the skies.
  • Good point. Africa is overdue for a good war, and their militaries are shitty.

    How's Kenya? Can we get a SEAL team and a TV crew with a Steadicam to Kenya this January? Does that work for you guys?
  • Good point. Africa is overdue for a good war, and their militaries are shitty.

    How's Kenya? Can we get a SEAL team and a TV crew with a Steadicam to Kenya this January? Does that work for you guys?
    Naa, Somalia would make more sense. Get rid of all those damned pirates. They don't even have a government there to put up a fight.
  • That makes it worse! We want the impression they could fight us right up until we smear their military across the landscape.
  • edited November 2012
    Nope, it's 20. She must have failed to reply within 21 days - Sauce.
    State election, bro. We're both right.
    Post edited by thaneofcawdor on
  • Oh, Of course, I forgot about that - I was going with federal, in light of the upcoming US presidential election. Sorry dude.
  • I see a good reason to vote for Romney. If Obama won't cooperate (like, ya know he said he was gonna) then why should the Republicans? Why should they and they alone give ground?
  • edited November 2012
    That is complete and utter bullshit. Obama has attempted to cooperate with Republicans, they just refuse to reciprocate.

    It's like the religious right. If they don't get everything they ask for, it's persecution. If anyone wants anything else, they're infringing on freedom of religion.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • edited November 2012
    Jack, name one place the Republicans have "given ground" to compromise with Obama or the Democratic party. There whole schtick these days is being the party of no, and fighting absolutely everything Obama has suggested.

    And even if what you were proposing was true, it would still be a shitty reason to vote for Romney. He is straight up saying vote for me or my party will throw a temper tantrum that will send us into a second depression. It's essentially extortion.
    Post edited by WaterInThere on
  • Their whole schtick these days...
    Sorry.. >.> it was bothering me.
  • I see a good reason to vote for Romney. If Obama won't cooperate (like, ya know he said he was gonna) then why should the Republicans? Why should they and they alone give ground?
    Oh my fucking God, Jack. Try reading a news source once in awhile. FOX doesn't count.

    Jesus Christ. Dude. If you're not trolling, then seriously: read once in awhile.
  • Successful trolling there, Nine.
    *slow clap*
  • Didn't Reid just say he would not work with a Romney administration .
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