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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • Wouldn't going to the popular vote require campaigns to air commercials everywhere, making them even more expensive?

    If you thought they were beholden to commercial interests before...
  • edited November 2012
    A compliation of the kinds of sentiments that were soundly beaten in this election:

    I might not be an American, but I am pride - one step at a time, right?
    Post edited by lackofcheese on

  • The one burger place I've been to that I would put between Five Guys and the Met Burger Bar would probably be Bartley's Burgers in Harvard Square. Those are some damned good burgers, I tell you.
    Flat Parties in Harvard Square is also a lovely place for a burger.
    Now I'm hungry and itching to get on the shuttle to Cambridge. Thanks, forum!
    In addition, I find Uburger to be comparable to Five Guys minus the grease, and with inferior fries.

  • The one burger place I've been to that I would put between Five Guys and the Met Burger Bar would probably be Bartley's Burgers in Harvard Square. Those are some damned good burgers, I tell you.
    Flat Parties in Harvard Square is also a lovely place for a burger.
    Now I'm hungry and itching to get on the shuttle to Cambridge. Thanks, forum!
    In addition, I find Uburger to be comparable to Five Guys minus the grease, and with inferior fries.
    Flat Patties also has the benefit of being right across the street from the Brattle Theater, so you can catch an awesome movie then get a burger or vice/versa.
  • I've seen that quote attributed to four or five people already!

    For me, this conjures images of the villain at the end of a Scooby Doo cartoon finally revealing his complete dastardly plan after being unmasked by Fred and before being carted off by the local sheriff.
  • After taking a long hard look at the current Republican party I think it is time to change my party affiliation. I'm not going to join you commie pinkos and become a Democrat but will instead register as an independent until I find a party that fits.
  • After taking a long hard look at the current Republican party I think it is time to change my party affiliation. I'm not going to join you commie pinkos and become a Democrat but will instead register as an independent until I find a party that fits.
    I recommend the Prohibition party.

  • After taking a long hard look at the current Republican party I think it is time to change my party affiliation. I'm not going to join you commie pinkos and become a Democrat but will instead register as an independent until I find a party that fits.
    Wait? You're calling Democrats commie pinkos? Fuck you. It's not even worthwhile as hyperbole or exaggeration. Fuck you again, harder. My dad and father-in-law both fought real commie pinkos in jungle hellholes and you comparing the Democrats to them, other than showing a ridiculous lack of knowledge, is outright insulting.

  • I don't know the particulars of Vietnam, but I do know a fair chunk about China and the former USSR, and although it's tangential to this silly minor slap fight, I gotta say: conflating communism with fascism doesn't serve anybody whatsoever. There's no reason to vilify a political and economic system based on the political agenda of a bunch of rich capitalists.
  • As a commie pinko, I also find the comparison of Democrats to Communists insulting. But, I'm not going to rail to hard on you for it, as it's a good parody of the way talk show hosts talk about the center-right.
  • edited November 2012
    Commies nearly murdered part of my family because they had the audacity to be seen in a church. So, fuck you for that joke, but good on ya for being rational otherwise!
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited November 2012
    Damn! Would it have been more obvious that I used commie pinko satirecly if I also said I was tired of being associated with homophobic racist Jesus freaks?

    As an aside you do know that commie pinko is a perjerative synonym for socialist?
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • I'll just point out that Ryan made the exact same joke elsewhere, and nobody jumped down his throat.

    Typical liberals.
  • edited November 2012
    Typical liberals commie pinkos.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited November 2012
    I'll just point out that Ryan made the exact same joke elsewhere, and nobody jumped down his throat.

