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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • Okay, does anyone remember the manufactured scandal around ACORN? Check this action out:
    James O'Keefe and Chris Christie: A Conglomeration of Motherfuckers:
    So here's the simple story: Fake pimp and wannabe rapist James O'Keefe, he of the deceptive videos that took down ACORN, decided that he hadn't gotten over teachers being mean to him when he was a kid in New Jersey. Since he's unable to blame himself for being suck a fuckbag, he took it out on the teachers. He and his merry band of fuckbags and spoogebuckets invaded the East Brunswick Hilton's bar in order to secretly video record teachers at a New Jersey Educators Association conference. What horrific things did he discover? That when they're not on the clock, adults drink and say stupid shit and make fun of their bosses. It's gotta be a scandal, no? No, but, hey, that's never stopped fuckbags from their acts of fuckbaggery.

    One teacher, Alissa Ploshnick, thinking she was just having a few drinks with a guy who was interested in her and her career, mentioned a case where a teacher had called a student a "nigger" and wasn't fired because of tenure protections. Ploshnick was suspended and denied a raise because she said the word "nigger" out loud. In a presumptively private conversation that she had no idea was being recorded. The conference, by the way, was about the education of special needs kids. Oh, and Ploshnick once threw herself in front of a speeding van to protect the kids it was heading for. Oh, and O'Keefe himself stalked her to her home to try to confront her about what she had said.

    Wait, wait. It gets even more absurd. With this information, O'Keefe's black lackey (hmm, there's a word for that, but the Rude Pundit can't remember it right now) called the superintendent of the Passaic County school system and posed as the parent of the child who was insulted. He wants to know how the teacher would be punished. The superintendent patiently informs the badgering lackey that tenure guarantees due process for the teacher followed by a probable reprimand, but not firing. Then, the lackey tells the superintendent that he'd rather move his child out of the class and "keep it quiet." At first, the superintendent is flummoxed by this, saying it won't solve the problem, but he agrees. O'Keefe says this indicates that the school system wants to cover-up racism by the teachers. Mission accomplished.

    Wait, wait. It gets even more absurd. So basically, even with the supposed juiciest parts edited into a charmingly nauseating package, what you've got is teachers after hours fucking around and a school superintendent trying to help a parent. So of course, Governor Chris "Notorious B.I.G." Christie shakes his jowls about it because if there's one thing Christie hates more than a lack of pie, it's unions, especially those shitheads in the teachers' union who don't just bow down to his enormous Christiosity. "If you need an example of what I’ve been talking about for the last nine months — about how the teacher’s union leadership is out of touch with the people and out of control — go watch this video," said the gelatinous governor.

    All we need is Fox "news" doing its 24/7 dance of mad glee, and the circle of life will be complete. Motherfuckers all, doing a jig on the sweat of the people who work to make life a little better for the rest of us, all because O'Keefe is such a little bitch who has no journalistic sense, only a desire to get back at people he hates. Someone should be there to face rape him every day of his life so he could know what a piece of shit he actually is.

    You know, not to offer such a self-aggrandizing scandal-monger any shot at redemption, but here's something James O'Keefe once wrote while an asshole conservative student at Rutgers in 2003: "Thousands of innocent people are confined to desperately scavenging for a job to feed their children while the criminals who took their livelihood throw multi-million dollar parties at ski resorts." He was outraged at people like Tyco CEO Dennis Kozlowski and other "vermin," as he put it, who dicked over their employees and stockholders and made billions. He wrote, "Of course, the general public doesn't seem to care. People focus more on Howard Dean's statement about 'southerners in their pick-up trucks' than on their hard-earned investment money being embezzled."

