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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • The right to vote is a truth we hold self-evident.
    I love the term "self-evident" as it is the biggest pile of bullshit ever. It's the same as "inalienable rights". If something was inalienable or self-evident in regards to voting or other rights, they wouldn't need to be written down in laws and treaties.

    If the right to vote for everyone was self-evident, women and other minorities would have been able to vote the moment democracy was invented. That many countries still deny voting to large parts of its own citizenship, or even deny citizenship to large parts of its population, "self-evident" and "inalienable" can take a long walk down a short plank.
  • Codifying beliefs in laws and treaties and declarations of independence helps safeguard those beliefs against tyranny.
  • I strongly disagree. Andrew and I argued about this for nearly two hours last night. Voting is a right, not a privilege to be conferred by government. The right to vote is a truth we hold self-evident, and should not carry conditions (I would even argue against age restrictions, but that's another flamewar). When you start controlling who can vote and when, you start controlling the outcome of the vote. Also, there can be no taxation without representation.
    I don't know if I want to have this argument right now, but I'd like to point out that the right to vote is certainly not inalienable. Grow a little pot in your backyard and see what happens to you. And as far as taxation without representation, what about every minor and every felon in the country with a job but without the right to vote?

    And don't even get me started on the notion of "government" as an entity independent of the people of the nation. We live in a system where we could turn out every single elected official in the country in a matter of years, peacefully and without a revolution. Everything that happens here is, like it or not, ultimately by the (often slothful, ignorant, complacent, fearful, easily influenced) people. Whatever rights we confer on ourselves aren't granted or revoked by "government."
  • Codifying beliefs in laws and treaties and declarations of independence helps safeguard those beliefs against tyranny.
    I agree entirely.

    However, think about what inalienable and self-evident mean, and then realize that the don't imply to voting and human rights.
  • At my polling place, they do not ask for any verification of identity. You tell them your name and they hand you a ballot once they confirm that your name is on the voter list. They ask you to confirm your address, although you can see the listed address right there on the paper.
  • At my polling place, they do not ask for any verification of identity. You tell them your name and they hand you a ballot once they confirm that your name is on the voter list. They ask you to confirm your address, although you can see the listed address right there on the paper.
    That's how it was in Beacon.

    Bonus points for the old lady poll workers telling everyone (illegally) to vote for a particular item.
  • I'm relieved to know Ohio has much stricter protections against voter fraud. My driver's license gets inspected by peeps from multiple parties and matched against registration records. Apparently, the state can do one god-damned thing right.
  • Whatever rights we confer on ourselves aren't granted or revoked by "government."
    I would argue that our current system, with the way that it is controlled by media and dependent upon the masses caring about anything, actually does create a government metastructure that is able to act contrary to any individual person's decisions. It effectively acts like a separate entity, at best a reflection of the society upon which it is built.
  • I'm relieved to know Ohio has much stricter protections against voter fraud. My driver's license gets inspected by peeps from multiple parties and matched against registration records. Apparently, the state can do one god-damned thing right.
    I wouldn't be so proud, Ohio has been a "problem area" in the past. :P
  • If there was any doubt that the Republicans would not continue to gridlock the system, I think Mitch McConnell sent a loud message that they don't give a shit.
  • If there was any doubt that the Republicans would not continue to gridlock the system, I think Mitch McConnell sent a loud message that they don't give a shit.
    I got the exact opposite reading from those two press conferences (in full not just a youtube edited clip).

    The President is right, Democrats took a shellacking. Not only did they lose the House but at the state level Democrats lost all over the country. Even Maine flipped and went Republican!

    Republicans ran on "repeal and replace" of ObamaCare, I expect them to follow through on that promise.

    Obama's presser was weird. It was like listening to someone who just found out that the world he thought he was living in was actually just a construct of the people around him and that the real world is much different.

    Why is he waiting several weeks to talk with the the leaders of the House and Senate? Why is he taking an immensely expensive trip right after the election? Why do the Obama's act more like royalty than a Presidential family?

    If he can tack right like Bill Clinton did he can be a good President. If not he will be a one termer.

    I don't recall much criticism on here two years ago when the President told Republicans "I won" when they tried to work with him so why all the criticism now when Republicans say that compromise means the President moves in their direction?
  • edited November 2010
    Repubs won't be able to repeal Obamacare because they don't control the Senate, and the Pres has veto power. Plus, if they start having hearings on what the healthcare reform did, they're going to loose a lot of ground with their supporters. There's no way they could continue the bullshit storm around healthcare if they actually try it. It'll expose the truth further (that the healthcare reforms did a lot of good) which will prevent them from repealing it, or they'll be forced to continue the 'death panel' type rhetoric. You can't demand the repeal of a law by having the following type of conversation:
    R: "We want to repeal healthcare!"
    Public: "Why?"
    R: "Well, it's bad for America."
    Public: "How?"
    Fox: "FUCK YEAH!"
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Nice bit of hyperbole there.