    Typical liberals.
    Admittedly, I just got fed up with seeing it so many places and this one time was the last straw. Combine that with having kind of a rough day and I was ready to snap.
    Damn! Would it have been more obvious that I used commie pinko satirecly if I also said I was tired of being associated with homophobic racist Jesus freaks?
    Well, at least you realized the GOP was full of them, hence your desire to become independent. Hell, I hate enough people in both parties that I'm independent despite voting Democrat probably around 90% of the time.
    As an aside you do know that commie pinko is a perjerative synonym for socialist?
    As an aside, you do know that the Democratic party is neither communist nor socialist.
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
    "Before rank-and-file conservatives ask, "What went wrong?", they should ask themselves a question every bit as important: "Why were we the last to realize that things were going wrong for us?""
    "Before rank-and-file conservatives ask, "What went wrong?", they should ask themselves a question every bit as important: "Why were we the last to realize that things were going wrong for us?""
    God damn do I hope they ask themselves that question. Maybe then they'll get out of their bubble.
  • The rank and file are currently looking into dehydrated food storage and underground bunkers.
  • The rank and file are currently looking into dehydrated food storage and underground bunkers.
    Have you looked at that stuff? You can feed a family of four for a year for about $1,000 per person! Not to mention the 20 year shelf life!!!

    That and I've always wanted an underground bunker. Most of the former Atlas and Titan missile sites were destroyed in the past but some can still be purchased. Admit it, it would be cool to renovate and live in one.

  • I'm with Steve, here. I have no use for a bunker or a fortified compound, but it'd be cool to just have one. Maybe once I cure a disease and have infinite dollars.

  • That and I've always wanted an underground bunker. Most of the former Atlas and Titan missile sites were destroyed in the past but some can still be purchased. Admit it, it would be cool to renovate and live in one.
    I think I read a story about someone who actually did that a while back... Funny thing is a lot of them were fairly nicely equipped as the service men and women stationed there were expected to live there while on alert.

    Of course, nothing compares to the crazy secret bunker they built in a West Virginia luxury hotel in order to house/protect Congress in the event of nuclear war.
  • I know there is/was one fir sale in upstate NY with its own airfield. The others are mostly in the midwest and heavily flooded. There are also hardened Telco bunkers for sale.
  • So I saw this posted from a friend of a friend on FB about the results of Obamacare:

    Companies plan massive layoffs as Obamacare becomes reality which originally came from Freedom Works, which is known to be conservative.

    So is it really at the fault of Obamacare? Is this one of those ends justify the means? Or is it part of the company just using Obamacare to blame when they probably already intended to layoff people? I honestly can't make heads or tails of it.
  • Depends on the company. If they already provide health care it is not likely Obamacare has anything to do with layoffs.

    If the company did not offer healthcare than it *could* be a factor.
  • It's the fault of the conservative media for convincing people Romney was going to win. If not for that, those people would have been laid off ages ago.
  • cough
    David Frum is a Republican I can respect. I may not agree with him 100% of the time, but he's certainly not one of the Tea Party howler monkeys flinging their poop at anyone who disagrees with him.
    Depends on the company. If they already provide health care it is not likely Obamacare has anything to do with layoffs.

    If the company did not offer healthcare than it *could* be a factor.
    Of course, some companies are just being jerks if their health care costs are trivial. For example, the CEO of Papa John's pizza bitched about getting enough health insurance to cover his employees under Obamacare would increase his costs per pizza by a whopping $0.14.
  • Rochelle Mantanona 4:28 PM
    are they really a result of obamacare?
    or is it just companies using it as a scapegoat

    me 4:28 PM
    companies are always looking for reasons to fire people
    they are never eager to hire people
    this is just a convenient way to shed human capital

    Rochelle Mantanona 4:29 PM
    so basically a political ploy

    me 4:31 PM
    a way to throw a baby fit that Big Mitt lost
    i'd be willing to bet that if you looked at the jobs these companies are terminating, they are filled by a disproportionately large minority demo
    so it goes something like this:
    1) "Attention workers: We can't tell you how to vote."
    2) "But if Obama wins, we'll downsize X jobs."
    3) "Also, you're Latinos."
    4) "Good luck with that."
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