    That James O'Keefe sounds like he could have been a hell of a reporter.
    Fake journalism at it's worst.
  • I must say, I do enjoy reading the Rude Pundit. It's like a dose of Spider Jerusalem with my morning coffee each day.
  • edited November 2010
    This guy is one of the people Republicans want to put on the environmental committee. The other one gunning for the position is the second article.
    Wind is God’s way of balancing heat. Wind is the way you shift heat from areas where it’s hotter to areas where it’s cooler. That’s what wind is. Wouldn’t it be ironic if in the interest of global warming we mandated massive switches to energy, which is a finite resource, which slows the winds down, which causes the temperature to go up? Now, I’m not saying that’s going to happen, Mr. Chairman, but that is definitely something on the massive scale. I mean, it does make some sense. You stop something, you can’t transfer that heat, and the heat goes up. It’s just something to think about.
    WHAT. THE FUCKING. FUCK. YOU FUCKING MORON. I JUST...FUCK. The goal of the Republican part is apparently to put the least qualified, most moronic people in charge of things. As if that wasn't enough, John Shimkus (R-IL)says God won't allow global warming to happen.There is literally too much stupid to quote. But here's a taste:
    I do believe in the Bible as the final word of God," Shimkus told Politico Wednesday. "And I do believe that God said the Earth would not be destroyed by a flood."

    During a congressional hearing in March of 2009 on a proposed cap and trade bill, Shimkus quoted Genesis, saying, "Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though all inclinations of his heart are evil from childhood and never again will I destroy all living creatures as I have done."

    "I believe that's the infallible word of God, and that's the way it's going to be for his creation," he added. "The Earth will end only when God declares it's time to be over. Man will not destroy this Earth. This Earth will not be destroyed by a Flood. I do believe that God's word is infallible, unchanging, perfect."

    He also said the cap and trade legislation, which he says is the "largest assault on democracy and freedom in this country that I've ever experienced," would hurt plant life by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the air.

    "It's plant food," Shimkus said. "So if we decrease the use of carbon dioxide, are we not taking away plant food from the atmosphere?… So all our good intentions could be for naught. In fact, we could be doing just the opposite of what the people who want to save the world are saying."
    I don't even know what to say anymore.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • I don't even know what to say anymore.
    This is what you young people get for not voting.
  • John Shimkus (R-IL)says God won't allow global warming to happen.
    "I believe that's the infallible word of God, and that's the way it's going to be for his creation," he added. "The Earth will end only when God declares it's time to be over. Man will not destroy this Earth. This Earth will not be destroyed by a Flood. I do believe that God's word is infallible, unchanging, perfect."
    Yes, "God's" track record is excellent. Not only did he (mythologically) kill all but a single boat crew with a flood in the "past," but Moses only barely convinced him later not to kill off all of humanity in a hail of fire. Compassion. Restraint. Judiciousness. A Sith deity knows not these things.
  • This is what you young people get for not voting.
    I'm not in Illinois.

    However, yes, more young people need to get voting to fix crap like this.
  • If they had online voting we'd totally pwn the old people. I missed the hours of my polling place because I was working and had shit to do. My life does not stop because it is the 1st Tuesday of November.
  • edited November 2010
    I'm not in Illinois.
    You are also not young.

    George, If you truly cared about your country you would take a day off on election day and volunteer or leave early so you can vote OR fill out a absentee ballot ahead of time.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • I'm not in Illinois.
    You are also not young.

    George, If you truly cared about your country you would take a day off on election day and volunteer or leave early so you can vote OR fill out a absentee ballot ahead of time.
    Word. All of this is George's fault.

    Even though he doesn't live in either of those states.
  • edited November 2010
    No one actually counts absentee ballots.

