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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • Having lost their base of religious crazy to the tea baggers, Newt Gingrich has a great idea for the Republicans:
    Pretend we like Latinos now.
    How is this not already part of their larger plan of "pretend we like non-rich people"?
  • Having lost their base of religious crazy to the tea baggers, Newt Gingrich has a great idea for the Republicans:
    Pretend we like Latinos now.
    How is this not already part of their larger plan of "pretend we like non-rich people"?
    Specificity I suppose?
  • image
    I enjoyed this comic, mainly because it's rare that PA actually notices politics outside of video game topics.

    //one annoying side of this is I wondered what the community thought of this comic and I have no clue where they have strip feedback I searched through the forums and they are nearly impossible to find what you are looking for.
  • //one annoying side of this is I wondered what the community thought of this comic and I have no clue where they have strip feedback I searched through the forums and they are nearly impossible to find what you are looking for.
    They have a particular philosophy on the "community" and as a result the forums are fairly detached from the franchise itself. Consider the two separate: there is no "official" feedback mechanism.
  • there is no "official" feedback mechanism.
    Well I was trying to find a thread where they might be discussing the strip with no luck.
  • Christian Science Monitor: Aherpa derpa Sarah Palin herpa derp derp Michelle Obama.See if you can point out the other painfully stupid lines from this editorial dreck. Here's my favorite:
    I do not believe it is the job of the federal government to teach us anything. It is simply part of the apparatus of compulsion and coercion whose job it is, at most, to main the basics of social order. When we allow it to become our Teacher we are elevating it to a role for which it has no comparative moral authority. Why should its values be authoritative? Why not my values? Why not your values?
    It's so rambling and sideways and whatever argument it makes has almost nothing to do with the article's actual title, which seems to indicate that Michelle Obama is bad for wanting to take on obesity. not only does not not make any point, but spins so wildly in it's own echo chamber that the rest of the article barely makes sense.
    The hypocrisy is also hilarious.
  • Obesity is not a moral value.
  • Obesity is not a moral value.
    If you go to the Church of Batter Fried Butter and Ho Ho's it is!
  • Obesity is not a moral value.
    Apparently Mrs. President wanting to improve the health of our citizens by suggesting that we refrain from shoving pizza and burgers and soda down the gullets of our youth makes her 'morally superior', according to the author.
    You know what? Fine. Eat like an animal. Just sign this paper that says when you and your spawn are all dying of type 2 diabetes and rolling around in wheelchairs since you are not capable of hauling your girth around on your own two legs, you can't get any medicare or medicaid and that you won't use any morally superior government services to help you.
  • This is nothing new, First Ladies have always had some sort public interest project since Eleanor Roosevelt. Where was the CSM when Nancy Reagan led "Just Say No"?
  • This is nothing new, First Ladies have always had some sort public interest project since Eleanor Roosevelt. Where was the CSM when Nancy Reagan led "Just Say No"?
    Don't you know that the women should just shut up, stay at home, and make babies?
  • Don't you know that the women should just shut up, stay at home, and make babies?
    And Dinner. Don't forget dinner.
  • Don't you know that the women should just shut up, stay at home, and make babies?
    And Dinner. Don't forget dinner.
    Maybe if more women stayed home and made dinner, we wouldn't need to "shove pizza and burgers and soda down the gullets of our youth."
  • Maybe if more women stayed home and made dinner, we wouldn't need to "shove pizza and burgers and soda down the gullets of our youth."
    All you need to do is pay men who work enough money to support a whole family!
  • All you need to do is pay men who work enough money to support a whole family!
    Or pay women enough money so that men can stay home and play video games all day.
  • All you need to do is pay men who work enough money to support a whole family!
    Or pay women enough money so that men can stay home and play video games all day.
    Where do I sign up? ^__^
  • All you need to do is pay men who work enough money to support a whole family!
    Or pay women enough money so that men can stay home and play video games all day.
    Where do I sign up? ^__^
    I'm still trying to figure that out.
  • Or pay women enough money so that men can stay home and play video games all day.
    You have to also mop and do the dishes if you stay home. What do you think your wife is paying you for? Sex?
  • edited January 2011
    You have to also mop and do the dishes if you stay home.
    Woman, stay out of our no work fantasies! As I say to Nuri, "I'll have none of your 'logic'."
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • What do you think your wife is paying you for? Sex?
  • Why are you guys talking about my life? (Jeremy that lucky SOB.)

    On a personal note, I've been working for 13 years now. I remember when I was younger, I wanted to work and thought the idea of being a housewife was horrible. Now, I really wouldn't mind that so much, except the having children part.
  • Or pay women enough money so that men can stay home and play video games all day.
    You have to also mop and do the dishes if you stay home. What do you think your wife is paying you for? Sex?
    I do mop, do the dishes, trash, cook and clean up. Granted my woman is too busy going to school and I want her to have as much free time to study as she possibly can have, but thats just my situation. The amount of work she does studying always astounds me.

    So sure! bring on the chores and the daytime dramas! I'll just make sure they're doramas rather than days of our lives mixed in with a healthy dose of gaming!
  • Granted my woman is too busy going to school and I want her to have as much free time to study as she possibly can have, but thats just my situation.
    I'm in that situation too. That's what semester breaks are for!
  • I would totally have children and stay home all day to cook, clean, take care of the kids and animals, and craft. I would be down with that. There's always volunteer work to get the useful contribution to society out of the way.
  • I would totally have children and stay home all day to cook, clean, take care of the kids and animals, and craft.
    As would I. If I ran a brewery on my property, and it was successful enough to allow me to stay home otherwise, I'd be all for that.
  • derp
    "Still, the House GOP moved forward on the repeal bill, settling on the parameters for the debate Thursday in a 12-hour Rules Committee session. Despite Speaker John Boehner's promises of transparency during his Wednesday swearing-in, the rules they emerged with are restrictive; Democrats are not allowed to introduce any amendments.

    "Elections have consequences," Rules Committee Chairman David Dreier (R-Calif.) told reporters."

    And the cycle of stupid continues.
  • Here's what gets me - the most, anyhow:
    According to the Congressional Budget Office, repealing the law would cost $230 billion over the next decade and upwards of $1 trillion in the decade beyond. The House GOP, however, exempts the cost of repealing health care in House rules that otherwise largely congressional action -- other than tax cuts -- from adding to the deficit.
    So they're literally just ignoring that. Flatly. Fuck these guys so much.
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