    If Republicans can not clearly articulate what they want to do and why but do it anyway they will be out in two years. They know this.
  • Why is he taking an immensely expensive trip right after the election? Why do the Obama's act more like royalty than a Presidential family?

    If he can tack right like Bill Clinton did he can be a good President. If not he will be a one termer.
    No, this is hyperbole. You asked the question, "Why do the Obama's act more like royalty than a Presidential family?" The question assumes that they are acting like a royal family, for which there has been no proof whatsoever. It's just your sick little twist.

    Further, there's no evidence at all to support your prediction. As usual, it sounds like you've been listening to the people on FOX News too much. There is no need for Obama to "tack right" Democrats have the Senate, and Obama has veto power.

    When you accuse GTM of hyperbole, do you really understand what hyperbole means? It's a big word that they don't necessarily define in grade school, so you might have missed out.
  • No, this is hyperbole. You asked the question, "Why do the Obama's act more like royalty than a Presidential family?" The question assumes that they are acting like a royal family, for which there has been no proof whatsoever.
    Yeah, gonna have to agree with that one. :\ I was taking you a bit more seriously till that.
  • That line was meant to be hyperbole.
  • That line was meant to be hyperbole.
    Sure, Pee-Wee Herman. You meant to do that.
  • edited November 2010
    Our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny President Barack Obama a second term.
    Why isn't it addressing the citizens concerns? Or re-evaluate the healthcare bill? Or any of the fucking "reasons" people voted for them? Because the Republicans know that by denying any sort of cooperation they can see another election like this past one in 2012. To say other is either wilful ignorance or just sheer stupidity.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Why isn't it addressing the citizens concerns? Or re-evaluate the healthcare bill? Or any of the fucking "reasons" people voted for them? Because the Republicans know that by denying any sort of cooperation they can see another election like this past one in 2012. To say other is either wilful ignorance or just sheer stupidity.
    It's kinda like Mitch McConnell put into words EVERYTHING that is wrong with the system in the course of one speech. I.E. He is the problem and people like him.
  • No, this is hyperbole. You asked the question, "Why do the Obama's act more like royalty than a Presidential family?" The question assumes that they are acting like a royal family, for which there has been no proof whatsoever. It's just your sick little twist.
    This is what happens when you listen to Fox News and Michelle Bachmann.
  • I miss the old days of Lyndon B. Johnson inviting the House and Senate republican leaders over for a game of poker...
  • No, this is hyperbole. You asked the question, "Why do the Obama's act more like royalty than a Presidential family?" The question assumes that they are acting like a royal family, for which there has been no proof whatsoever. It's just your sick little twist.
    This is what happens when you listen to Fox News and Michelle Bachmann.
    Now we can watch as tea-partiers willfully ignore the article and the evidence presented.
  • No, this is hyperbole. You asked the question, "Why do the Obama's act more like royalty than a Presidential family?" The question assumes that they are acting like a royal family, for which there has been no proof whatsoever. It's just your sick little twist.
    This is what happens when you listen to Fox News and Michelle Bachmann.
    Now we can watch as tea-partiers willfully ignore the article and the evidence presented.
    They didn't prove it's not true!
  • edited November 2010
    Who believes we're deploying 34 ships to support the presidents trip to Asia? That's just crazy.

    There are ships already there.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Who believes we're deploying 34 ships to support the presidents trip to Asia? That's just crazy.

    There are ships already there.
    The swabbies gotta have something to do.
  • Who believes we're deploying 34 ships to support the presidents trip to Asia?
    What would they do? Look for snipers on the rooftops? If someone fires at him, would a battleship throw itself in harm's way and take the bullet (crushing 30 city blocks under its hull)?
  • Who believes we're deploying 34 ships to support the presidents trip to Asia?
    What would they do? Look for snipers on the rooftops? If someone fires at him, would a battleship throw itself in harm's way and take the bullet (crushing 30 city blocks under its hull)?
    "A gunshot! Scramble all jets!"
  • Gotta protect him from pirates, right?

    You need multiple carrier groups to stop dudes in zodiacs. I've played Civ. I know how this works. You never know when the underdog is just gonna fuck your shit up for no apparent reason. I hope we're sending along entire armored divisions with air support so nobody kills him with a spear.
  • edited November 2010
    In the event that a man with a dagger is spotted, nuclear control will immediately be passed to Vice President Joe Biden to ensure that nuclear weapons are immediately fired at Bombay. No less than 30 Ohio-class subs will be stationed off the coast; at least 12 were commissioned just for this trip.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
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