    Anyway, not gonna take any crap for not voting. That was a busy week for me, I just didn't get around to it. I still pay a third of my income in taxes.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • No one actually counts absentee ballots.
    I assume you are joking.
  • No one actually counts absentee ballots.
    I assume you are joking.
    If you assumed that you wouldn't say that. You'd make a witty remark like, "oh yeah, we totally shred those as they're coming in." :P
  • If you assumed that you wouldn't say that. You'd make a witty remark like, "oh yeah, we totally shred those as they're coming in." :P
    It's just funny because I was at my counties Democratic meeting and one of the area leaders mailed everyone under 25 who was registered a democrat in her area a absentee ballot and they got back like 900 absentee ballots where as in my area there might have been like 20 total..
  • You are also not young.
    I'll always be younger than you, old man.
  • I'll always be younger than you, old man.
    Only until I spend some time near the speed of light ;-p
  • edited November 2010
    Here's something fun: The Encyclopedia of American Loons. It's only A-D at the moment, but they're adding entries on a steady basis.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • edited November 2010
    WHAT. THE FUCKING. FUCK. YOU FUCKING MORON. I JUST...FUCK.The goal of the Republican part is apparently to put the least qualified, most moronic people in charge of things. As if that wasn't enough, John Shimkus (R-IL)says God won't allow global warming to happen.There is literally too much stupid to quote.But here's a taste:
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Best way to stop people like this:
  • Tom DeLay was just convicted. Hooray! The only down side is it looks like he's going to get a slap on the wrist as far as jail time goes.
  • edited December 2010
    A republican wants to overturn the constitution in favor of state's rights. He complains that "Washington has grown far too large and has become far too intrusive, reaching into nearly every aspect of our lives". However, in typical giant-republican-hypocritical-douche-bag style, has a voting record that demonstrates he is more than willing to make provisions in the government that allow discrimination and restrict people's rights.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • A republican wants to overturn the constitution in favor of state's rights.He complains that "Washington has grown far too large and has become far too intrusive, reaching into nearly every aspect of our lives". However, in typical giant-republican-hypocritical-douche-bag style, has a voting record that demonstrateshe is more than willingto make provisions in the government that allow discrimination and restrict people's rights.
    I see your bad news and raise you one good news:

    The Pentagon has decided gays aren't so bad after all, and is requesting DADT be repealed.
  • Who called it that theRepublicans would continue to be the obstructionist party after the elections?
    Oh yeah, this guy.
    Only you and the rest of the country who didn't vote for them. I love that they rean on a whole 'change' platform and are staying more the same than the Dems did.
  • Who called it that theRepublicans would continue to be the obstructionist party after the elections?

    Oh yeah, this guy.
    Ah hell, let them do it. I would bet that it will backfire on them, just like it did in 1995 when that dumb ass Newt Gingrich tried something similar. They just don't get it, I don't believe that most people want Washington to work that way, no matter what their politics are.
  • Who called it that theRepublicans would continue to be the obstructionist party after the elections?
    Are they really going to shut down to the government so the wealthy can keep their 3% tax break? Seriously?
  • Hey being generally obstructionist didn't hurt them this year, why would it hurt them 2 years from now.
  • I think this kind of thing worked a lot better in the past, when it was harder to get accurate information about what's actually going on. Blah blah blah internet, blah blah blah ubiquitous information, blah blah blah forced transparency.
  • I think this kind of thing worked a lot better in the past, when it was harder to get accurate information about what's actually going on. Blah blah blah internet, blah blah blah ubiquitous information, blah blah blah forced transparency.
    blah blah blah no one actually reads or cares otherwise they'd have seen through the Republican's plan.
  • I think this kind of thing worked a lot better in the past, when it was harder to get accurate information about what's actually going on. Blah blah blah internet, blah blah blah ubiquitous information, blah blah blah forced transparency.
    blah blah blah no one actually reads or cares otherwise they'd have seen through the Republican's plan.
    I'm not saying that it's perfect yet, but I feel like this kind of thing has a much smaller effect now than it would've in '93. Maybe it's just the echo chamber effect, but I feel like largely the only people these kinds of stunts work on are old people. I don't see a lot of people in my age bracket who believe this kind of crap.
  • edited December 2010
    Having lost their base of religious crazy to the tea baggers, Newt Gingrich has a great idea for the Republicans:
    Pretend we like Latinos now.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
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